Tuesday, January 22, 2019

It's All Good. An Update.

"Keep doing the right thing even when the right thing isn't happening to you."   ---Joyce Meyer

"For we walk by faith, not by sight."   ... 2 Corinthians 5:7


I've schlepped along on our new treadmill every single day for 2 whole weeks so you'd think I'd be all trim and gorgeous by now, right?


Of course, in our fast Internet, fast food, fast delivery world we (admit it) believe getting healthy/in-shape should happen just as quick.

But of course, it doesn't. The roly-poly body we created in 5 years will not become Venus-like in 17 days. 

I think now, 2 weeks in, is when tons of folks get all, "Oh forget it! This is too hard. Who cares?"-ish. 

But I've found an awesome secret. Want to hear it?

Since Treadmill Day One, I've kept a log in an online draft folder. I write the date, the time spent on the treadmill and the speed I used. If I also walked to the coffee shop that day, I note that and whether I did stretching exercises or shoveled snow.

That's my huge secret.


See, no place on my list am I recording any losses/gains of weight or inches. (Nor am I measuring anything or staring into mirrors.) Nope. I'm listing only my faithfulness and leaving the results to God.

Chuckle if you wish, but I'm loving this idea.

Didn't lose a pound or an inch? Who cares? 
This week I used the treadmill daily. 
Walked to the coffee shop twice. 
Shoveled snow 3 times. 
Did stretches on the floor, twice. 

Whew! That's a lot. For me. That's way more than I did last January and that means improvement, moving forward and something to celebrate--the faithfulness, the grace from God to do this.

Always, faithfulness pays. 

If not immediately, then eventually. But every time, in any area, God rewards our faithfulness.

So hooray! I'll take it. I'll take listing, meditating upon what's gone right instead of what's going wrong or hasn't yet changed. 

Not basing my happiness on up-and-down results, but leaving the results with God to do with what He wishes? I'll take that, also.

"A faithful (wo)man will abound with blessings..."   ...Proverbs 28:20

I cannot control (or always improve upon) the results of anything, just my faithfulness to do what God asks.

This is pretty much my blogging philosophy, as well. "Just write and leave the results of that writing to God." (Or, "Don't get all loopy if no one comments." heh.)


Gee I love my new window heart light thing --

You should see at night when it casts a warm red glow upon the table.


Oh! I've not even ever read an Agatha Christie book (!), but I really enjoyed this documentary about her at Amazon. Free with Prime.


         (A special thanks to my friend, Ann, for sharing these at Facebook.)

Have some extra time today? 

Here's a fun slideshow of living rooms from the 1960's, ones taken from peoples' personal photos.

Seeing those may help you understand better why Tom and I so enjoy estate sales. We've seen tons of rooms like these, ones not redecorated since the 60's--and they, woosh! Immediately whisk us back to the old days of our retro childhoods.

Happy sigh.


"Walk ... with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love." ... Ephesians 4:2


  1. Hi Debra, I've never read Agatha Christie either. I keep saying I am going to, one of these days. I love your philosophy about walking on the treadmill and exercising. For me it's not about losing weight, it's just about staying healthy physically and mentally. Even though it's cold out today(18 right now😬), the sun is shining bright and I'm going to bundle up and go out and walk even if it's just down the street and right back. 😃 Keep the faith!😊

  2. Being faithful to God is more than enough (I need to have that tattooed on my brain). Oh Debra, I loved those old pictures!!! It brought back so many memories. And the decor from that era--my mom always tried to stay in style. I'd lick the green stamps and put them in the books, so she could redeem them for items for our home. Those old tv sets reminded me, too, of how my brother and I were the designated channel changers, so mom and dad could relax. Long ago and far away...

  3. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Good morning Debra. My mom’s favorite author was Agatha Christie. I think she read all of her books. And way to go with the treadmill! I am with you. I haven’t been very active because of my back but, I’m doing what I can and I figure every little bit I do is better than not doing anything right? Thanks for the slideshow. It reminded me so much of my childhood. Stay warm! Blessings, Betsy

  4. You have a great idea to record your faithfulness and then leave it up to God.

  5. Well done, good and FAITHFUL servant! Faithfulness is its own reward.😊


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