Monday, April 13, 2020

So Will I Come Out of Self-Isolation Bitter or Better?

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ."   ... Colossians 3:23. 24


Way back (less than a month ago, eegads) when the powers-that-be first ordered us to burrow at home, I sat at the dining room table putting on my make-up. I called over to Tom in his recliner, "I'll apologize right now for just slapping on my make-up during the duration of all this."

He chuckled. I smiled. 

But the Holy Spirit? He rolled His eyes. "Really?" He asked. "You're aiming for mediocrity already?"

Gulp. He got me there. 

Hey. I know how mediocrity works. You start small, say, let the laundry slide a couple weeks, skip sweeping the floors, eat only carbs and chocolate and bam! Suddenly you're in stained, too-tight clothes stepping around sticky kitchen floors, searching messy cupboards for chocolate bars long ago scarfed down.

Sloppiness always starts with tiny compromises.

So yeah. Next day I put on my make-up with care so I'll look pleasant for my husband who's locked-up spending his quarantine time with me. And for myself, actually. Daily I wear make-up so I'll look presentable for me during my one and only life upon Earth.

(I know, I know. You don't wear make-up. I get it. And if I had your scar-free, smooth, sweet skin I might not either. But I don't so I do, ok?) シ

Moving on.

I'm determined these coronavirus days will make me better, not bitter. That someday I'll step out our red door, not just free, but more educated, creative, skilled and compassionate.

That I'll have spent the majority of my hours focused on learning how to better keep --

our food pantry supplied
trying new recipes
meals cheap, but varied and interesting
the house running efficiently
the garden growing well
informed, but not overwhelmed (nor frustrated)
exercising when I'd, ugh, rather not
encouraging everyone I know.

And also? Keeping the Holy Spirit, my for-everything healer(including a lousy, it's-all-a-conspiracy attitude), so close. May He need only whisper--not shout--when I even think of becoming a sloth till summer.

I have my excuses to be a slacker, of course. We all do. But there comes a time--and this is certainly one--when God expects us to practice what He spent decades teaching us.

And wow, what He's taught us. And taught us. And taught us.

"If you focus more on your joys you'll have fewer sorrows." -- Bruce Van Horn

Yes, we've lost much control over our lives and perhaps it will only partially return. But what I'm trying to do? Besides remembering God's still in control, I also remind myself there's much I can still control within myself, my home, my yard. And that's where self-discipline becomes more important than ever. In other words, I can stay mad or I can remain busy with good things.

"Whatever you are facing--- worship your way through it!" --- Paula White-Cain


I'm loving all those inspirational Youtube videos about how to make 370 meals for $40 (well......). Here's a good video with lots of use-what-you-have recipes.

 And as I shared at Facebook:

Well, I'm feeling more Grace when it comes to cooking (thank-goodness), but still, some extra inspiration never hurts and hey! I found lots of free Kindle cookbooks this morning. Here you go (just make sure your choice is truly free before you click to buy). Have fun!


Oh, and over the weekend via Amazon, Tom and I watched Dark Waters. Wow. Very informative and another reminder that heroes don't always appear as we imagine.

(Rated PG-13. Based on a true story. There was just a smattering of language, otherwise everything else, to me anyway, was fine.)


"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Good Morning Debra. I have to admit, my life hasn't changed a whole lot. I am concerned about freedoms that may have disappeared forever through this, but I'm not allowing myself to dwell on them at this moment. There will be a time for that if necessary.
    I've gotten out of the house two days in a row! Shocker! I love being home but yesterday we actually went to the lake and opened up the trailer. No one else was there so it was still social distancing. We got an email last week saying that the resort is considered an "essential business". What? I don't understand, but I AM happy that God has blessed us with being able to go to our trailer and enjoy it this spring. We won't be able to stay there until after May 1 and the rules may change again by then. Our cases are rising quickly again so who knows what will happen by then.
    This morning I got my second grocery order from Walmart. It took almost two weeks to get a time slot and I had to set my alarm for midnight, 2 and 4 am to be able to snag today's time. I stocked up a bit, not knowing when I'll be able to get more. It feels good to have a full pantry again. It's been almost a month since we got groceries and I don't like seeing empty spaces.
    Take care my friend.

  2. Before the virus started spreading in the US, hubby and I purchased a small home nearer our kids. It's an older home that needs some work, and we had planned to have some updates done. All that has changed now. We've been going back and forth between our places, cleaning the new purchase. At this time, we don't want to take unnecessary risks, so we won't be going out to buy paint and supplies. We will simply do what we can safely do at this time. I feel happy and grateful to be able to get out and make progress on this sweet little place. Although life looks different, I want to continue to dream dreams and find ways to be productive. It IS possible for us to come out better--even with this virus challenging the entire world. God is still God.


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