Thursday, June 18, 2020

June This And That

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1.) Earlier this month I began a What's Better Since March 2020 list. Oooo, how encouraging is the length of it! These were personal, local and national things which have improved since this covid-19 insanity began.

I highly recommend this activity. シ

2.) So. Last week I discovered a video titled, 47 Vintage Photos Showing Young People During the 1970's. The first photos made me smile and remember the clothes, the hair, the friendships, our innocence back then! With much happiness I recalled it all.

Yet that's exactly what saddened me as the photos went on. I became all teary-eyed. It all felt so far away, so lost, so gone. Gah.

3.) My friend, Susan, sent me a photo of a mask I might like. Heh. I'll certainly consider one like this! ツ

Image may contain: 1 person

4.) Finding yourself getting mad at the rioters these days? For years this verse has calmed me down so I can pray with some compassion and understanding, instead, for anyone acting idiotic. Really, this one works well:

Image may contain: one or more people and cloud, text that says '+ In their case, the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God Corinthians 4:4'

5.) Western New York is in Phase 3! 

And that means my dearly loved cafe opens this week. Hooray! But alas, just 2 days and only half-capacity which means, like, only 5 people can sit inside. But Amy is still doing a pre-order pick-up on Saturdays. 

Oh well! One day, one week at a time. It's progress, not to mention answered prayer. I'll take it. I've helped fight for it.

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6.) Now, I've recommended Homestead Tessie's videos before, but this one from March which I spied this week? It made me gasp! (Her husband is speaking at first.) Just think about it, consider the date (and the events since) and then read Revelation 6:1-4

Wow. Still blowing my mind. (But again, it's just something to consider, ok? Personally, I enjoy considering wild biblical ideas.) シ

7.) Does this look incredibly inviting, or what? Often since March I've used my mind to imagine myself in such places. It's still legal to do that, you know.

Image may contain: people sitting, ocean and table
(Thanks, Tracy, for sharing this at Facebook from A Hygge-ish Life.)

8.) How are your gardens coming along? I get excited every morning just walking along mine, noting the previous day's growth. Happy sigh.

9.) Oh, and if that 1970's video, above, also bums you out? You can zip over here and be cheered. Now, this is how a girl's 13th birthday should be!

10.) And this. Do this. If not now, then when?

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You can do this! You can, with Christ you can do all things. With joy, even.

No, really.


Oh and color me still so grateful for Open Library. I've used it often during these turbulent times to be all, 'Calgon, take me away-ish.' Currently I'm reading this book.

Image may contain: 1 person

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."   --- Isaiah 41:10

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"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. All good ideas that you've shared today. Our public health doctor isn't giving us any hope about getting to Phase 3 anytime soon. I went to my first "real" doctors appt today since all of this begain. All of the others have been on ZOOM. This was my annual full body check for melanoma at the dermatologist. A bit difficult to do online! :-). SInce melanoma is huge in our family, I have to do this once a year. It was SCARY going into a doctors office. There I was in a hospital gown and a mask. Strange.
    Take care Debra.

  2. Thanks for commenting, Betsy! It really does feel like a different world. To me? I beleive a huge shift in the spiritual realm happened and it's showing itself before our very eyes. There's much reaping what has been sown. Hang in there! We'll keep seeing more changes, but greater is He who is within us and He'll enable us to face what we must and fight what we can. Blessings, Debra


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