Sunday, August 30, 2020

For A Pleasant Sunday Afternoon You Can Try ---

See the source image

"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all."   --- 2 Thessalonians 3:16


1.) If you're a longtime reader here, brace yourself. Ready? As of this weekend, Tom and I have lived at Hobbit Cottage for 9 years. Nine!

We'd meant this to be a stop-over place, yet God led us here to age in place. And because He knows the future, it's always wisest to follow Him, even while the road is foggy.

2.) Ooooo.... this turn-of-the-century kitchen! And the view from her window--wow. Many of you will swoon.

3.) Now, I've viewed many train videos via Youtube, but having criss-crossed our Country 4 times, I'd say this video best illustrates how it feels to travel this old-fashioned way. 

If you're thinking you won't have a chance for train travel, videos like these may help make up for it.

4.) Mildred A. Wirt wrote most of the 1930's Nancy Drew books so I was thrilled to discover a Kindle book containing stories about Penny Parker, a character she enjoyed writing about even more.

For just .99 cents you can purchase The Penny Parker megapack containing 15 books. What a deal! 

5.) So while emptying used wax melts into custard cups, I noticed when they're full they resemble candles. 

What a great way to get additional use from old scented wax! So finally I ordered some cotton wicks, this kind--

--and after they arrive I'll begin placing them in the custard cups before pouring in the used wax. Great idea, right?

And never fear, I burn all candles inside containers, never upon a flat dish, even if the candle supposedly is a 'stand alone' one. (Wouldn't want you to worry about me.)  ツ

6.) My favorite game? 'Playing Books.' That's where you arrange your books on shelves by genre then place them in alphabetical order by author. The challenge? Trying not to become distracted by reading pages. Thoroughly enjoyable, this game.

But last week I made up another game which I call Homestead Tessie's Jar Game. In that game, you step down to your basement to unearth the canning jars (and others) you stored down there, then you search for more on the other 2 levels of your house.

Afterward, you wash all the jars and lids and place them upon folded tea towels to dry. Then you carry them all upstairs where you fill them with dried beans, rice etc. and add an oxygen absorber to each. Then you rearrange them upon a shelf till they look just right. 

Man, I love that game, also. 

Someday I'll share a photo, but I did want to mention Tractor Supply has canning jars for under $2 each via delivery. Awesome price these days and it's a wonder just to find them!

Ball Regular Mouth Jars, 32 oz., Pack of 12, 62000
7. My, my, my... They don't make mobile homes like they used to! This one is incredible: oh, how my closet envy reared its head.  

8.) Ha! You know about the I Ain't Doin' It lady, right? She cracks me up. And I really enjoyed hearing how 'This Whole Mess Got Started.' Funny, funny lady who's using an idea God gave her, rather than just sitting on it until someone else does.

Please use those God-given ideas while you still can, ok?

See the source image


"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Hobbit Cottage for 9 years and deciding to age in place there, I am aging in place too. I live in the house where we raised our children. I appreciate the Scripture you posted about forgiving others, it is a command, not a suggestion, so we must do it. Hard tho it is sometimes.

  2. Great ideas. All of them. I went and watched the kitchen video and it was very good.
    I'm truly enjoying living in our trailer right not. Ask me again in the winter when the snow is 3 feet deep. I hope it's still good or we may be renting an apartment for the winter months!

  3. So many fun things to see! I toured the old home (my goodness, the owner is a talented artist), I watched the "I ain't doin it" gal and love her, decided hubby and I are too claustrophobic for train travel (after watching the video), and now I'm going to get up out of this chair (if possible) and put oxygen absorbers on my list. What would we do without you, Debra? BTW, congratulations on 9 years in your lovely home. I thank God for my home and I know you and Tom are very grateful for yours, too. Bless you!

  4. You always seem to find the perfect things to share with us that I am sure I wouldn't ever run into on my own.

    I loved the old house AND even more, I loved that trailer but even more than that, I saw other videos advertised to watch after watching the one you shared and some were of tiny houses and yeah, I think one of those would be so awesome! (WHERE exactly I'd put all my "stuff" in one, I have no idea - I guess I'd have to downsize some. lol)

    No worries though as ever getting one (tiny house) is only a dream. I'd never be able to afford one anyways and too, I'm really happy and am truly content where I live at now but sometimes it's just fun to dream, right?! 😀

    Congrats to you and Tom on your 9 year Hobbit Cottage anniversary!

  5. Thanks so much, Everyone! I'm so glad you liked the links in this post. One of my very favorite things is discovering others enjoy what I recommend. There are so many blessings to be found on the Internet! And thanks for your congrats about our having lived here 9 years. I appreciate that as well. Life is good here! Blessings, Debra


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