Tuesday, April 09, 2019

My Decision

This is a personal decision I have made. Your beliefs may vary. 


Did you read that butterfly thing?

That's why, on social media, I refuse to share and spread the sinful, horrible actions of people.

I will not do it.

Why? Some folks cannot handle even one more bad news story. They're on that scary brink, that frightening ledge-- you know the one. Their immersion in all that's ugly and gone-wrong, grabbed their ankles and stepped them out there in dry, wilderness places. 

They'd been told (and told) the Good Life was over. But it wasn't! They could've flown, but they lost hope--and sliced open their loved-ones' hearts as they fell.

Last year, the son of an old friend in Nevada took his life. I'd lost touch with this family decades ago, and yet? This dreadful news (heard in January) shook and haunted me. 

It awakened me, also, to the plight of the hope-lost.

So I will share extra hope to help make up for the rampant depletion happening daily. I'll fight by sharing life-strengthening promises and good news whenever God asks, with abandon. Even if the healthy believe I'm overdoing it. 

In God I find extreme hope. 

And may I help pull through heavy, hopeless sands the desert-wandering ones to Him so they, too, can fly.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."   ... Romans 15:13

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."   ... Jeremiah 29:11

May I never add fuel to anyone's hopelessness.

Now this, below, surprised me. Turns out what I'm saying is A Thing, even according to this secular site.

 The media can avoid increasing risk when reporting on suicide by:
  • Following and sharing recommendations available at reportingonsuicide.org
  • External (for example, avoiding dramatic headlines or explicit details on suicide methods);
  • Providing information on suicide warning signs and suicide prevention resources; and
  • Sharing stories of hope and healing.


 " ... whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."  ...Philippians 4:8


Seriously, tons of joyful things happen in our crazy world every day. Yes, even in 2019. 

Never forget!

Here's an example which will warm your heart--and dare I say--give you hope.


  1. This is an oh so needed message in our world today. So many are losing hope. My sister came to visit today and is staying an entire week! Yippee! I only see her once a year if I"m lucky so I'm really excited about her visit. Less than an hour ago she was sharing about a coworker who lost his mom a few months ago. A month later his oldest son committed suicide. Three weeks after that, his youngest son left a message that he couldn't live without his older brother, whom he had idolized and also killed himself. So tragic. My sister said that her coworker is walking around in a complete daze, just trying to cope day to day and help his grief stricken wife.
    What leads to this hopelessness? I have my answer that keeps me filled with hope. It's Jesus. Plain and simple. The hurting world needs the message you send out with each post. Thank you for that.

  2. There does seem to be more widespread depression than ever. Even young children are struggling. I recently read some stats on how many people are relying on antidepressant medication and it was shocking. The battle is real. Only God knows what others are experiencing, and He has the answers.

    I loved the story of Kai and Pam. It brought tears to my eyes. It just goes to show that small, consistent changes can make a huge impact on life.

  3. What a sad story, Betsy. A young man on American Idol shared a similar one and had us all in tears. To read the statistics of suicide is a heart-breaking thing these days. What an encouragement thought to know we can do what God asks and perhaps give hope to the otherwise hopeless. Today it's so vital that we remain sensitive in this area to meet whatever needs we can--through Him.

    Pam--yes, there's such desperation out there. It's shocking, really. I think God needs all of us to be open to helping however we can during these volatile days. Glad you liked the story of Kai and Pam--encouraging to watch him become thinner and stronger, right?

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra

  4. Debra, what an absolutely hope filled awesome post this was. If we could start a movement with everyone joining together and doing this, it could truly change the world. Thank you for as always, having a post that is one we can all do (spread GOOD news instead of the bad!)

    The way you put things really can be an attention getter and I thank you for that! (Hugs) I guess why I said hope filled is that the solutions you suggested are things anybody can do and if everyone just would, it truly could (and would!) make such a big difference.

    You my dear, are awesome! Happy Easter to you and yours.

  5. Thanks so much, Debi, and oh! I just saw this comment yesterday, for it went to another folder which I'd forgotten to check recently. Anyway, I do thank you for commenting and being so encouraging and reading here so often. I appreciate it! Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.