Sunday, November 03, 2019

For Those Who Have New Normals

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.""So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day."  ... Isaiah 43:1, 2 Corinthians 4:16


Some folks won't let themselves love Autumn because it means Winter's sneaking down their lane, preparing to pounce. 

And I get that! I do.

But last year I didn't allow myself to complain about Winter and oh my, the shock! Those months held hundreds of pleasant hours and now I'm looking forward to snow and slowing down.

Wow. I should've tried that hushing my complaints eons ago. I know better than to moan about anything God has created. I do! (You should've heard me apologize to Him.) Gulp.

Today we've an icy wind, but still I continued The Great Twig Pick Up of 2019. Oh, the scary winds and rains of last Thursday night. Our high today is 42, but still my garden grows its red cherry tomatoes(!)

My annual grocery stock-up? It's nearly finished and I also double-checked my 'Clear Winter' wardrobe and called it Good. (Do you ever wish to talk wardrobes/seasonal palettes? Email me at and let's chat.)

And hey, did you know YouTube has tons of old black and white movies to watch, free? I even began a Favorite Youtube Movie List for you and here's what's there so far:

Phone Call From a Stranger


The Spiral Staircase

So if you needed a reason to anticipate Winter, there's one.  And my votives are stocked-up for burning in the fireplace below the tv. My books stare at me, begging to be reread.

One more wonderful Winter treat? I can ignore the fair-weather chores upon my Master Daily Task List. Skip right past them every day. Hooray!

And am I still, since June, tossing 10 items each week to the wind (and Salvation Army)? Yes, we're 220+ things lighter, with relief, not regret, and I'm committed to this till next June. 

Grace is all over this purging. Grace, and my celebrating that at least Naomi won't have to dispose of what I've released so far when Tom and I are old--or gone. 

Oh Grace! She's wise and lightens all loads with help and waves of anticipation, never dread.

Anyway, have you heard people talking about New Normals? Well, since turning 60 I've had my share, indeed--and have written to you only around half of them. 

But here's the thing: with each new normal, God reminds me He's brought me through every trial, every 'old normal' of the past. His record is flawless and no new normal can defeat Him.

He is stronger than ever, even though I am not. 
Even in 2019. 
And even though this world calls good, evil, and evil, good.

Even so, no lie (that we refuse to believe) will change Him or what He can do. And with our constant, joyful reliance upon Him (the key), no lies will knock us over, nor any new normal, either.

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Consistency!  It's a little like cheating. You go doing small things faithfully, month after month, and poof! You accomplish something huge. A task you previously believed you never could.

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power."   ... Ephesians 6:10

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"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Getting ready for my new normal. Two weeks from today my 20 year old daughter will be moving to Alaska. I am going to miss her terribly.

  2. Oh, Robin! I'll believe with you that your daughter will love her new life in Alaska and that God will provide a new adventure for you at home. He is so good at providing new things for us after there is a loss--sometimes the only hard part is staying open to the new when we're thinking we liked the way things were. (Been there, done that.) Hang in there and keep believing for wonderful days ahead, ok? You've released your other children before and I know you can do it again this time. God is very strong in you--I've seen that over the years! Blessings, Debra

  3. Good reminders Debra, since I'm one who moans and complains about winter every year. I don't know if it's because I miss our trailer at the lake or if it's because I have so much more pain in my bones from the cold. The new one the past few years is my pacemaker hurts when it gets cold. I think it's the metal in my chest but I really don't know. But...I get nowhere by moaning. I need to just make the best of it and stop complaining.
    I often find myself singing the old hymn, "This world is not my home, I'm just passing through." I know God has so much more in store for us someday and this world with it's sin and depravity won't matter anymore. Sometimes I long for that day, but I also know that He has a plan for me for the here and now.
    Have a wonderful Monday my friend.

  4. Well this post came exactly when I needed it!! I pretty much dumped a load of complaints on my dear husband. He wasn't the object of my frustration--just the only one in the house when I vented. As usual, the Holy Spirit convicted me and hubby quickly forgave me. Then I read this post two times. It was worth it! Those opening verses at the top of the page are awesome. What have I to fear? What do I have to complain about? Nothing!

    Debra,congratulations on being 220+ items lighter. I'll bet it feels wonderful! A couple weeks ago, I took donations to a local charity, and I could not believe how empty their shelves were. It was a wake-up call to me. The store was full of people, and many were young moms with children. When I got home, someone from Goodwill or Salvation Army was on the news saying that the biggest need is for decent underwear and socks for all ages. I don't have those items to donate, but I think I'll buy some and just drop them off. Most of us will never know what some people go through in this world. I have absolutely no reason to complain...ever!!!

  5. I read this yesterday and it was such a relief from others who are already writing about hating winter. Now I know I have an advantage on that because I love fall and winter but the last few years I have also challenged myself to love the months that I always hated, July and August. I did beautifully this summer, appreciating the joys of each day. Even in September, which was unusually hot as blazes I soldiered on. Even the first week in October. It was just that second week of October that I began to wobble and spend far too much time losing myself in Pinterest Autumn pretties. But a woman can only take so much, right?

    I wrote down your movie list and will have to figure out how to watch them. I have Netflix but when I click on Youtube I'm not sure whether it will cost me or is free. But your movies sound intriguing. Your last quote about resting is something I wish I could convince my husband of. He always feels so guilty when resting instead of doing something.

  6. Hi Betsy! Maybe you can try my experiment this winter. That what it felt like for me anyway--an experiment of not complaining about anything winter brings. It truly did make a difference finding ways to fix problems rather than moan about them, making them feel heavier. I'm actually anticipating this winter to see if it'll work again!

    Pam--thanks for letting me know this post was timely for you! These past couple years, especially, God's been teaching me how dreadful complaining really is. How it ruins much more than I even realize. I feel so much better when I stop it--my life actually feels sunnier. That's a great idea about being more purposeful in giving to thrift shops! Love it and will keep it in mind,especially when it comes to some of the things I'm super tempted to keep. :)

    Dewena--thank-you so much! Doesn't it really make a huge difference in not complaining about the weather? Who'd have thought it? :) I'm so glad you've also discovered this secret. Oh! And any link to Youtube movies which I leave here will be free to watch for anyone. Youtube is pretty good about letting us know if there is a cost and makes us do some extra clicking before the film begins. My links--at least when I post them--will always be free ones.(Let me know if you watch any of these and enjoy them, ok?)

    Thanks so much, Everyone! Blessings, Debra

  7. Debra, I too am going to attempt to not whine and complain about winter this year but boy sometimes it's hard not too, huh?! lol I did make a list of things to help me keep busy this winter so hopefully that'll help it to pass quickly. : )

    Have a good day!


  8. Hi Debi and oh! I think you'll find winter easier and more pleasant like I did. Wishing you all good things these upcoming winter months and do let me know how it goes, ok? Blessings, Debra

  9. The Scripture at the end of your post is one I keep in mind, since it reminds Christians that forgiving others is not optional but is a command.


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