Monday, June 17, 2019

Aging Gracefully, Yes? No? Maybe?


"So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day."   ... 2 Corinthians 4:16


Look back over my semi-recent posts and you'll see I've spoken much about how ol' Debra feels herself aging.

Yet, my favorite teacher seldom speaks of that, even though she's 16 years older than me. But then, she's done this wild thing for years. It's called 'taking better care of herself'.

But last Friday, wow. She did address aging and oh Honey, I've felt marvelous ever since, especially after she said this--

"Only a fool thinks he can always do what he's always done. We're always in the process of aging."   --- Joyce Meyer

Oh! Other people kept telling me to ignore getting older, it's all a state of mind, just a number, etc., but something felt wrong with that, for hey. I, now, cannot do some of what I've always done.

And that means something to me. It affects, in some ways, all my days.

Joyce even said it's exciting to go through these changes and I understand that, also. For me, it's thrilling to figure out new ways to solve old problems, to make changes so that folks think I'm still 'with it'. Capable. You know, still 'all there'. heh.

Remember that Master Daily List which God hinted I should write up? Oh wow.

No more am I-- 

--standing at the kitchen counter with tablet paper and a pen, asking myself, "Uhm. What must I do today?"

-- or worrying that this house and yard are gonna take me down. Soon.

-- or entering weekends with an aching back because I worked too hard on Fridays.

As George Peppard used to quip, "I love it when a plan comes together," and this Master Daily List makes me feel perhaps I can still 'get it all done' the next few years, after all.

Really, I'd wondered lately.

What's also encouraging me? That anti-inflammatory diet I mentioned to you (Gee, I'm feeling better), and this thought:

For years I'd assumed that I'll never be able to officially retire like people who had 'real jobs'. After all, someone has to still take care of the place. The house. The yard.

But last week? I told Tom, "Since many folks retire at age 62, maybe that's when I'll retire from doing yard work. Perhaps that can be the year we start hiring folks to mow and trim hedges for us."

Tom seemed ok with that idea! But I'm gonna wait awhile before hinting about my dreams to have a house cleaner drop by at least once a month.  ツ (Already I'm praying my pride won't have me washing stuff before Cleaning Lady arrives each time.)

Anyway, what am I really saying? Know thyself. Accept thyself, even if your older friends still have their 'litheness', but yours fell off years ago. And whether it's your family genes, a mishap or neglecting your body which is messing things all up--

Do what you still can. Gratefully.
Make wise changes so to keep going, longer.
Work smarter, not harder.
Ask God for His best ideas.
Keep a gratitude diary.
Find funny folks to hang out with--

--and never, ever lose your sense of humor, no matter what age, what shape you may find yourself in today or your many tomorrows ahead.

“So this is what you do when it all slows down and the minutes that tick by feels a little longer than before. You open your eyes a little wider, and look at everything. Take it all in. Rehash stories of old, remember people, times and occasions gone by. Allow everything you see to remind you of something. Talk about those things. Stop and take your time to notice things and make those things you notice matter. Find out the answers you didn't know to yesterday's crosswords. Slow down. Stop trying to do everything now, now, now.” 

― Cecelia Ahern, Thanks for the Memories

(Debra here) -- Would you like a copy of my personal Master Daily List? You know, out of curiosity or for potential ideas for your own? Feel free to email me at for a copy.

Maybe I'll do less these next years, but my aim will remain to do it with excellence, not an ordinary mediocrity. 


Oh! And this upcoming film looks wonderful. Check out the movie trailer here.


"It is not easy when you have to let go of things that you've done all your life and then sit back and watch somebody else do them."   

---Joyce Meyer



  1. Good Morning Debra! Great always. I do plan to email you for the master list. Dennis and I just had this conversation this past weekend. He's 63 and still does all of the yardwork. And it's a LOT. I trim some bushes when I'm able to, but that's about it. He also washed the windows on both ours and our friends trailers, did the yard work at the lake and some repairs on their trailer. (They are in their 70's and just not capable of it at all anymore.) It was so hot outside I told him we may need to start hiring some of this done. He refuses and said he feels great. I feel guilty. I just can't do it anymore and hate watching him work so hard. This was after a 70 hour work-week and teaching two Bible studies last week in the evenings! I don't know how he does it and I worry he's going to just keel over one of these days.
    You gave some wise advice in your post. Maybe I'll read it too him. Do you think he'll listen though? Nope. Men!!!!
    Have a lovely Monday my friend.

  2. Debra, your honesty about the changes of life always refreshes me. There's no denying that we're always changing, and life is always changing. I like your ideas about getting help for the chores that are becoming challenging. That's the sensible thing to do! I've watched my mother-in-law transition into old age, gracefully. There was a time when she had a full time career and tried to juggle everything. However, with the passage of years, she has made wise decisions. She and my FIL purchased a suitable home for their needs and abilities; hired a weekly cleaning person; hired seasonal yard help; and whenever she entertains the family we have a catered meal. I'm grateful for good role models. There are only so many days left for us, so it's important to do what matters the most!

  3. Betsy--oh dear. Well, if your husband actually has grace from God to do all that work, then he should be ok. I know it's hard for us to understand when others can do what we can't (but yes, I certainly see why you think he does a lot--he really does!). But I would encourage you to keep praying that God will give him much wisdom and that he'll know when to take things easier, bit by bit, over time. Let me know if you still want that daily list, ok? :)

    Pam--as I said in our emails, your mother in law sounds like the picture of wisdom. Wow! Wish you both lived in my neighborhood. You'd both greatly encourage me just watching you. :)

    Thanks for your comments, Ladies! Blessings, Debra

  4. Anonymous11:10 AM

    And you know, the happiest elderly people I know are those who just set about to do what they can with what they have first. And then have the wisdom to stop and evaluate IF they need to continue doing things the way they always have or IF they need to change how they are doing something if IF they need to get help. It’s so easy to fall in the trap of always doing things the way we always have. I know someone with a huge yard to take care of. In this yard are a couple of flower beds that are a massive trial to take care of, person was pointing out how hard it was to care for those and people she hired she had to stand over and explain what needs doing. I suggested since they were in the back yard and no one sees them, not even the homeowner unless she goes outside and around a side of the house she never needs to go to anyway, to just let them die off or spend the effort actively killing them off. She looked at me like I had two heads. If something isn’t needed, they weren’t, and don’t add anything to the house, they don’t, then get rid of them as a permanent solution. I think we all have stuff. Ike that in our homes or on our property. It just that time of evaluation, you know?


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.