Friday, March 23, 2018

The Five Not-Oh-Hum Things

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."  Matthew 10: 29-31


Years ago I noticed something. 

My days felt oh-hum, not exactly memorable, making for hazy, forgettable whole weeks. Not good.

So I began attempting, each day, Mondays through Fridays, to do Five Not-Oh-Hum Things.

What's the criteria for those? They're 1.) activities not appearing on my regular ol' Daily To Do List and 2.) hopefully, they're memorable and/or Moves Me Forward tasks.

You're wondering just what these activities are, right? Well, I'll share some, but only with this caveat: my special Not-Ho-Hum Things--to you-- might sound curiously not-so-special-and-is-she-serious?, like.


Yet we all, though similar in many ways, still are unique and used by God in varied ways, so really, some things just aren't explainable (though boy, do we still try sometimes). 

Anyway, these tasks, below, often appear on my daily Five Not Oh-Hum Things list. They help me, by nightfall (when I count on my fingers), feel that I didn't waste yet another God-gifted day, but rather, added a little spice or kindness or creativity, instead, if I ---

... wrote a blog post.
... fed the birds.
... visited the coffee shop.
... sent an encouraging email.
... called my mom.
... posted an uplifting thing at Facebook.
... visited Sally next door.
... took a walk.
... studied more about health, clothing, cooking, decor, etc.
... worked on our basement.
... walked a bag of cast-offs to the Salvation Army bin.
... did something I'd procrastinated for weeks.
... rearranged a room.
... waved and/or spoke to a neighbor.
... painted or wallpapered something.
... did the ironing.
... improved something in the yard.
... tried a new recipe.
... snail-mailed an uplifting card.
... tried an idea which made home life simpler.
... exercised.
... etc., etc.

May we all cast away the idea that only huge things done by well-known folks, matter. For ours, after all, is a God who counts our hair and knows when even sparrows fall from trees.

So much attention to detail! And what an example that sets for me. Wow.


“It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important.” 
― Arthur Conan Doyle


Awhile ago I mentioned that--finally--Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown had been released on dvd. Has anyone watched it yet?

You won't believe me (you just won't), but we taped this from tv waaay back when Naomi was little and over the years, oh my, I've watched it probably 30+ times.

(See? Unbelievable. Told you so.) 😉

You know how we can choose a movie/series/episode which mysteriously comforts us just by the watching? Well, Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown is one of mine.

(Makes ya kinda curious to watch it now, right?) heh.



  1. I like your list of things, it is a good idea to be more mindful of how we spend our time. Mother Theresa said we cannot all do great things but we can all do small things with great love. So true.

  2. I also enjoyed reading your list of things. I reading your list. It makes me feel like maybe I am accomplishing something throughout the day. Sometimes I feel so guilty that I’m not doing enough. Debra, I so value your friendship through this blog. I love how you share your heart with us. I have you hope you have a lovely day.

  3. This post is making me think. Sometimes, I get so involved with my routine, that I forget to consider how I'm spending the precious days, months, and years that have been given to me by my heavenly father. Thanks for the wake-up call, Debra.

  4. I will post your list of things to do on the refrigerator. I don't like getting older. I don't like hurting here and there and people being grouchier it seems to me than they use to be.

    This list will keep me moving in the right direction. Spring is here on the calendar although not weather wise yet. Soon as I add these things to my days I will feel much more encouraged. I have already gathered a few old dishes to take to an antique shop as I know longer have a young family and no one grown wants them. Your blog inspires me so often.

  5. Terra--that's one of my favorite quotes! A great one to live by, right? Glad you liked the list--ideas like that one give me a good daily challenge, just what I need to 'keep me on my toes.' :)

    Aww, Betsy--I just know you're accomplishing way more things than you realize! I think we'll all be surprised to hear in Heaven how some of the simplest of our loving attempts did the greatest good. Thank-you for your kind words! <3

    Hi Pam! So glad you found this idea helpful. Really, this added daily challenge has proven to be a good thing to keep me mindful of each set of 24 hours and how it's not all that hard to add a few unique-ish type tasks. :) Thank-you for your encouragement!

    Oh Rita! Your comment totally made my day. Thank-you for sharing your heart with us so openly and I hope my list and any ideas you add will help to sweeten your days and make them bright!

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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