Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Simply This and That


1.)  On Sunday, Tom and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary(!) 

Wow. All those years spin and blur like a carousel ride, but what a good life. Trust me, I discipline my mind to appreciate everything fine and right 'round here.

Oh, and for all of 2018 Tom and I tried to choose a celebratory adventure (darn ol' homebodies), but could decide on just one thing: going out to eat at our favorite Mexican restaurant with Naomi and Justin, using a gift card they'd given us for Christmas.

So we did that--and had a lovely time. (Perhaps by 2019 we'll be able to think of traveling somewhere more than 2 miles from home. heh.)

2.) Back when I took the easy (boring) route and wore only black pants, I used this hanger--

--and oh, the confusion. All that black! It morphed like a blob and I couldn't tell my gardening pants apart from my dress ones unless I removed each piece to peer more closely. 

Can you say annoyingly time-consuming?

So I began labeling large plastic bags (free from my Walmart orders), describing specific pants, Capri's, leggings and keeping them all inside two plastic totes beneath a guest bed. One for warm seasons, the other for cool, I pull them out like drawers, then look for the appropriate label.

So easy. And on my personal 'Journey to 60' ? This idea makes my life simpler and more pleasant so it's a winner. 

3.) Oh! Until last week I'd forgotten about Bookfinder.com. That's a wonderful website which helps cheapskate bottom feeders bargain-hunters like myself find the least expensive copies of books online.

Check it out here

4.)  And wow, did you read about that 13-year-old girl who (years ago) invented candy which cleans your teeth and she's sold, like, 7 million dollars' worth this year? 

Wild, right? Especially when, at 13, I began trying to think of something I could invent and--46 years later--have yet to devise anything beyond quick household fixes.

But hey. I'm ok with that. Mostly. (If only mine paid better... ha!)

5.)  Oh! Saw this in a Kashi ad on my Facebook. The caption was: Cantaloupe bowls > regular bowls --

Cool idea, right? (I'm assuming the white stuff is yogurt.)  ツ

6.)  And ha! Had to laugh at this --

7.) And are you familiar with the Internet Archive (Open Library)? Got my online library card just yesterday and oh! They have some books of the 'quirky vintage variety', even. (I'd nearly given up on finding such a place online or otherwise.) 

The site is easy to maneuver around, you can 'keep' up to 5 books for 2 weeks and it's almost like you're reading an actual paper book. See what I mean here.


8.) And here's my current favorite photo of Naomi and Justin. This was taken in Florida last year when they played music at a friend's wedding --

9.) If you need a little boost to help you feel thankful now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, check out this awesome 1 1/2 minute video. Guaranteed to stick with you!

10.) And lastly, probably today I'll bring up from the basement our little lighted, table top Christmas tree. But isn't this ladder one from Laura Leona's Cottage Garden, awesome?

              (The caption was)--  "Throw back to 2013 Painted Farmgirl. Remember the time I made a Christmas tree out of a ladder           and grapevines? So fun."


Happy Christmas season to you!

(That 'Early Christmas' post of mine? It's weird, but it's actually helped me enjoy the preliminary celebratory stuff going on right now rather than being a Scrooge. Hmm.)

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." ... Isaiah 9:6


Oh! Nearly forgot. This week is a rare one at DollarTree.com. You can order whatever you wish for just a $4.95 shipping charge. Normally there's, like, an $8 charge for each set of items you purchase(!) 

The offer is good through Saturday, December 1st.

Check out their so-cute Christmas decor this year. (Though I'm still trying to find a way to buy less than 24 or 36 of everything!)



  1. Happy 40th! I know I’ve told you before but 40 is worth celebrating big time in these days of multiple marriages. We also had our 40th in September and I think we had Mexican too. We are all very adventurous aren’t we?
    Love that first cartoon. I think Chloe feels that way sometimes although I have never heard her growl. :-)
    Blessings my friend.

  2. Congratulations to you and Tom on 40 years of marriage! Marriage isn't always easy, but what a gift it is to go through life with a partner. May you be richly blessed and enjoy many more years together!!

  3. Wow!! So much great info in this post! I’ll have to refer back to it to use it all. Thanks for sharing! 💕
    And I love Laura Leona’s booth at Painted Farmgirl. We live in the same town here and I met her a few years ago when I sold her some vintage doors. She used them for the walls of her booth. A very creative lady!
    Our anniversary is coming up . . . 49 years!! Can’t believe it. Dec 6, 1969. We’ve been thinking of what to do. I think maybe eat out and a trip to the botanical garden in Grand Rapids. They have such a wonderful Christmas display with trees of many nations. Love seeing it.
    Thanks again for all the great info!

  4. Anonymous6:20 PM

    It was so much fun reading all those little posts !! Thanks. I will sure check out the links too. It is almost like your yearly Christmas gift list to us!! One thing Debra...I has lost the radio where you listen to that good old music. Can you please print it again?

    I use one of those slack hangers...the ones with the two clips on each one...to hang wet sox etc. I add lots of more clothes pins to each one and pin all sorts of little things to it. Lots can be hung to dry in a little space.

    We have been married almost 49 years. It does go way fast doesn't it !!!! :) We are homebodies too. Sarah

  5. Oh Betsy! I love that you and your husband were married just a couple months before we were. Fun! And I had to chuckle over your ' aren't we all adventurous' comment--thanks! :)

    Pam--I appreciate your good wishes for us.... thanks so much!

    Linda--So glad you found this post useful and thanks for letting me know! And how great that you've met Laura Leona. She looks to be a very creative person--my favorite type of folks on the planet. :) The botanical garden sounds like a wonderful place to visit!

    Sarah--I like your idea for the hanger! I think I have an extra one and maybe I can set up something in our basement like what you mentioned. Thanks! And I love how you remembered my old Christmas list for my readers. I may do an updated one this year--thank-you for the reminder. Oh and here you go, the link online for my local radio station (glad you like the station, too!) --


    Thanks so much, Everyone! Blessings, Debra

  6. Congratulations to you on your 40 years of marriage. You included so many nifty things in this post; Pickles is my favorite cartoon, which I read every day in my daily newspaper. Nice to keep your tree in the basement. I am a retired librarian so should check out Open Library. Have a great day.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.