Thursday, October 04, 2018

How's The Book Coming?

"Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."   John 21:25


Speaking of Facebook (my last post), I'm actually friends there with my 4th grade teacher.

Cool, right?

And I keep forgetting to show her that hundreds of (well ...50) years later, I still have the journals she had us keep. Seriously. Need proof? --

Sometimes Miss Noakes asked us to write short, imaginative essays, but my favorite pieces? They're the ones where I described fun outings with my family, grandparents, relatives and friends, days which would be lost had I not written them down.

Go venturing close to 60 and you treasure those captured days, especially when, years ago, you ceased having adventures with many characters of your autobiographies because they moved to Heaven.

Anyway. In one of the entries, I wrote that my mother was 29 years old (actually, she'd turned 30 the previous month. No math whiz, me.). But still--how young she was. Wow.

But yesterday, my mom turned 80.


The increasing speed of years--oh my. May we make each day matter, count, by performing at least one memorable act of kindness. You know, one sweet thing done at God's urging, a thoughtfulness which will remain upon the pages of our own Book Of Days when we, too, move to Heaven.

Hopefully our book will be stuffed with kind deed stories--because forever--they'll remain part of our history. 

And too, may we remember that Moving Day is fast approaching, and Heaven, with all sorts of new adventures.

"It all goes so fast. Make it memorable!"

Here's my 4th grade class and Miss Noakes. Wasn't she so very 1960's? I remember loving her clothes-style way back then.


Dorcas. She inspires me all these thousands of years later.


Remember last year when I was all crazy-searching for a book of homey art that I could peruse over the Winter? 

Well, I'm shocked that I didn't even think of the artist, Trisha Romance (though am I really surprised, given the state of my aging brain? heh.)

Anyway, a few times we've visited her lovely former home in Niagara On The Lake (Canada. It's an art gallery now for her paintings with some of her family's furniture, as well) and if you'd like to see it (and the quaint town) via Trisha's eyes and wonderful art like this--

---you can order her book (as I did) here, for practically pennies.

Years ago, I found a copy of this at a yard sale, but sent it to my parents since I'd taken them to Trisha's home just a month before. What a treat this new copy will be on the deepest, darkest Winter afternoons.

 (Or to view more of Trisha's original art online, go here.)


(This book is now $2.99, but still check it out if you wish!)---

Yikes! Almost forgot that today you can pick up another free Deborah Raney kindle book--yay!  Here you go.


"Walk ... with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love." ... Ephesians 4:2


  1. First of all, thank you for the book. I just went to Amazon and downloaded it. I love kindle books! Another thing that I love is the fact that you still have your journals. Oh, how I wish I had kept journals, especially of my talks with my mother and my grandmother. I miss them both more than words can say. Thank you for the reminders.
    Many blessings, Betsy

  2. What beautiful paintings in that book you found and those old journals of yours are treasures of family memories.

  3. Happy Birthday to Debra's mom!

  4. Thanks so much for sharing the book, Debra! And loved the post. I THINK I picked you out right away in the school pic. Second row from bottom, 4th from right?

  5. Betsy--you're welcome and thank-you! I've kept all my journals and diaries, but rarely reread them lately. I'm not as sentimental as I used to be, I guess, and too, I tend not to look backward much as I grow older. Kinda weird, but that's how it is. I do like finding ways to keep me looking forward with anticipation--and notjust to heaven. It's a good exercise for me and helps me keep things fresh. (Or something like that.) :)

    Terra--oh! That book arrived over the weekend and it's even more beautiful than I remember. It'll be the perfect winter book--looking forward to it.

    Robin--you're so sweet--thanks! My mom had a good birthday--she was able to spend a couple weeks with friends of hers who live farther south and they did some traveling, even to a town where we once lived as a family.

    Deb-- thanks so much and yes! You win the prize. :) That is nine-year-old me. Boy, what I wish I could tell her at that age.......

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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