Friday, July 27, 2018

Fourteen Years, Chit Chat and A Giveaway

"Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him."  ... 1 Corinthians 7:17


So! This week my blog turned 14 years old. 

Happy birthday to you, this journal of sorts, this teaching tool which teaches even its author, not being solely written by her (heaven forbid), but in great part, by Him, who, like, dictates parts to me (via thoughts, no spooky voices, er hem), sometimes using words I must consult in online dictionaries so to make certain they're even correct.

Seriously. It's kinda eerie, but in quite a pleasant way. (That's a thing, right?)

"... apart from me you can do nothing."   ... John 15:5  ( More seriously true in Debra's case. Really.)


Truly, I recommend that all my readers discover (and do) the thing(s) God created them, uniquely, to perform. God made this huge plan, but if your part is missing (or you're doing what someone else thought you should)? Uh-oh. 

Then our world spins like a scratched record album--

Skip, skip, music plays, skip, note repeats, repeats, skip, music plays, skip, note repeats, etc. Jarring. All nails-on-a-chalkboard like. When, actually, the rest of us could've been soothed and inspired, instead, by your part.

Put simply:  you are needed. Necessary. Yes, you.

Today? Love God with all your heart (oh, what that repairs!).
And do what only you, specifically, were designed to.

That's when Life changes, inside and out. For all of us.

Speaking of a spinning earth, don't you just love this Bible verse?

"He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers."   ... Isaiah 40:22

Good gracious! Hundreds of years ago people blue-face-argued whether the Earth was round or flat when they could've just read (and believed) the Bible. My, my, my. Sounds awfully familiar these days, also, right?

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."Proverbs 9:10


My pal, Judy, shared this  at Facebook--

Oh, and for my friends who, like me, sometimes get teased for not bathing in Today's political news? Here's a page of Bible verses which may encourage you that it's ok to take baths in something different.   😃


Oh! Found one of my favorite things at an estate sale last Saturday--

They'd been wrapped in plastic for years (oh, the dust!). But the exciting part? I discovered the perfect place for one of them (hang one-thing-too-many in this tiny house and the whole thing spins out of control)--

Just right. Ahh.

Now, I've had a few of these over the years, but does anyone know their official name? (Their faces were usually made of felt and the rest was fabric, trimmings, lace.) I believe they were popular in the 1950's. Really, I'd love to know what they were called back then.


Oh! And could you please join me in praying for my family and friends (and all others) who live in Redding and Red Bluff, CA? The fires near there are way too close for comfort. Thanks so much.


And lastly--in honor of this blog's 14th birthday, I'm offering $25 Amazon gift cards to 3 of my readers. Just something I enjoy doing, a tiny way of saying bless you for reading here.

There are 3 ways to enter the drawing:

1.) Leave a comment here after this post.

2.) Comment at Facebook if you're my friend there (more than a 'like' only this time, ok?).

3.) Or email me at    Please add 'blog' somewhere in the subject bar.

I'll draw names from one of Tom's old-fashioned felt hats tomorrow (7/28) at 12:00 p.m. eastern.

Thanks so much to all my readers who visit me here so faithfully year after year! I appreciate each of you way more than I tend to say (tsk, tsk on me).

*** The drawing's been held and the winners, notified. A special thanks to each of you who entered with your kind, encouraging comments!


  1. Well done Debra! My comment is two of the many things I love about you/ your blog: 1) To ignore negativity/ remember who is in control so straighten my crown and get on with it! and 2) quirky things I enjoy but would never see anywhere else. So congrats and thank you for doing what you do!

  2. This morning the verse that you quoted that struck me was the one about the circle of the earth. If people would just read the Bible now, so many things would be answered for them. I am one of those that is not very well-informed with the happenings in the political scene and I like it that way.
    Happy anniversary to your blog and thank you for your inspirational posts that you put so much effort into for us. And, I love your new plates. Blessings,

  3. The circle of the earth,duh! Happy 14th blogaversary! I love your posts and I love you. Thank you for so many years of inspiration.

  4. Happy 14th Anniversary! Great post. Thank you for listening to the still small voice and being an encourager.

  5. Congratulations on 14 years of blogging! Debra, your posts have been a constant source of inspiration and pleasure. That's because you've allowed Grace and Wisdom to lead you. Writing can be hard work, and I appreciate every single word you've typed! May God bless you and your family always! I will pray for your friends and loved ones in California.

  6. That plate looks so cute there. I remember those from my childhood! Love the nostalgia of your blog!

  7. Congrats on this being your 14th Blog Anniversary!! I used to have one but haven't for quite a long time but have been thinking lately that once I get moved to my new place, I might start a new one.

    I've never seen dishes like those before but whatever they're called, I love them [so cute!]

    Wishing you many more years with writing on your blog. We all appreciate you so much and truly, I hope you know that we really do mean it from the heart.

    Praying for those in the area of the wildfires. I have to admit to complaining at times [especially in the winter], I'm some south of Erie, PA and am very close to the snow belt area and our winters can be brutal as well. BUT, I always tell my friends [as well as remind myself!] not to complain because at least we don't have to deal with the hurricanes, fires, floods and normally not tornadoes either so it could be worse. The fires would be so, so scary.

  8. Congratulations on your Blog Birthday! How well you've managed to offer a variety of interesting and uplifting topics,! Keep it up!❤️

  9. A very special thank-you to you who made my 14th blogiversary a very special time. I appreciate each of you who took time to celebrate with me and who read here so faithfully--thanks! Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.