Tuesday, April 30, 2019

April This and That

Better sneak a 'This And That' in on April's final day! 

1.) Always the local real estate peeper, I came across this, below, and well, hey. I understand desiring more light for your kitchen, but in this case? I'd not have chosen a picture window.  シ

Heh. Though kudos for the pretty decor they used along the stairs:


2.) Oh dear. Though I'm glad I watched this Donny Osmond interview, man, it was sad. All teary-eyed, 3 times I said aloud, "Oh Donny. I am so sorry you went through that."

Watch only if you're in an indestructibly good mood (and enjoy being a prayer warrior. You're gonna want to pray for him.).


3.) Oh yes!


4.) Seriously, every day Daniel tells me my office chair is the only one worth napping on inside this whole darn house.


5.) Tom and I much enjoyed a suspense film called Donovan's Echo. Has a bit of language (sigh) and Danny Glover (happy sigh) and it kept our interest the entire time. Saw it via Amazon Prime.


6.) Had to take my friend, Marjorie Hillis, with me to the coffee shop this morning. 

She's always chatting about gumption, spunk, and the evils of self-pity and with this eternal grey, Buffalo winter which will not die? Wow, I need her pep talks. Neeed them.

Thanks again, Marjorie, for placing me back on the Just Do It Anyway track!  シ  (And to my readers, a reminder: find what works for you, even if your friends have no clue how it helps.)


7.) Right?   


8.) Hadn't really realized this was a thing, but ooooo yes. Especially since I turned 60 --


9.)  Isn't this a lovely idea to use at a wedding? These are photos of relatives who've gone beyond, but are attending in spirit. (Thanks, Ann, for sharing at Facebook.)

10.)  Don't you just love early morning sunlight?


“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."

[Meditations Divine and Moral]” 
― Anne Bradstreet, The Works of Anne Bradstreet

 “In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.”
― Margaret Atwood, Bluebeard's Egg


A special thanks to those who wished Tom a happy birthday! He appreciated each greeting.



  1. A late happy birthday to Tom. April is my birthday month too. I will look for Live Alone and Like It. As a widow, I am living alone, but must count in my dog and cat, who are great company.

  2. A late happy birthday to Tom! It's nice to continue the birthdays as long as possible. :-) . I'm going to check out the Donny Osmond interview. I have always loved Donny. And yes, I sing the alphabet song often.
    Happy Tuesday!

  3. I just had to come back by and tell you that I watched that interview. And shed quite a few tears. And to think that we all watch from the outside thinking that he, and others, were leading such amazing lives. And he just wanted normal. It makes you think and appreciate. And pray. Thank you Debra. I've watched many interviews and shows about the Osmonds, because like many women our age, Donny was my first true love! This one touched my heart like none of the others did. The honesty astounds me, yet he remains so respectful of his parents. It makes me realize what a good man he is. And good is often better than "great".

  4. Terra--thanks so much! I'll let Tom know of your good wishes. And I think you'd love this book! Though it was written many years ago, it's still timeless in its advice--and a lot of fun, too. Marjorie was a hoot. :)

    Oh Betsy! I knew you'd feel exactly like you did about that interview with Donny Osmond. I knew, because I felt the same way (though somehow I missed knowing anything about Donny while I was young. Hmm. Wild, but I watched The Lawrence Welk show, instead. What a weird child...). Anyway, yes! The honesty was almost too much to bear and like you, I watched it through tears. I'm glad you'll be joining me in praying for him--I'm sure he'd appreciate our prayers. Thanks for letting me know and thanks, also, for birthday wishes for Tom.

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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