Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Gee, But I Was Tempted ...

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."  ... Romans 15:13


So each year I, personally, choose My Top Two Christmas Commercials That Make Me Plain Ol' Mad.

No, really.  Ask Tom.  ツ

And gee, was I tempted to share links to this year's winners so you, also, could view these thoughtless, designed-to-make-people-discontented ads.

But uhm, no. Not gonna do it.

Why not? Because I'm here (on Earth and in this blog) to spread hope, not error. People behaving, not misbehaving. Good choices, not moronic ones.

To basically show you Life with God still can be incredible even if a bunch of people argue otherwise, huffing and puffing.

Extra bad news spreaders? Nope, that quota is over-filled. And encouragers-at-heart, especially, should hop out of that line should they suddenly awake, having wandered there within hypnotized crowds.

But oh, December, especially, needs droves of hope-spreaders. Why? Because for every caroler, Christmas gift wrapper, smiler, holiday-lover, there's someone so filled with sorrow that he wonders if he'll even be here tomorrow.

Oh, the crushed spirits out there because of the rampant negativity of 2018, not to mention what we can face just because we're alive and have fragile corners where we hide.

So for the sinking I choose to spread hope. 

And the peace only a God who's overcome the world can slip into any heart who seeks to know Him.

Please join me, ok? As I said, each December begs for extra carers, those who'll help God lift heads so to see His light which changes everything it beams down upon.

"But you, oh Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head."  ... Psalm 3:3

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."  ... Jeremiah 29:13

“I heard a bird sing in the dark of December. A magical thing. And sweet to remember. We are nearer to Spring than we were in September. I heard a bird sing in the dark of December.” 
― Oliver Herford


So! Would you like to see my personal Top Two Christmas Commercials I Love?

Here's one.

(And perhaps it's a favorite because, since Day One, this illustrates how I feel while out-and-about my Buffalo area. Yep, for 25 'City of Good Neighbors' years, it's felt like this.)

Here's the other.

(It's Hallmark's. Grab a Kleenex.)  😉  

Hmm... Not able to make this Facebook link work? Here's a way-too-short version. But I'll keep looking for a longer non-Facebook one.


Anyone can spread the bad news. And Anyone usually does. I must keep reminding myself to spread the Good News----The Gospel of Truth.

Oh, and yes I do believe this--

"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."  ... Ephesians 5:11

But I also believe that the exposing's to be done only when we're sure it's God speaking through us--and--it's not going to be an every single day thing.



  1. OK. You’re right. I’m crying now. And you’re also right about the negativity of 2018. I’m trying very, very hard not to get involved in any of that on Facebook or anywhere else. There’s just too much of it out there. Thank you for your two beautiful commercials, )even though I don’t drink coffee,) the sentiment is still appropriate for all. Ha!!! I will get some holiday themed tea!

    Thank you Debra for your never ending encouragement and scripture verses you share with us each and every post. You are a definite bright spot in my life.
    Many blessings, Betsy

  2. That Hallmark one is killing me and a great reminder to be kind, no matter what.

  3. Oh my, I hadn't seen that Hallmark commercial. Wow. I hope many hearts will be melted by it. I also appreciate your closing comments about exposing darkness...but only doing so as God leads us. Most of the time, I think we're supposed to behave like the sweet family in the Hallmark commercial, loving others, regardless of how they respond to us. And that can be very hard!

    On a side note, nearly three years ago, I asked you to pray for my health, Debra, and I'm thankful to be able to report that I received another good report yesterday. I am so grateful to God and to you and others who prayed for my healing. Good health is a gift and I never want to take it for granted!

  4. Yep, me too...crying my eyes out over that Hallmark one. (I LOVE their commercials!) Thank you, Debra, for always being a voice of positivity and hope! It's why I keep coming back to your blog.

  5. Betsy--thank-you so much for the encouragement you give me! It's always appreciated. So glad you enjoyed the commercials!

    Robin-- so true! Sometimes it's hard to love others, but when it's directed by God, it's so worth it.

    Pam -- so grateful that you're still here and healthy after all these years and what you have been through! You are such a great example of faith and trusting that God will care for you. Thank-you for what you add to my blog through your comments!

    Deb--you, too, are such an encouragement to me. Thank-you for faithfully reading and commenting here all these years!

    Thank-you, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.