Thursday, June 07, 2018

Maybe Your Wimpy Best Was Actually Amazing

"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. "   ...Romans 8:26



Where've I been, you ask? Oh, just here at home, just me and these annoying, wipe-me-out springtime allergies

Good grief. Ol' Debra's been achoo-ing on the couch like she hadn't this whole millennium. Weren't these days over for me long ago? Guess not.

I did manage to will myself to the coffee shop this morning and the gal said others had been allergy-moaning, also. And ok, yes, I felt a tad better. Hey, who wants to suffer alone?

Oh well. This, too, shall pass. Yesterday wasn't as 'poor, poor Debra-ish' here in my sealed-like-an-Ebay-box house. Whew.

Anyway, during not-fun times like these I just do what I can. Just. Do. What. I. Can.

Like, during tv commercials (oh, the episodes of The Middle I've watched and felt happier while doing so) I roll off the couch and load the dishwasher. Or vacuum. Or pull salmon from the freezer to defrost or clean the bathroom sink or zip outside and do 5 minutes' worth of weeding.

The best idea at times like these? Follow Grace. She knows exactly what needs to be done and what can be ignored. What'll create the biggest impact with the least amount of my poor, wilting-Debra energy. How to, shall we say, 'get the most bang for my buck'.

Grace, I've found, is super efficient. Wise. She never wastes time (or waning energy) and she sees ahead, something I certainly cannot do.

Grace helps me do my best when my best is oh-so-wimpy.

And you know? Doing my wimpy best may be even more meaningful to God than when, on normal days, I'm a cleaning tornado 'round here, able to, in a single bound, cross off every item on my To Do list.

Perhaps following Grace oh-so-close and totally relying upon God for strength (and trusting all will be well someday) is the way to go even on normal days. You know, when I've got everything under control.

Imagine that. Hmm.

"I can do all (necessary) things through Christ who strengthens me (even during allergy season)."   Philippians 4:13 (tweaked)


I shared this at Facebook after Mother's Day. Oh, how important to keep our sense of humor when things don't go our way! (Even ol' Debra needs to grow in this area. Er hem.) --

After visiting us on Sunday, Naomi and Justin drove the 2 hours to Toronto to see a concert, only to discover it was cancelled by the venue. Rather than be blown away and angry, this photo shows that they kept their sense of humor and chose to have a good time with friends anyway. How inspiring, especially since ol' Pollyanna Debra can't say for certain she'd have reacted with humor.



  1. I’m sorry to hear that you haven’t been feeling well Debra. It seems this allergy season is especially bad for a lot of people this year. I very rarely have allergies and I’ve been sneezing a bit too from the cotton floating around in the air here. I’m glad to know that you’ve kept your sense of humor through it all and realize that just doing your best is all we can do.
    Many blessings, Betsy

  2. Following grace a bit here myself! Must be something. In the air????

  3. This is the first spring in my life that I've struggled with whatever is outside in our air. I'd feel okay, then go out to work in the yard, then WHAM, my head started to hurt, especially in the sinuses. I tried using the Neti pot and otc meds, but nothing seemed to help but time. Since we live in the country, surrounded by fields, I couldn't help but wonder if part of the problem might be the chemicals being used nowdays. It's not unusual to have spraying rigs in the fields, mutiple times during the growing season. Planes are used, too. Honestly, it really concerns me. Anyway, I'm very thankful you're feeling better, Debra. Thank you for reminding us that Grace gets us through the rough patches!

  4. i'm just finishing off a 2 week cough/flu session! i tell ya, there is some truth to the notion that older bodies take longer to get feeling better! can you believe it, i'll be 65 next birthday???? whaaaaa ... so i shall allow myself to go slower while fighting a cold ... cough ... flu ... whatever it was that knocked the wind out of my sails!


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