Thursday, December 20, 2018

Christmas Gifts For My Readers

Some gifts from years before, some new ones, too... all for you, my much-appreciated readers. Thank-you for faithfully reading here year after year!


1.) Clara's Depression Era Cooking videos. Clara is an inspiring gift all year long!

2.) Here's a fun Christmassy farmhouse tour for you.

3.) For free printable gift tags go here. You'll find others here.

4.)  Open Library-- this reader's new best friend.

5.)  For a free Jiffy baking mix recipe book, go here.

6.) Enjoy browsing through vintage dress patterns? Click here.

7.)  You'll find awesome nature photography here.

8.) My all-time favorite decrepit-old-house photographer is here.

9.)  To get a free Kindle Cloud Reader for your PC, click here.

10.)  Want to listen along with ol' Debra to music from the 50's, 60's and 70's? You'll find her favorite radio station here.

11.)  Interested in reading what was happening the year you were born?  Go here.

12.)  Here you'll find free video teachings from my very favorite 

13.)  For a free issue of Good Old Days Magazine, click here.

14.)  You'll find many free printable charts to help get you organized here.

15.) Personally, being a fan of Home Alone, I found this new Google ad hilarious.

16.)  To listen to hours of vintage Christmas music online, go here.

17.)  For old times' sake you can read my Christmas post about Rudolph, here, and the silly one about holiday yard decor, here.

18.)  Go here for 1,000+ free online courses.

19.)  In 2019 if you're tempted to be like other people, remembering this might be a better choice--

20.)  To receive daily emails with offers of free Kindle books, go here. (You can customize the book categories you'd like to see.)


And repeat after me:  "This year I refuse to let December make me crazy!" 😏


Oh! And if you ever need images/photos for Facebook/blogging/Twitter, etc., just do a search for any theme/Bible verse/quote you'd like, then add the word 'image' to it. 

That's how I find all the free images I use here and at Facebook.

For example, to find the images I used in today's post, I just did a search for 'vintage Christmas images'. (Go here if you'd like to see the many I couldn't fit here!)

Oh! Nearly forgot. Here's the TCM Remembers for 2018. Bittersweet as always.

And one more treat: Here are some vintage radio shows for Old Time's sake. Enjoy!


And lastly, for animal lovers--




  1. You're most welcome, Clarice! Merry Christmas to you and all who live in your beautiful, cozy Storybook Woods! Blessings, Debra

  2. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Thank you so much for all of these links. That had to have taken you quite some time and I very much appreciate it. Especially for the Christmas labels link. I ran out! My daughter just sent me the Google ad for home alone this morning. Hilarious! Have a wonderful Christmas my dear friend. Blessings always,

  3. And Merry Christmas to you---I'm thinking, Betsy? The comment sounds sweet and encouraging as one of yours might, but wasn't signed so I am guessing. :) Thank-you much for faithfully reading here and commenting! Blessings, Debra

  4. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Yes, it was me. For some reason it cut off my name. Oops! Blessings, Betsy

  5. Merry Christmas, Debra!! Thank you for always sharing information with all of us. A few days ago, you gave us a link to a free online library, and I've already finished reading a book from it. Sometimes I feel like I live under a rock, but I'd never used an online library before. Wonderfully convenient, especially in the wintertime, when I don't want to make the 32-mile round trip to our local library.

    I pray you and your family will be richly blessed this Christmas season.

  6. Hooray, Pam! I'm so happy you've been able to make good use of Open Library. Isn't is so easy to maneuver around? I really love it and when I add all the selections to my free kindle books, well, I've certainly got enough books to read the rest of my life. heh. Merriest of Christmas wishes are coming your way.... and thanks for reading here so faithfully! (And you'll never know how thankful I am that your cancer has left you!) <3 Blessings, Debra

  7. Anonymous2:33 PM

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