Thursday, March 26, 2020

Probably You're More Prepared For This Than You Thought

"Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. "   … Proverbs 16:3


So I forgot to tell you Tom's worked from home since last Wednesday.

That used to be my office, now I've moved upstairs to the guest room which, in essence, has more light so I'm happier. Besides, one must come to the aid of her Country in these times so color me doing my patriotic duty.


But yes, my life, as has yours, has changed. No need for me to detail what's different here: you already know--and can guess--because of what you, also, are dealing with.

Yet what I'm thinking? On some hidden levels God prepared both you and me for these coronavirus social distancing days. Really. Perhaps for months/years--

You taught yourself to plan ahead. To keep on shelves not only extra groceries, but those tiny things you forget about until you need them. You create weekly meal plans, know how to shop like a pro online, have a household system in place, etc.

You developed peaceful, daily rituals which comfort you in their doing, especially now. You made your home a happy place.

You learned skills which help you today. Crockpot cooking, creating something from nothing, growing your own food, easily locating information via the Internet, (etc. to infinity and beyond).

You collected books, dvd's, craft supplies, song playlists, favorite teachers, etc. which are whisking your mind to more peaceful places.

You discovered friends who are making you smile via social media or phone calls, ecards, emails. You've learned to notice when someone may need encouragement and to speak up when you require some.

You chose boldness and met your neighbors who now help you and vice versa.

You developed disciplines which keep your stress level down. You exercise, don't over-watch the News, take your vitamins, drink water, walk, stay calm so you don't snap at your family, etc.

And the hours you spent drawing closer to God? Your experiential adventures with Him?  Priceless now.

Well, you know. Especially if you've learned to listen to the Holy Spirit via your conscience? 

I'm thinking you're finding lately that all this our-world-has-changed stuff isn't world-ending. Or you're nearing that place, calming down. That stress pressure in your stomach is vanishing, or at least, lessening. The grey, vague sort of grief cloud in your head is dimming.

And acceptance is finally here. Now you can think more clearly, even write lists of the delights remaining and all the good that is still to come.

And in our acceptance? This. Always this--

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."   … Romans 15:13

Whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.

                         The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance.

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.

                                        In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. 

                                    Do not be anxious about anything...

Stars over snow, 
And in the West a planet
Swinging below a star.
Look for a lovely thing
And you will find it.
It isn't far--
It never will be far.

--- Sara Teasdale


"The more experience you have with God, little by little the more you begin to trust Him. And pretty soon it just becomes natural. You don't worry or need to have the answers for everything because you know God is faithful."   …   Joyce Meyer

Need to go someplace beautiful? I recommend here.

And would you like to visit Chip and Joanna Gaines in their home during isolation? Go here.

"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I really enjoyed this post today because so much of it does apply to my life. There is still a huge stress for me in the fact that Dennis is still working from the office and not at home. He's considered an essential business and although I am SO VERY grateful that he's still working, it's stressful that he has to be around other people. After all, we ARE in that high risk group for several reasons.
    I spend a lot of time praying for everyone in the world, but especially my dear husband.
    Thank you for your encouraging words today my friend.

  2. I wish I could just stay home and ride this thing out. My husband, one of my daughters, (who lives with us,) and myself are all still working. We are grateful that we are able to work, because no work=no pay and that would be a disaster. I am having a very hard time relaxing. Every morning this week, I have gotten up, opened up my Bible and cried. Maybe because my daughter is a nurse at the local hospital caring for patients who have tested positive for co-vid. Maybe because I am out at work around coworkers and it's difficult to practice social distancing while we are filing online orders. Maybe because one of my sons is now unemployed as are 2 other family members. Maybe because I know 4 ladies who are pregnant and they are nervous about possibly catching this virus. Maybe because I worry about my husband being exposed at his job site down in Newark. Maybe it's because my 3 year old great nephew is battling cancer and can't get this virus. Believe me, I have a tremendous amount of faith, I know that God is in control. But sometimes life is just really a lot at one time.

    That's quite the set-up Tom has there! I'm sure in your little house it must be hard having him home all the time. As everyone is saying, this too shall pass.

  3. His promises and presence surely bring perspective, don't they?!?

  4. We probably are much more prepared to weather life's storms than we realize. If our faith is in God, and He goes before us, and fights on our behalf, then it's easier to believe there is light at the end of the tunnel. It's a whole lot easier for me to have confidence in Him than in myself!

    Debra, I'm really glad to hear that Tom is home. Hoping your weather has started warming up a bit so you can spend time outdoors. Loved watching Joanna Gaines baking choc chip cookies. Love that family! Have a good weekend. BTW, how's Naomi doing?


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