Thursday, February 28, 2019

Got Peace?

"And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours]." ...Philippians 4:7


So! I mentioned on Facebook that Tom's on a business trip in Illinois and afterward I received a few meme's about not feeling sad, but trusting in God.


I'd had that fun, vacation-y feeling so, oy! The meme's felt odd. As in, sent from other folks' frame of reference, not mine.

Though, yes! I appreciate it when friends look out for me, of course.

But really, such palpable peace has blanketed me these days and I even--

Walked to the coffee shop
Organized more stuff
Put together my Ebay'd cupboard, though backwards in spots so the back can't be attached. heh. But it looks sweet.

I've eaten dinner for lunch (and slept terrific), 
Played with the cats
Read books and watched scandalous amounts of tv
I've shoveled snow, hung-out online, wiped down the kitchen (when the sun shone bright upon all the crumbs, grease and dirt) and done as little laundry as possible.

It's been awesome.

Though yes, clearly, I probably don't understand the concept of vacations. ッ

But something I do understand? Even in 2019 we don't have to be down when the rest of the world is. With God we can be resilient! He can give us a new attitude, a creative one and joy-filled while completing the specific plan He has for us here.

We do not have to become just another bitter old Facebook spouter:

Oh no,no,no. 

Please, Life's too short to spend hours complaining about those who're doing it wrong. Oh, if we'd just, before it's too late, do rather than moan. Show, not just tell. If we'd obey God, letting the joy of that move us on to the next thing--what a life that would be.

Spending time with God, obeying, moving on and --

Making people thirsty for the God they see in us.
Staying awake to daily miracles.
Overflowing with gratitude--

--and living these final still-precious years with God's peace which doesn't make sense. 

It's a strong peace, even in the bad times. A peace which grips us tight, even while the world tries to unravel our minds.

Yes, that peace.

He has made everything beautiful in its time."  ... Ecclesiastes 3:11

Even if tons of people mire down in their bitterness, I want to move on ahead, to complete what God created me to do down here-- in joy. 

Yelling at the world about how wrong they've got everything will not make them hunger for the God who loves them with all His heart.


So I'm binge watching old NCIS reruns (Netflix) and at the end of one (s. 10, ep. 17), this song pulled me in. Oh, so soothing, like what could easily lull you to a peaceful sleep.

I shared it with Tom via email and he found it awesome, also. (Not only is it wonderful to have God if your spouse travels for business, but the Internet, as well.)  ツ


Oh! And remember when I said my local barista got married? Here's a favorite photo she shared at Facebook. (Happy sigh.)



  1. Anonymous1:30 PM

    I have been trapped inside the house for days because of the snow. Although I do not like snow and everyone who knows me, knows that fact, I have enjoyed being inside the house. Watching hours of knitting podcasts and catching up on blog posts. I get very frustrated on Facebook too. It’s hard to know when we should be silent and when we should speak. Does God really want us to not stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves or just be silent knowing that the evil one is in control of this world ? I struggle with this often.
    I’m glad you had a peaceful and relaxing few days while Tom was traveling. Dennis used to be gone 2 to 3 weeks of every month traveling in the Middle East, Africa and Ukraine. There was no Internet to talk to him on and it would be silence for three weeks, with maybe one phone call if we were lucky in there somewhere. Our children were also small at the time. I would never want to go back and relive those days when he was away. I worried. And there was no contact to relieve my worry. I’m sure glad communication has gotten easier for those who travel and for military spouses.
    Have a lovely weekend my friend.
    Blessings, Betsy

  2. Hi Betsy! As always, thanks for commenting and I'm glad you're enjoying your time inside. Actually this winter has been easier for me because I keep reminding myself to be grateful for not needing to mow --yay!--and that these cooler temps are much easier on me than the warmer ones (not to mention it's gotten harder for me to work in the yard, though I do still enjoy it).

    As for what you mentioned about abortion (or anything else people rant about at Facebook)? I like to keep it simple: when God asks me to say or do something in the fight against evil, then I will do it--also being careful to do it with the correct tone and spirit. But--for me--it rarely makes sense for me to 'preach to the choir' by ranting to my Facebook friends who believe the same as I do. As to sharing with other secular groups? I only do that if I feel there's a chance that people will listen and be changed by my words. And again--I would only share if I feel a nudging from God and not if I'm out to prove I'm right and others are wrong. (Personally I chose to find other ways/places to actually do what God's calling me to do.)

    Really? It all comes down to listening and being led by the Holy Spirit--and not my emotions. My emotions will only lead me to trouble and making enemies of people who God could've touched through me before I turned them off (and there's a price to be paid for that. Gulp.).

    Hope that all makes sense! Thanks again and do keep enjoying winter....... Blessings, Debra

  3. After reading and rereading this post, I sat and thought about what I treasure and PEACE is right up there close to the top of the list. The peace that comes from God doesn't always make sense. Most of us can remember those instances when fear or pain has gripped us tightly, and then God's peace washed over us and we were changed, immediately. Other times, His peace seems to make itself known through other people, places and things. As my mom used to say, "it's better felt than tellt" for sure. Debra, I thank God for giving you His peace during Tom's absence, and I thank Him for using your gift of writing to continue to share Him and encourage others through this blog.

  4. Pam--oh yes! I'm also thinking as I grow older that peace (and peace of mind) are so vital, so precious. How people get through life without peace I'll never understand. Loved your mom's quote and as always thanks so much for your encouragement. Blessings, Debra


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