Monday, April 16, 2018

My Invisible Friends

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."   2 Corinthians 4:18


So last week beneath sunshine I raked leaves, pruned the rose bush, snipped dead growth from two flower beds and had a royally marvelous time.

Yesterday we returned to this (the slush looked worse then)--

--and more marches this way as I write. Ugh. 

So in the spirit of moving on--

Gee, I wish my coffee shop was open on Mondays. That place cheers me every time, one reason being, well, you know the movie quote, "I see dead people"? When I visit our sweet, 18-person-occupancy-only cafe, I bring along some funny dead folks.

Seriously. Here are a few of them--

Yes, I sit drinking coffee and pulling bites from my muffin at the formica-top table with Emily Kimbrough, Cornelia Otis Skinner and Hildegarde Dolson. Those witty friends of mine! They've stepped into the next world, yet were faithful to leave words which, decades later, make me chuckle at the cafe (which probably makes me oddish, but hey.). Add the caffeine and sugar and yes, it's a special time, always, even on the greyest days.

Oh, if when our weather finally warms-to-stay, I'll ask local friends to join me, but for now? To the cute cashier I appear alone, but no. In reality, I'm surrounded--and calm beyond words.

But you recall the main reason, right? Because of the alive Friend who steps through the door then sits beside me, and who died, also, but He rose again and now never, ever leaves me alone.  

Some women lean heavily upon their still-here girl friends as though they're a foundation (of sorts) for their sanity. (I watched a Christian documentary this morning where a woman kinda did that.) But for me,  Jesus is the only friendship foundation I can afford. 

Oh, of course I appreciate all my friends! But I cannot hand my entire heart, mind and how-I'll-view-Life to any. That's too scary a thought.

Only Jesus never disappoints me. Only He is with me 24/7. Only His comfort heals and only He loves the flawed me 100% unconditionally.

He is the lover of my soul and only He is enough

Doesn't matter a bit to me if--to others-- I appear to be cafe-sitting by myself or walking alone in my black wool coat upon snowy streets, for no! That would be a true physical impossibility upon this planet (or any other). I cannot walk alone.

My Friend made a way so that it could never, ever happen.


Oh my! Our nephew's wife, Kaylin, actually traveled, like, 107 miles with Tom's sister to meet up with Tom and other relatives just 11 days after delivering her new baby, Natalee, by C section--

Wow! Kaylin is so sweet, family-oriented and brave. No way would a young Debra have done that. 

No. Way. (Which means Kaylin is the better, sweeter trooper of us both. Easily I hand that to her.)

On this business trip, Tom met up with lots of relatives and old friends, had a blast and he especially loved meeting tiny Natalee.




  1. Here I am this midday.....with MY friends. Sharing your sentiments AND pleasure in my literary friends and Jesus--always Jesus!

  2. First of all cheers to Kaylin for being so brave. Such a sweet new baby. And I love your words about Jesus. He truly is everything isn’t he? I wish everyone could feel the same way that we do about Him. I’m sorry about your snow and ice. We just have rain and cold over here in Washington state, but it sure does not feel a bit like spring here either this year. Maybe soon. I hope you have a most lovely day my friend. Blessings, Betsy

  3. So true...there will never be a friend like Jesus. Years ago, I worked hard at creating and maintaining friendships. Not so much anymore. Jesus is more than enough.

  4. Donna R12:20 AM

    Thanks Debra for your heart for the Lord. There is truly no friend like Jesus! Always there, always near! All I truly need...

  5. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Hi there, I check your blog regularly. Your story-telling style is awesome, keep doing what you're doing!

  6. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Now I am going to do my breakfast, later than having
    mmy breakfast coming yet again to read other news.


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