Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Something's Weird? Maybe God's Timing Is Involved.

"People were overwhelmed with amazement. "He has done everything well," they said."  ... Mark 7:37


Off and on for 30+ years I'd think, "Gee, I'd like some scented drawer liners. I could place them in my bedroom dressers and whoosh! A lovely scent would waft upward each time I open them."

"Yes, I'd love to have some scented drawer liners."
"But hey, they're kinda expensive."
"And yet? Scented drawer liners would be awesome."
"I really should splurge and buy me some scented drawer liners."

This went on for, like I said, 30+ years. (Please, someone tell me you've done stuff like that before.)  😃

Why didn't I--at least--ask for them at Christmas or my birthday? Or use my 'allowance' to buy them instead of the books, dvd's, books, clothes, books, decor and did I mention books which I normally buy?

I would say I don't know--except that maybe I do. Now.

See, last Wednesday I finally clicked over to and ordered lavender-scented drawer liners. Oh, but they looked so pretty...

... and my heart, with its slight-Francophile tendencies, beat harder. I even bought sachets so to tuck inside the drawers, as well.

Anyway, since no shipping cost was involved, I didn't use Tom's Amazon Prime, so they arrived not in 2 days, but 4--which meant on Sunday afternoon, poof! There they sat upon our front porch.

Sunday--the day after our car accident. The day when I, emotionally and mentally, needed this most perfect project. You know, the emptying and sorting of two dressers in my rooms upstairs and the placing of the drawer liners and sachets so to create something beautiful and sweet-smelling. Oh, and calming, also. I've used lavender essential oil in my closet bedroom as a sleep aid.

A project to help me heal from the trauma of the day before, something to whisk my mind to a more positive place, a creative one where (some of you will get this) I always feel especially close to God.

Oh, to be led by God's timing in all things! Even the ordering of something I'd wanted for decades which couldn't have arrived at a more perfect time.

Truly, God does all things well and that's why I'm always writing here that I long to carry out His ideas, rather than my limited, the-future?-what's-that? clueless ones.

So there you go.

The Lord is good to those who depend on him,
    to those who search for him.
 So it is good to wait quietly
    for salvation from the Lord.   ... Lamentations 3:25,26

"Take nothing for granted."


Well, ever since the Hecks (from The Middle, s. 6 ep. 12) went to Leilani's Motor Lodge after they buried Aunt Edie, Tom and I have dreamed of owning a basement (ours couldn't work) where we'd create our own Leilani's. We could host parties where everybody would lounge at tables listening to Hawaiian music (like this) and drink fruit concoctions with tiny umbrellas.

Except Tom and I don't even like parties. We'd probably be sitting down there, alone. But hey, details, details.  😐

Anyway, if you've read here even a month, you know I, daily, peek at local real estate online and oh! Yesterday I spied just about the coolest basement of them all.

Don't you wish you knew the quirky people who put all this time and creativity into their basement, probably long ago?  (For fun, click on this song before looking at the photos.)

And in case you're wondering, this is just the basement of a small, 1951 ranch house.


"Walk ... with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love." ... Ephesians 4:2


  1. What a fun surprise that basement must have been for many guests over the years! I know you will get such joy from your liners- and I am the same way!

  2. I’m glad you got your liners and of course it was just when you needed them the most. God is good like that! And oh my goodness! That basement! It’s wonderful. As I looked at the pictures though, I couldn’t help but hear in my mind the comments of people on HGTV House Hunters. I think virtually everyone of them would go in and gut that basement. They would paint it a bland gray and put either wood floors or a plain old carpet down. There seems to be no personality and homes anymore. Thanks for sharing Debra.
    Blessings, Betsy

  3. Your little creative project had ideal timing for you. That basement is overflowing with busy cuteness.

  4. With all to manage in the world, how mind-boggling it is to think of God's role in things like timing of Amazon purchases! SO humbling....

  5. I needed to read this post today, Debra. Thank you for it! Our little family hit a big bump in the road yesterday, and I know we just have to stay steady and remember the verses you shared from Lamentations. Loved the pics of the basement...they made me smile.


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