Friday, February 21, 2020

Broken Things

"... God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power--He went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him."  ... Acts 10:38


So while ol' Debra was on vacation from blogging (did you notice?), some drunk guy kicked in the window of my dearly-loved local coffee shop. At 4:15 a.m..  While Amy was there. Alone.

Fortunately he didn't try to enter and the police did find him (followed the blood trail maybe? Good grief.).

Sheesh. Often I've sat at that very table, praying for Amy's safety those wee dark morning hours and that there'd be no burglaries. I don't recall praying those big windows would never be broken, though guess what I've added to my prayer list? 

Amy reopened this morning and what a joy to return and hand her a tip 8 times my order to help make up for, a little, some lost business revenue (one way of shoving back darkness). I could tell she appreciated it.

There are basically two ways to live in this world. 

1.) We can hate and complain about drunken idiots and others who do Life all wrong --or-- 2.) We can, like Jesus did, go about doing good, sowing beauty and joy into this limping world.

And this will be an odd note to end on, but while walking home from the cafe this chilly morning I thought, "How interesting of God to give us actual permission to avoid our friends who are angry/haters, lest we become like them."

 No, really. Interesting.

"I know that the Lord is always on the side of the right; but it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation may be on the Lord's side." - Abraham Lincoln

 Oh wow! Loved this update from Amy on her Facebook cafe page (she had to close early!)--- 

" Today has been such an amazing day, I️ can’t thank you all enough for all of the love and support!
We are SOLD OUT!
Can’t wait to see you all tomorrow! -Amy"


What did I do on my winter vacation? I traveled all over the United States with Adam the Woo. Gee, we had fun.  シ

Adam Visits His Hometown

Wall Drug Store

Tombstone, Arizona

Mount Rushmore

Route 66 (Series)

And what I picked up as a souvenir because of something I spied? This below, 14 inches tall, to add to my lighted heart in the dining room window. Love it (lit up it's actually all bright white) --

My blurry version--

If we're not enjoying our daily life it's most often because somewhere we lost our sense of adventure, creativity, and the excitement of knowing Jesus.

Just sayin'. ツ

Image may contain: 1 person, bird

"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I've been praying for Amy and her coffee shop since I read about the break-in on FB. I'm glad she was able to open again relatively quickly and how sweet of you to give her an added monetary boost.
    I wasn't too worried about your absence since I saw you on FB, but I'm glad you're back. And thank you for the sweet little ducklings. They brought a smile to my face this morning. I'm trying to turn my worries over to the Lord, but this virus does have me worried. A travel warning for the US to Japan. And our sweet Tara is flying to Tokyo from London this morning to visit our son, Alex for a week. My Mama's heart is concerned.
    We have had 4, possibly 5 people flown here to our city to be put into isolation units who have tested positive and in Omaha, where our daughter is a nurse, they have 12 in isolation units who have tested postive. She doesn't work at that hospital, but still....
    I know God doesn't want us to worry. I know that. But as a Mom I'm having a difficult time with it. Would you pray for my children and for me to turn them over to the Lord. He loves them more than I do.
    Thank you my dear friend.

  2. So glad that Amy wasn't hurt during the break-in! Sometimes this kind of stuff makes you wonder what's going on, but I know God can turn anything negative into something good. Sounds like He gave Amy a real boost on her first day back. Debra,the picture of those little ducks and geese warmed my heart! We are only about a month away from spring! Yay!!
    Betsy, I will pray for your children's safety. I understand your concern.

  3. Hi Debra,

    Add me to the list of those who are happy that Amy wasn't hurt. Who knows WHAT could or would have happened to her if you hadn't been praying for her, ya know?! So happy that your little coffee shop is back open again and doing well.

    Also loved the pic of those darling little ducks. They are so, so cute!

    Thanks too for sharing the quote that you shared that "If we're not enjoying our daily life it's most often because somewhere we lost our sense of adventure, creativity, and the excitement of knowing Jesus." Much as I hate to admit it, I sometimes think that at times I've lost mine - it just seems that there's never time enough to do the adventure/creative stuff. I'm going to work on it though, I mean on making some time for it!

    Thanks again for an awesome post. (HUGS)

    ** Waving "hi" to Betsy and Pam!

  4. BETSY ...

    Oops, just me again - I went back and fully read the comments you wrote and want you to know that I'm praying that God will keep your kids safe from this virus.

    I totally understand that it's hard not to worry but even so, when you get feeling that way (in the worrying mode), just stop and minute and think that ... "God's got this!"

    P.S. Please, when you read this - I don't want you to take it that I am in any way at all diminishing your fears because that's not what I meant ... I'm just trying to (hopefully!) be an encouragement to you. (HUGS)


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.