Friday, December 06, 2019

When We Remove 'Little' From Our Vocabulary

"Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil."   ... Ephesians 5:15,16

"Do small things with great love."   ... Mother Theresa


Last November (2018) I sat at my usual cafe table sipping coffee, reading, and half-listening to Amy, one of the owners, chat with her uncle.

Yet when she told him, "Our first year ended last month and turns out we made around _____ dollars. Now, that wasn't much, but at least we finished in the black. Lots of businesses lose money their first year." --

--I stopped mid-bite of my muffin and my eyes grew wide. I did some math inside my head (no easy feat) and the crazy thing? I'd contributed nearly half of their first year's profit.

Oh my! Suddenly I understood why God had nudged me to walk there even through the snow, ice and 5 degrees, often after talking myself out of melting upon my cozy red couch. I remembered sitting often at the cafe table praying-in customers from off the street and also for Amy's encouragement when no one else stepped inside.

Little things. Do they even exist? That November morning I accepted, with finality, that every detail in God's plans is huge. Important. Go dismissing, ignoring, the details and what God meant to happen? It just may get tweaked into something less-than.

You know, something folks will have to settle for and an unfinished obedience we, ourselves, will have to live with for all eternity in Heaven. 

But oh, to see God's original ideas through to completion just the way He asked!

So today I'll meditate more upon the importance of-- 

--holding doors open for folks. 
--wishing others happy birthday (going beyond just the basic, "Happy birthday.").
--asking God to make me a blessing wherever I go, even if that journey is online.
--watching all eagle-eye-like for those who need encouragement. Then speaking/doing what the Holy Spirit whispers.
--asking God, "Who needs a gift today?"
--visiting neighbors, waving, smiling at everyone around my town.
--answering (not neglecting) emails, blog comments, phone calls.
--sharing my food, my blessings, my testimony.

--and whatever else He asks of me. Not for the sake of numbers, of course, but simply because God's ideas for kindness are endless and may I leave none of His plans for me, undone.

I've heard there are books of remembrance in Heaven where our deeds of loving obedience are listed and oh my! May our book not be just a skinny paperback, but rather, a thick, heavy (heavy!) volume, instead.

"And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint."  ... Galations 6:9

"Then those who feared the Lord [with awe-filled reverence] spoke to one another; and the Lord paid attention and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him of those who fear the Lord [with an attitude of reverence and respect] and who esteem His name."   ... Malachi 3:16

It all matters. Nothing in God's economy is unimportant.

"We live Life forward, but understand it backward."   ... Joyce Meyer


Okay, these 2 abandoned mansions were just too cool. Too. Cool.


And oh! Found another fun show on Youtube: Huckabee. His talk show studio is probably the nicest one I've ever seen. Love the design and colors.


"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I often think about the story of entertaining angels while you are unaware. The smallest thing we do for someone else really DOES matter. I talk to everyone we meet because I want them to know they are important to me. My kids think I'm crazy and did it to embarrass them when they were younger. They understand more now that they're older.
    I know there is so much MORE that I can do. I pray God will show me the things He wants me to do to fulfill His plan for me here on earth.
    Oh, we had carolers come to our house last night! It's the first time we've ever had carolers. We were having our Bible study group and these two young people rang the doorbell. They are from a mission in the Phillipines. It was beautiful. The timing was impeccable. We had just had prayer time when they arrived. How fun!
    Wishing you a wonderful and blessed day my friend.

  2. Good words.

    I love Huckabee! He's so lighthearted in his approach. Makes watching him a joy. Such a good man.

  3. Debra, I am so glad you've been supportive of your neighborhood cafe. Isn't it interesting that God allowed you to overhear what Amy told her uncle? It really did confirm that you have been on "assignment" there. Even though it sounds like a wonderful place, I'm sure there were days when it would have been easier for you to stay home, but your patronage was absolutely necessary. I love when God allows us to see a piece of the puzzle. It fires us up and keeps us motivated to obey Him. I have favorite verses posted in view, and I'm going to add Ephesians 5:15-16 right now!

  4. Oh my goodness, I absolutely love your message for the day and I fully concur that little things "do" exist!

    We had a little coffee shop just a block up and then cross the street but unfortunately it had to move (due to price of rent or it could have been something else and if so, I can't remember what right now.) They said that they are looking for another spot to have their shop at but it's been about a year and nothing so far. Still, there is always hope that the perfect place will come open at the perfect time, right?!

    Thanks so much for your great posts - as so many others I've saved (via the way of e-mailing them to myself to save), this one will be as well!


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