Thursday, August 30, 2018

So After Seven Years --

                                                           Ooooooo.... dreamy.  😉

"Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity than one who is crooked in speech and is a fool."   ... Proverbs 19:1


In 2 days Tom and I will celebrate 7 years at Hobbit Cottage. (Can you, my long-time readers, believe that?)

This morning I read those early blog posts, the ones declaring never again would I collect a bunch of stuff--and had to call myself a Big Fat Liar.

Hey, can we get real? 

I've become my own collecting-enabler. I bought back books I'd sold in 2011 then placed them upon 9 new sets of shelves to accommodate my Still Love My Stuff Habit. I've squeezed in more furniture, the kind that stores more things.

Fortunately I'm a 'daily straightener.' Organizer. There's that. Yet I'm also a pro at discovering hiding places for tons of books, clothes, dvd's, stock-up groceries and retro tchotchkes. Man, I've squirreled away in 860 square feet probably more than you have in 2,000. It's a wonder, really. 

On Facebook I see meme's like this one--

... and yeah, I click 'like'. And then go organize one of many book shelves, toss a few pieces of my fireplace's white dish collection into the dishwasher, then look-up this week's yard sales.

Er hem. But hey! Some folks love to collect both moments and things, Tom and I being two of those people. And if that's wrong, well, we don't wanna be right. 😊

Whew. Confession truly is good for the soul. I do try to stay pretty honest here, keeping in mind liars always get found out by God and super often by blog readers. Yikes.

Anyway if you ever reread posts about my early decluttering-is-awesome! days here, now you'll know I changed my mind. That's allowed, right?

But so is reaping (and dusting, organizing, moving around) what one sows--and facing possible consequences thereof.

And there is that, also.


Be still my book-loving heart!

But is it really clutter if it doesn't bother you and you still enjoy it? Yep, ol' Debra still likes her stuff. Even so.
And you may quote me.

 "Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices."  ... Colossians 3:9


Seven years at Hobbit Cottage! Oh, the acceptance I'm learning here in this meant-to-be-temporary place. And oh, the freedom which comes after each victory.

But oh, how slowly this all takes place. heh.

                      Wow, six years after painting it, I still love my red door! It may take me longer to come up with ideas at this house, but at least I've found I re-do very, very little that way. 


Daniel The Cat's new favorite sleeping place? Way up on top of our kitchen cabinets amongst my Fiestaware and other collections.

He knew there's no way I'd crawl up there again and again to bring him back down. 

He's consistently up there now, day and night. Darn ol' too-smart cat. 


A favorite housework hack of mine 'round Hobbit Cottage? This-- 

After I clean our cheapo plastic bathroom door, there's still dark spots on it, so I 'paint over them' with this shoe polish.

I also use it in the same way on the bathroom door frame (and others), also our window sills. Such a quick fix when you don't wish to lug out a paint can and brush!

Really, I've wondered how I ever got along without this stuff.



  1. I appreciate your honesty! I have a thing about books,too.... Never enough.😄

  2. Loved today’s post Debra. I’m all out of sorts not knowing where we’ll settle after retirement. Here? Nebraska? Full time Rv’ing? On top of that, I’m a nester and it drives me nuts, not knowing where I’ll be in a couple of years. Loved your honesty AND the shoe polish tip.
    Blessings always,

  3. Congratulations on seven years in your sweet home! I appreciate the way you've shared the process of creating your nest, step by step. There have been times when I read a post, looked at your pictures, and thought, "Hmm, maybe I could change things up, myself!" Thank you for being vulnerable with us, and always inspiring us making our lives and our homes more beautiful.

  4. Oh, my, this made me smile! I can relate to this more than anything you've ever written (and that's saying a lot!) I do try to keep a strict one-in-one-out policy (of course that doesn't count with candles, notepads, or anything else that will eventually be used up.) But I DO love my stuff. It brings me joy and I feel like I have it pretty much under control. There's not much that I couldn't give up without tears if I had to, and since I've paid pennies for almost everything, no guilt and no obsession. But as long as it's not breaking the budget or hurting someone we love, what's wrong with having an enjoyable hobby of collecting things that make us smile?!

  5. I’ve got to try that shoe polish on my white doors!!!
    Off to a couple estate sales . . . Ttyl. 😁♥️

  6. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I start to read a book thinking...THIS One I will not keep. It is just an easy fast read. I read and finish it Then two years later it still sits there laughing at me! Laughing just like I told you so many years ago the mirror does when I look at my young face in the mirror and a wrinkled old lady looks back at me !! How dare that mirror play tricks with me !!

    Don't even ask me how much used Fiesta I have. Can two people ever use that many plates? But Each is a different Color !! I love so many colors !! A minimalist I will never be !!!! Sarah

  7. My hubby and I called ourselves bookaholics so I can relate. I am happy when I find a book or ten or so to give away. I do keep buying books so I like to give away ones I won't read again, especially novels. Congrats on 7 years in your home.

  8. Rebecca--so true! Just when I think, "Don't buy anymore books!", I'll see one which I just have to have. Oh my. :)

    Betsy--hang in there! After trying to figure out my future, I find just thinking about today brings me peace. Glad you liked the shoe polish idea--it really comes in handy!

    Thanks so much, Pam! My favorite thing is to inspire people to see something in a new way. I'm glad I've been able to do that for you--thanks so much for letting me know!

    Hi Deb! Loved and agreed with your last sentence so much. So true (and I always enjoy the photos of your home which you share at Facebook!). :)

    Linda--hope you found some treasures at the sales. :) The shoe polish idea is a great one for quick touch-ups!

    Sarah--oh, I'm totally that way about books, also! My thinking is that as long as I have room for them, why not keep them? :) I am, though, pretty good about letting ones go which I totally didn't like for whatever reasons. Oh, and I, too, see that strange lady in the mirror! :)

    Thank-you, Terra! Yes, it feels so good to give books away. I really do need to do that more often and remind myself that, for the books I only sort of like, someone else is out there who might love it! :)

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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