Saturday, August 15, 2020

Fight With Joy, Ok?

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"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope... Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer...And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”   ---Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 12:12, Nehemiah 8:10


Yikes! This morning I listened to a favorite 'freedom fighter' and well, she was kinda 'losing it'. Our Country's foolishness (not to mention sin) threatens to push her over into a persistent anger, frustration.

Oh dear.

I reached out my finger tips to her forehead on the screen and prayed that she'd receive what God longed to give her: the peace of obedience and an assurance of faith that if she does her part, God will do His. And that her part is enough. God expects no more than that from us.

I love freedom fighters. 

While folks sleep nearby, they watch out the window and see approaching armies, invisible to others. They try to awaken those in the dark room's beds, but when they can't? They don their armor, climb down the stairs, then step outside to fight and protect the sleeping.

Afterward, weary, they step back inside to slumberers who roll over and ask, "Did you sleep well?" to which they reply simply, "Not really," then they lie down and rest while the others go out into the day, the battlefield cleared for now, clueless.

Yet for the fighters I would say:

Never forget the joy of the Lord is your strength. Not anger. Not frustration. Not fear of, "But what if--?"
Consistent faith in a good, loving God will bring hope.
And hope brings anticipation.
With anticipation there's assurance that God's side wins.
And that all shall be well--in time.

And one last thing:

Those who expose evil rather than live beside it peaceably? They shall be blessed, now, and in the world to come. 

But they must remember this: for all battle moments spent, spend an equal (or more-than) time sitting with God receiving His compassion from a job well done--

---and allow Him to touch, to heal, every wound so you can return to the battle again with obedience's joy and the memory of the soothing touch from such a glorious, loving Father.

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"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up....Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts...and be thankful. "   ---Galations 6:9, Colossians 3:15

Or as Sean Feucht said it--

This moment right here is a summation of my 36th year of life.
In Cal Anderson Park (formerly CHOP) singing songs to Jesus while people behind me lob curses/obscenities at me/my family while satanist roam throughout the crowd and antifa trashes our gear. 🤣🤪🤣🤪
Pressing through all that craziness though, God brings us an unexpected gift in the form of a Muslim dude (or at least he’s wearing Muslim garb) who spontaneously dances with outrageous joy and song next to me on the last song.
All I can do in response is laugh uncontrollably.
My life is yours Jesus. You’re the Good Shepherd. I’ll do whatever you want me to do and go wherever you want me to go.
I’m sure it will all be insanely wild, spontaneous, full of resistance and yet full of unexpected joy.
My 37th year is yours starting today.
Love and thanks to those rolling with us in this season. Love to all the haters too.


On Thursday, Naomi brought us jars of Oui yogurt. Have you seen their adorable jars?

I placed a tealight inside one on our kitchen windowsill. Made my heart extra happy.

Tom and I watched the quirkiest movie yesterday! We saw it via Hulu and it's called, Where'd You Go, Bernadette? Highly recommended. (It had less than 5 'naughty words', and was otherwise fine, fun and thought-provoking. Not a chick-flick: Tom liked it even more than I did.) ツ

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“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold, is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”
Thomas Jefferson

How is God asking you to bring His light into the world at this time?


"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I love those little jars! But your pics aren't showing for me. : )

  2. The photos are showing for me. Another good post Debra. Trying to fight the evil in todays world is a never ending battle. I sure appreciate those who are fighting day and night. I always remember how prayer warriors are depicted in Frank Peretti's books. The angels and demons fighting and the angels being given power by the prayers of the saints. What an amazing word picture.

  3. See them now! 😊

  4. This current battle being fought has been going on for quite a while and no one knows what tomorrow will bring. We are called to serve. I am reminded of that children's chorus (with fun motions) that says, "I may never fight in the cavalry, fly o'er the enemy, shoot the artillery...but I'm in the Lord's army!" I know...strange how my mind works. But hey, that little song is a great reminder that each of us has a purpose to fulfill, every single day of our lives. We have a faithful, all-knowing Commander in Chief who loves us and empowers us. These might be difficult times, but he does have plans for ultimate good. I believe!!!

  5. Have you seen the movie called The Lady In The Van? Maggie Smith is the lady. Netflix has it. Sarah

  6. Angela--thanks for letting me know you couldn't see the photos! From now when I share photos from my camera I'll do the 'save as' option rather than 'copy and paste'. I think that's what made the difference for you. Blogger recently changed its dashboard and I'm still trying to figure out the changes. :)

    Betsy--yes! It's good to appreciate the warriors as well as be them, also. :) There's much fighting in the spirit realm from our prayers but lately I keep remembering all the things Jesus told us to actually *do*. And that I can't recall anyone mentioned in the Bible who only prayed and did nothing else. Really, I've been trying to think of an example. heh. We all have a vital part to play and I intend to do my whole part as I know you do also!

    Pam--so true! We really all are called to serve. Oh, and I remember that song and I also taught it to my kids' church kids! Thanks for the reminder. :)

    Sarah--yes, I did see that movie--it was great! I believe I even mentioned it here in my blog years ago and just a few months ago Joyce Meyer spoke about it which is unusual that she'd mention a specific movie so it must have impressed her, also!

    Thanks so much, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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