Thursday, June 21, 2018

This And That (For the Desperately Bored. Heh.)

Just some fun today.

1.) This past month I've been addicted to studied The Middle. Yep, the tv series. 

My conclusions?

a.) The Middle is very Erma Bombeck-esque in its finding-humor-in-the-daily-grind dialogue . Watch it closely. You'll see Erma everywhere.
b.) I'd like to adopt Sue Heck. Her positivity mega-convicts me.
c.) To me, Neil Flynn will always be Mike Heck. He can never be another character, anywhere (though, certainly, I wish him well in future endeavors).
d.) The Middle reminds me to stay hopeful. To be patient, slow to speak--and so much more.

2.) Eegads! My coffee shop will be closed all next week, for the owners are going on vacation. Wonderful for them, a bummer for me.

Or is it? Perhaps this will prove a perfect time to (finally) visit the other nearby cafe, one combined with a dress shop. It's farther away, say, nearly 4 blocks, but after these kinda-daily walks of mine, maybe I can make it.

And yes, I realize I'm blessed to live within walking distance of two coffee shops. God often reminds me of many assorted blessings--and the importance of noticing them. And saying thank-you.

Oh, how important to remain on the Gratitude Track. It can turn even 2018 into an incredibly blessed time to be alive. 

3.) Remember how I've become a devoted online shopper? Well, recently while running errands with Tom, I stepped into a Family Dollar store, reached for a jar of spaghetti sauce and nearly said aloud, "Just think! I can take this home today. Today!"

Yep. Maybe I need to get out more.

4.) Naomi and Justin took us out to our favorite Mexican food place on Father's Day. As always, a treat to spend time with two of our favorite fun people.

5.) Oh, you've got to see this. Made me laugh over at Facebook:

6.) Speaking of shopping online, I always check Ebay before ordering DVD sets at Amazon. My oh my, often I save $5-$7 dollars per set of dvd's. That's nothing to proverbially sneeze at, certainly.

7.) The hardest thing (I've found) about ordering items online? Sometimes knowing what to call them. Gee, I've had trouble with this. Face it, search engines don't always respond well to phrases like: those-one-hook-thingys-that-you-can-also-use-to-hang-curtain-rods.

(Turns out they're called robe hooks.)

In fact, after seeing (just once, all bleary-eyed at 1:00 a.m.,) a commercial for a hair-dye-wand-that-looks-like-a-mascara-brush-for-the-grey-hair-at-your-temples-and-below, it took me a year to locate and order one online:

Want to plan ahead better? Need more patience? Just order nearly everything you need, online. It'll stretch you, make waiting just second nature. No big deal.

(By the way-- I use my No Grey brush every week. Makes me feel decades younger and isn't that what it's all about?)  😉

And now, let's end with this, something I often consider, something which, surprisingly, makes my Life simpler---

Happy sigh.


"Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry..."  ... James 1:19


This morning after walking home from the coffee shop (and the scents! The privet hedge is blossoming now) --


  1. I've never seen The Middle. You kind of make me wish I had! I look forward to hearing about the OTHER coffee shop...and I sure hope you sit a spell in one of those colorful chairs in that last photo!

  2. The Mexican restaurant has attractive decor, and I like the simple seating shown in your last photo. LOL about your shopping epiphany, "I can take this home today."

  3. I’m sorry you had to travel further for coffee, a donut and reading time. Our nearest coffee shop, grocer, etc. is close to two miles. Not a lot of walking there.

  4. Aren't we fortunate to be able to shop online? Remember the old days when we'd have to schlep from one store to the other...wondering where we might get the best deal. Heavens, I had a mom who would shop several different towns before deciding on which clothing to buy. I love to be able to shop in the comfort of my home, and I love reading people's comments before I buy. Yep, life is good.

    Debra, I'm looking forward to hearing about the other coffee shop!

  5. I'm going to have to check out The Middle. I've never seen it! Have you newly painted your ice cream set?? As you might know, those are my favorite colors! Especially put together like that it looks charming!

  6. Oh Rebecca! I hope you'll be able to watch The Middle someday. It was great watching the kids grow up and the family become closer over its nine year run. I may not go to that other coffee shop.... sort of changed my mind (and may explain later).

    Hi Terra-- Actually that photo was just one I grabbed online of a different restaurant, but the one we went to is a bit similar. Glad you like my back patio chairs--I recently spray painted them and am enjoying the color combination, also.

    Betsy--awww.... you make me more thankful that I live where I do. I'm afraid I've become spoiled by the nearness of everything!

    Pam--again, you sound exactly like me! Ditto, ditto to everything you said. :)

    Deb--glad you also liked my patio set and yes, I did recently spray paint them. I think you might like The Middle! In rewatching all of them lately I'm seeing why this show lasted nine seasons. It's a comedy, but some of the episodes bring tears to my eyes when poof! A scene will suddenly take a sentimental turn. (Love that.) :)

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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