Sunday, March 29, 2020

"I Wish I Could Stay Home."

"She works with eager hands. 

She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar...

she provides food for her family ... 

out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. 

She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. 

In her hand she ... grasps the spindle with her fingers. 

She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. 

When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet."   ... From Proverbs 31


For 40 years Tom and I would introduce ourselves to women behind desks in banks/real estate/tax offices. They'd turn to me (eventually) and ask, "And what do you do?", to which I'd smile and respond, "I'm a happy homemaker."

Most often they'd quip, "Oh! I wish I could stay home." Then they'd add one of these--

"I've tons of books I'd love to read."
"I'd so enjoy spending more time with my kids."
"If only I could garden all the time." Etc.

Well, good gracious. If only I had $5 for every sentence I've read these past 2 weeks beginning with-- 

"Now that we're all stuck at home," or 
"My kids are making me crazy," or 
"I can't wait until social distancing is over cuz I've got to get out of this house!"

One celeb even said, "I knew retirement would be like this and that's why I'll never retire." (Don't get me started on how wrong the comparison presently is.)

Anyway, it reminds me of all the times Joyce Meyer stated, "We never know what's really inside us until we're being squeezed. What comes dribbling out is who we truly are."


Now, here's where I could take many tangents, like, how wild that folks spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on their homes, yet don't even enjoy being there. Or---

But no. Let me, instead, express that I hope these isolation times stir up a new empathy in peoples' hearts for homemakers, nannies, shut-ins and others who stay home. 

And perhaps? Maybe? Even a new, open-mouthed respect for we who've used our imaginations and created a happy, inspiring, welcoming place inside our 4 walls over the decades we could have just slumped here, made no one feel loved and cared-for and, instead, complained. Whined. And died of boredom.

But yeah, I don't quite have faith enough to believe for that.

But what I do have? Extreme gratitude for the home-loving attitude God's helped me cultivate. And how He's taught me to welcome challenges because they make us grow. They teach us skills like making something from nothing, leaving us with a joy of satisfaction and no need to compare ourselves with others.

So where am I all these home-loving decades later? Let's just say if a day within my home (and yard) fails to delight or challenge me to make today better than yesterday? Well, it's just my own darn fault.

The possibility for wonder, creativity, was there. It always is. Grace always is.

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men..."   ... Colossians 3:23

An imagination. Don't stay home without it.  シ

"And he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold and silver and bronze..."   ... From Exodus 35

The possibility for creative activity at home? Endless.

Here's a fun, interesting story for lovers of all things vintage:

This Purse Was Lost Behind A Locker From The 1950's


"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I DO still need cupcakes too! I love that Meme. And, although I'm so, so, so sorry for the reason we're all staying home, I'm loving every moment of being here. That's not to say I don't miss doing my grocery shopping on a regular basis and knowing that the items I want to buy are available. But I'm loving being home every night and all weekend with my dear husband.
    Last night I made the most delicious homemade chicken noodle soup and biscuits. I really do enjoy every moment of being home but then, my life hasn't changed a whole lot once you take the errands we used to run out of the picture. I'm a definite homebody at heart. I have had so many people ask me since I quit working 12 years ago, "what do you DO all day?" Oh my goodness. There is so much to do.
    Stay well my friend.

  2. Yep, please pass the cupcakes to me, also! Actually, I made a small batch of chocolate chip cookies yesterday, and hubby and I were in hog heaven. We've always enjoyed a simple life, and "shuttering in place" isn't much different from our regular routine. I will admit that I'm constantly praying for our kids and exercising my maternal rights to lecture them on hand washing.

    Debra, I just love that comment from Joyce Meyer about what comes out of us when we're being squeezed. Exactly!! Also enjoyed reading about the red purse.

    BTW, I got so sick of the news that I went out and weeded the garden and got most of the landscaping weeded over the past two days. I slept better (probably due to fresh air and work) and plan to spend part of every day outside, when weather permits.

    Have a great week everybody!


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