Monday, December 31, 2018

So What Are Your Pictures?

"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom's instruction.  A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways." ... Proverbs 29:18, James 1:8


Too. Much. Vacation.

Eegads. Never again will I--while at home--take more than two days off.  Never. Again.

See, early on Christmas morning good ol' Tom slipped, hit the bathtub and tweaked one of his ribs. For hours he did that moan-and-hiss sound with each step or while reaching for the water I brought him.

I asked,"Hey. Do you want me to drive you down to that new whatchamacallit Care Place?" It's one of those offices you go to if you're somewhere in between requiring a band-aid and needing your arm sewn back on (but not if you're glimpsing any white tunnel and angels).

He said, no.

A couple hours more of moan-hissing and I told him,"Well, when Naomi gets here, you'll have to knock-off the noises. They'll scare her and she'll insist upon driving you to the hospital. You're her favorite, you know."

Oh, the compassion, right?  シ  But hey. People who've been married 40 years can get away with stuff like that.

So he pulled himself together, Naomi and Justin came over for Christmas presents and I didn't hear him moan even once.

Until they left, of course.

Anyway. Since we never go anywhere, Tom had oodles of vacation time saved, the use-it-or-lose-it-by-December-31st kind, so oh my. He stayed home the next five days, mostly in his recliner watching tv while listening to a movie on his computer while also surfing the Net.

He does that on his best, totally healed days off, too. Go trying to speak to him and that makes 4 things he's trying to do at once--and he nearly shorts-out his forehead.


Anyway, ol' Debra spent much time upstairs watching Castle reruns, eating chocolate (so much chocolate), reading, avoiding ironing and chasing naughty cats. But long about Day 4, I came downstairs, stood in front of Mr. NoAmountOfAudioInputIsTooMuch and voiced a

 "Retirement is not going to look like this."

He smiled. Said something like, "But I enjoy this."

Yet with the memories of those 20 months he was laid-off (enjoying Life from his recliner) still a bit too fresh, I told him, "Okay, yeah. A couple hours each day, maybe. But in retirement we're gonna have goals! Schedules. We'll read, exercise and take walks and little rides around town because, as I said," pointing to the computer and tv, "Retirement is not going to look like this."

He nodded because hey, he knows. Right is right and too much of a good thing soon becomes a bad thing.

Why share my silly story on this New Year's Eve? Because I believe it's important to--

Know what we want
Know what we do not want
Always be decisive
Have specific goals
Be led by Grace

--and to get a clear picture. Of what?  The kind of life God means for us to be living at this present time. 

Me? In 2019? These are the type of pictures I'm holding onto lately--

These are examples of my head's pictures. My goals for 2019. I'm kind-of burnt-out on lists: this time I'm choosing pictures of how I'd like to be living.

What's next? Asking God how best to get there. No impatient leaping allowed, nope, just making one-step-at-a-time journeys. God's steps--I want those, for they're always wise (even if at first, yeah, I wonder).

In 2019 may I go (and dream and plan) only where He wants me, for there is no better, more helpful place, this side or the other one nearer retirement.

It will all be good as long as I follow Him there, anywhere, that He leads.

P.S. Days later Tom is fine. As we were thinking, most likely his rib was out of place and now it's worked itself back.




And something I'm planning to do more faithfully in this blog? 

I'd like to share movies with you which I can recommend at least 90%, for oh my--lately, Tom and I are having a more difficult time than ever finding interesting, morally-decent films.

But will I just complain and rant and whine? No, anyone can do that (and anyone generally does). 

Instead, I'll share what we do find (and enjoy) with you.

And to start you off, here's one--

Just a smattering of 'language' but otherwise, a very good suspense film which kept us guessing till the very end.



  1. Oh Debra, I had to laugh when you told Tom what retirement was NOT going to look like. My hub just finished his first year of retirement, and it's been interesting. I think hub and I have learned more about ourselves and each other. We're still fine tuning life, but honest communication and mutual respect has gotten us through some tough times. Wishing you, Tom, and Naomi a wonderful, blessed 2019. XOXO

  2. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Poor Tom. I do hope his ribs are better. Dennis and I are opposite of you two. He wants to go, go, go when he’s off work. (He had a 4-day weekend last week and this week too!) Because of my back, I know my limitations throughout the day and pace myself accordingly. He is used to going 100 mph all day at work. We’re going to have to work on that in retirement unless my back improves considerably. I saw a new doctor today though, who has some ideas that haven’t been tried yet. I’m hopeful and praying God works through his hands in healing me.
    Happy New Year my friend.

  3. Pam--glad your retirement is becoming a good adventure! The months when Tom was off we went through similar discoveries and it was back then that I saw some areas where we'd have to have more balance. Each weekend, in fact, I am reminded of that...... :)

    Betsy--oh! I'm hoping the new things your doctor recommended will be just right for you. I know you've been having a rough time these past couple years and it would be wonderful if things turned around for you! Oh, and technically Tom is our go go go guy. He's gone 5 days a week working and running errands so when weekends come around I feel I should give him a break. But then uh oh, that means I'm living my whole life, like, within 1 block of our house--and that's out of balance. When retirement comes? I can easily see Tom just sitting here, too, because he loves doing that. So what I was getting at was *balance*. We will need balance when retirement comes (and technically I need more balance even right now. heh.).

    Thanks, Ladies, and happy new year! Blessings, Debra

  4. Debra, Just stopping by to say "hi" and Happy New Year! I've been quiet lately but have been reading your posts as you write them and all I can say is that you're like a breath of fresh air. Have a good day and a wonderful year! P.S. I love the quote by Brad Paisley. :)

  5. Happy New Year, Debra!

    Thanks for the great advise and encouragement. You are a blessing!

  6. Debi--thanks so much! I'd missed hearing from you and am glad to see you here again. Happy new year to you!

    Robin--you're so sweet! Thank-you and I do thank you for the lovely Christmas card, as well. I can always count on you to be thoughtful.

    Thank-you much, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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