Thursday, April 18, 2019

Still Creeping Around Dead, Echoey Seasons?

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: ... a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; ...a time to break down, and a time to build up; ... a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together..."  from  Ecclesiastes 3

What gives you life and bliss and makes you happy to be alive? Do those things whenever you can.


So. Yesterday.

I sent Tom an email with a local house for sale (for cheap! Good Beaver Cleaver neighborhood, though far from conveniences) and I'd thought he'd be all, "Nice house. Want me to bring something home for dinner?", like usual.

But no, he thought we should, quick! Purchase this one. Oh wow. The house was a 10 to him, around a 6+ to me, but hey. If you've read here long you know I just desire something (dare I say anything?) to decorate.

But I emailed him back, told him, "Slow down, Buddy. Let's think about this."

Then I puttered in the backyard and oh dear. Remembered that I am no longer lithe, fit or 35. Twenty minutes later I hobbled back inside, hand on my lower back and collapsed upon the red couch. 

Don't you hate it when that happens? 

Actually, our Why We Shouldn't Move Now List is endless and I'll not whimper about it here. Just trust me: Tom and Debra cannot move at this time. 

Instead, let's travel a different tangent in this post, one relating to that house I showed Tom, ok?

Lately I'm flinging away my oh-hum-I'll-probably-never-reread-this books and you know? What an almost Twilight-Zone-ish feeling to gaze upon empty bookshelf spaces. Oh, and realizing the books left are only dearly-loved ones, well, that's cool, also.

Now, though, I need to move on and give away trinkets. Clutter. Extras.

Why? Lest our tiny house someday resembles the one I showed Tom. (Yikes! My head swirled, literally. Click to get the full in-your-face effect.)

Living room.



Oh dear. 

Wisdom knows when to say,"Enough!," in decorating (or anything creative) and cull things or move forward to a brand new hobby/direction/attitude.

Also, Wisdom respects how seasons work. How they shift, are usually temporary, never created to become stagnant pools with soulless-eyed leftovers.

And you know? Ol' Debra still needs to shake off some dead seasons. She's on a journey to discover new ones alive with adventure (and God's blessing), even though it hurts to let go (more than I tell you here) and, oh Honey--

Those photos yesterday represented a Cautionary Tale of what happens when one does not make clear-cut decisions, but attempts holding on to a vapor.

And who wants to stay stuck, alone, in an echo-riddled season now gone dark?

                                                        Today this is me. Alas.

"You reflect on the people who used to be in your life, and it's like, 'Wow, I can't believe that person was ever really in my life.' But people are put into your life for seasons, for different reasons, and to teach you lessons." 
---Selena Gomez

"Nothing that’s happened to you is a surprise to God. You’ve got to take the hand you’ve been dealt and make the most of it. It may not be fair, but God is fair. He’s a God of justice. He sees every wrong that’s been done to you, every disadvantage, every hurt. If you don’t use those things as an excuse to get bitter and have a chip on your shoulder, then God will take what was meant for your harm and use it to your advantage. He will pay you back for the unfair things that have happened."
---Joel Osteen


Oh! Speaking of 'old ways',  the store,  Big Lots, is currently switching over to what's new.

Check out Kathryn's fun video taken at her local Big Lots store here.

 (Man, I don't even like shopping anymore, but Kathryn--somehow-- makes me want to get back out there!)   ツ


Anyone else enjoying American Idol and its super talented voices and surprises this season?


But Jesus told him, "Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead."   ... Matthew 8:22



  1. Landed here via google search. As always, your content rocks!

  2. I haven't watched American Idol in years. I really don't know why. Hmmm.
    Those pictures! Oh my gosh! There is so. much. stuff. I've been trying to get rid of things but no matter how much I get rid of, the house doesn't look much different. I KNOW we're moving in 3-4 years when Dennis retires. It's up in the air if it will be into a motorhome, our trailer, or a condo. It all depends on my health. So it's hard to decide what to let go of. If we're decorating an apartment/condo I'll need a lot more than a trailer/motorhome.
    Dennis says we have 3 years to slowly go through things and I appreciate his wisdom. Pulling on those Big Girl Britches, you know?
    Have a lovely evening Debra.
    Blessings, Betsy

  3. Oh my...those pictures really do speak volumes (and volumes, and volumes). It's always interesting to see how others live. What is it that makes home feel like home? And now that I just turned 65, I'm looking at our home differently. About six months ago, hub and I embarked on an experiment. We rented a second home located close to our daughter and her husband. Whenever we think about the future, we've all assumed we would end up near the kids. I was really stoked about all the possibilities, and we've had some great times, but I was totally surprised (and a little bummed out) to realize that after the initial fun, I missed our old home. I also have a new appreciation for the physical comfort of our old home (for example, the rental house has beautiful hardwood floors, but I missed the softness and warmth of carpeted bedrooms and found I was cleaning the hardwoods constantly). This has been such an awakening for me. I thought I was ready for change, but I'm not. I also thought there would be lots of opportunity for time spent with our kids, but our adult children have busy lives and homes of their own to care for. Time is limited. Yes, this experiment costed us, financially, but hub and I agree that it's been worth every penny. We're so glad we didn't sell our old home and/or buy a new one elsewhere. Eventually, we'll probably see things differently, but we are content to stay put for now. Isn't life something!!!???

  4. Debra, I want to wish you and all your readers a very blessed Easter!

  5. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Today, I went to the beach front with my kids.
    I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said "You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear." She
    put the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched
    her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I
    know this is entirely off topic but I had to tell someone!


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