Saturday, April 04, 2020

Some Self Quarantine Fun, Hints, Help and ?

"The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." ... Psalm 18:2


1.) Have you created new patterns and soothing rituals yet for these new-to-us days? Tom and I have and we're reaping the good from them. And mind rest. You're doing lots of mind rest breaks, right? We all need those.

2.) Go outside, ok? Even if it's just in your yard. I don't care who says it's not safe to do so--do it anyway. We all need the air, sun, breezes, sky, the scent of soil and birdsong. We do.

3.) Those Jiffy mixes I sent for? They arrived in just 2 days! Wow. How sweet to experience some bygone normalcy.

4.) Speaking of Jiffy mixes: here's a so-easy dessert-or-breakfast recipe I've made a hundred times. (You can also use less than a whole cake mix.)

Grease a pie dish. 
Cover the bottom with frozen blueberries or canned pineapple (leave in maybe half the juice) or canned or fresh peaches sliced thin.
Sprinkle a dry Jiffy cake or muffin mix (half a mix works, also) evenly over top. Shake some cinnamon over all.
Pour 3 tbl. melted butter and 3 tbl. oil, blended, over all (perhaps more if you're using frozen blueberries or fresh peaches).
Place in 350 degree oven for 35 minutes. Remove. Stir a tad to moisten any still-dry cake mix. Serve warm or cold.

5.) These tasks annoy me, but for safety's sake I wipe down (read: wash) all our delivered groceries. Cans, bottles, boxes, etc. Also I place our mail in a box for a week or longer so germs will have time to fade.

6.)  I shared this at Facebook--

Oh good! My former town's Facebook page reminded me that many folks everywhere are placing teddy bears, hearts, Easter eggs or rainbows in their windows so families can walk/drive by and count how many they spy. In our whole house we have just one bear, so there he went into our front window.  
Don't you just love how creative people become in hard times?

7.) The current principal of my old high school shared this in a letter to his students: 

"This situation we find ourselves in will reveal your true character." --Terry Hernandez

Exactly! (And perhaps that's what is actually scaring some folks?)

8.) Now, this was one excellent, sentimental, funny, take-me-away movie. We watched via Disney Plus. Highly recommended.

9.)  I also shared this over at Facebook--

Spied this over at my old hometown's group and loved it! Then immediately felt sad about that certain 1 item per order limit. That they must uphold that these days. sigh. (Just being real here...)
"Called to check on my folks today see if they needed anything. They went to the only store in town and just needed a couple things. When checking out they were told they could only get 1 bread item. So they kept the sandwich bread and put back the hamburger buns, paid and were leaving when a store employee they know called out to them and ran over and put the buns back into the cart. She had purchased a bottle of water and the buns so she could give them the bread they needed!! Thank you for looking out for our seniors!! So proud of the small town I grew up in! Still raising people that care!"

10.) Oh! And yesterday we watched Togo (also via Disney Plus) and Tom insisted it was the best dog movie he's ever seen, high praise from a guy who's watched them all. シ

11.) Oh and I recently added 24 mg's of zinc to my daily vitamin regimen. Naomi recommended it (she's, like, our health nurse) to boost our immunity and I've seen it touted elsewhere, also.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Remember: Now's a great time to do some of those things you always wished you had time for!  

Though yeah, there's this, below.  ツ   


And these days? Color me grateful that we have stairs in our house and that I'm climbing up and down them all day long--heh:

                                                                                                                                                                             **  Here's what else I take on a regular basis.(I've been sick only twice in 9 years whereas I used to catch everything.)  

5,000 units of Vitamin D3 
2,000) units of Vitamin C (divided doses)
1 acidolphilus capsule
2,000 units of krill oil (divided doses)
500 units of magnesium

And lately? 24 mg.'s of zinc
Lots of forgiveness toward others
And much godly, peaceful contentment

I would tell you I exercise and eat right, but that would make me a Big Fat Liar.   ツ                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I like that bread-hamburger bun story. Blessed my ❤️!

  2. I liked the grocery story too. This is bringing out the best in most people. Unfortunately the worst in some too, but mostly good from what I've seen.
    It's been snowing and COLD here all week but the sun is out today and next week in the 50's so I hope to be outside more.
    Take care my friend.

  3. Thanks for this post, I wrote down the two movie ideas, and I like that number 9 about the item limit. I want to remember "you are not stuck at home, you are safe at home".

  4. I made a mixture of 4-5 teaspoons regular bleach to 1 Cup of water and put it in a spray bottle - that's how I spray down all the mail, all the grocery items that come in - even money. Then I dry them all off, making sure to get every side. Then I leave them alone to dry and go wash my hands real well. I read that bleach is a better disinfectant than alcohol, and I've got a whole gallon of bleach (also hard to come by in stores right now). Stay well and keep writing!!

  5. Yes, we might see who we really are during these difficult times. Once in awhile, fear takes over, but then we know Who can take care of that! I love the Little Debbie--Big Deborah pics. Hey, I only had half the pan of brownies (with pecans) yesterday...Hugs to everyone!


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