Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!"...Psalm 107:1


Happy Thanksgiving to all my faithful readers! Upon my Gratitude List is each of your names and I especially thank those who take the time to encourage me. 

May each of you be especially blessed with much peace today!


Oh! And anyone have an extra 5 hours to spend? シ 

You may also absolutely love this audible book --and I don't even like audible books! (I've never read every single word of a book in my life. I skip any portions I find not-interesting.)

But this book? Oh my. I didn't fast-forward any of it. Marvelous detailing of Heaven. Simply marvelous.


And guess who had another anniversary this past Monday? Yes, Tom and I have officially been married 41 years. Oh my--it doesn't seem possible all those years have sailed past.

But then, our yesterdays never seem all that far away.

Speaking of being married a long time, have you seen the new Dolly Parton episode on Netflix with Gerald McRaney and Delta Burke? It's the only episode so far that I can recommend (I've started a few) and my, my, my. I do recommend it. (There is a small smattering of 'language', though.)

Otherwise? Very special. Indeed. Like watching a book rather than reading one.

(Look up 'Dolly Parton's Heartstrings' at Netflix. Click on the episode titled, 'If I Had Wings'.)

"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Anniversary!

  2. Dennis and I celebrated 41 years on September 1! I'm like you and can't believe it's been that long but I also don't remember ever being without him. :-)
    Wishing you and Tom a wonderful Thanksgiving. Our house is buzzing with people and I love it. The kids are watching the Macy's Parade right now and the grown-ups are watching football. I just finished peeling potatoes and Mandy is making the sweet potato casserole. Dinner countdown is 2 hours!
    Blessings always my friend,

  3. Happy Anniversary, Debra and Tom! I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving, too. I am thankful for you, Debra, and for your blog. I cannot tell you how many times the Holy Spirit has nudged me through your words--not to mention all the practical information, humor, and encouragement you share with us on a regular basis. God bless you, Tom, and Naomi!!

  4. Happy Belated Thanksgiving and Belated Anniversary as well. I hope both were nice ones!

    The book looks great and I think I'm gonna see if they have it as a Kindle book and if it's not too pricey, I might go ahead and buy it.


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