Thursday, February 22, 2018

Where She Goes On A 'Just Do Better Diet' (And Other Stories)

While Tom and I waited for Naomi's gig to begin last Sunday, I shouted into his ear (music was playing), "Hey. Since we both look pretty decent, maybe you could take a selfie of us." 

So he whipped out his phone and spent the next five minutes figuring out how to attempt this great feat. (Heh. He's not a picture-taking kind of guy.)

Well, the first three photos were disappointing. Mr. CamerasLoveHimEspeciallySinceHeLostFortyPounds looked fantastic, but the woman next to him appeared old, grey, heavy and tired (and here she'd imagined she glowed). He snapped one more photo and yes! Perfect. His face looked angelic and just one-eighth of my face showed.


And that was the night I decided it was time. Time to go on a Just Do Better Diet.

That's where you do not--

count calories,
weigh yourself daily,
drink powders and potions,
take a ton of vitamins,
exercise yourself into an early death,
starve and despise yourself.

No, instead, on The Just Do Better Diet you--

actually do your exercises (rather than think about them),
you eat less bad stuff and more good,
you take walks,
you don't sit at the computer all day, 
you don't stress-out if you messed-up,
you skip your favorite sport if that sport is Snacking While Reading
and you love yourself through it all.

Yep, that's the diet for me. It's much better than doing nothing constructive at all and just maybe it'll help me lose a little weight, say, seven or so pounds from my face.


Yes, I can do this. Grace is here to help me with this now and I know better than to tell her, "Come back again next Spring when I'm 
thinkin' it'll be more convenient." 
With Christ and Grace I can do anything, especially this Just Do Better Diet.

Stay tuned.


And here is my 'before photo' which I re-sized at this free site here.
Oh! Tiny, tiny photos. Now, there's the way to go.

"But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me."... 1 Corinthians 15:10


re: Commenters--some of you will be happy to see that I changed "Eating While Reading" to "Snacking While Reading." There's a difference between eating a meal you need to anyway while reading and mindlessly snacking for hours--and I'd forgotten it.  :)

Oh and nothing like a few special effects, plus, my buddy, Judy, suggested taking selfies from weird angles and hey! It works. I actually didn't hate four out of the five photos I took this morning. Thanks again, Judy---


"Well, that's an improvement. It's better--and better is better."  What Debra has often been heard to say around her house.


Finally I joined Goodreads and wow, color me addicted. 

I'd used this site for years to read synopsis of books, but I'd never signed-up to create my own lists of books I've read and what I've thought of them. You can compare your book lists with your friends', find books you'd love to someday read, take reading challenges, write reviews and even add books which Goodreads has no record of (I've done that once already and need to do so again. Really, I read such funky books which not even huge enterprises like Goodreads has heard of).

If you're there and would like to be my Goodreads friend, email me at and I'll send you my link,ok?

Oh, and speaking of books, here's the latest one I'm loving so much--

So funny, yet detailed, deeply felt and with some tragedy, as well. It pulls you into the Chicago of 1911 and reminds you that unkindness existed, yes, even back in the good old days and measures being taken Today against bullying, especially in schools, is good

Ol' Debra gives it 5 just-what-she'd-needed stars.


And here's what I shared yesterday at Facebook--

Part of me feels sad, but the other part is so excited for Rev. Billy Graham and all the wonder and joy He's experiencing now with Jesus and millions in Heaven, our real home. Mr. Graham fulfilled the special calling God gave him here and now's a wonderful time for us to ask ourselves if we're faithfully fulfilling our own God-given calling. All callings, huge or small,
matter because each comes specially-designed and given from God, Himself. 

 “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord…that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them."   ... Revelation 14:13



  1. I just love your post, I can tell we would enjoy hanging out together. That Emily Kimbrough book sounds good, and hard to find, I imagine. Your diet name and philosophy behind it is perfect. Yes, heaven is rejoicing welcoming Billy Graham now.

  2. Oh boy! How I can relate to this. I even have my very own “Mr. he is glowing since he lost 40 pounds man! “ I have been paying weight watchers for over a year now, and have only lost 10 pounds. And it’s my own fault. I can only blame a little bit of it on medication changes. Most of it is my own willpower. It seems like it’s a never ending battle. I wish you happiness and love as you embark on this journey! Ha ha! No, truly, I wish you all the success in the world.
    Blessings always, Betsy

  3. Love your "before" photo and it does NOT look like a "before"!! It looks like a very nice "after"! But I know what you mean about feeling like you're glowing and then the photo says something very different. I prefer to only post photos of the BEST me. Which is the real me, but the one that takes a lot of makeup and hairspray and TIME to get to and who has to hold her head just so and remember to tilt her top chin up and crane her neck to smooth out the other three chins, etc. etc.

    I don't know how old you are, but I will say that turning 60 (much as I dreaded it) was very freeing for me. I finally came to terms with the deep crinkles around my eyes and the V between my eyebrows, calling them laugh lines, and I'm proud to have them.

    Despite everything, I'm thankful for a body that still does most of the things it was created to do, and my brain is still young and attractive. Most days. LOL!

    ALWAYS enjoy your posts!

  4. A book with my meal, that is so difficult to give up! I suspect that if your husband has lost 40 pounds that you already do cook healthy meals. I love this post, it reminds me of Bon Appetite's focus on eating "healthyish" because I have found over the decades that regaining lots of lost pounds was probably worse than not having dieted at all.

    I too was comforted yesterday knowing that Mr. Graham is now present with the Lord, reunited with Ruth too. My father took us to the Nashville Crusade when I was young and I remember it vividly. Even my younger sister who was 5 at the time remembers being there. We both loved knowing that Daddy now sees him again.

  5. I cannot tell you how much I love your "diet." I may just go on it with you! And you look good to me- like someone I would like to know!

  6. Debra, I think your 'Just Do Better Diet' makes good sense! I can't even count how many diets I've tried and failed, and that feels awful. My daughter made the decision to try to eat more fruits and veggies every day (for her health's sake), and that, alone, has resulted in a gradual weight loss. Sometimes the small steps are simpler and longer lasting. BTW, I think your picture is lovely!

  7. Terra--I'd like to spend time with you, also! Definitely. The Emily Kimbrough book is available at abebooks, amazon and I believe, Ebay. It just depends upon how much you're willing to spend. :) This just might be my favorite genre of books, probably next to vintage kids' lit.

    Betsy--how funny that our husbands have both lost weight! I've been making small changes and am encouraged not because I see physical changes already, but simply because I made the changes. (And I believe this type of thinking will make things easier and eventually pay off.) Wishing you well, also, my friend!

    Thanks, Deb! I'll be turning 60 next year and I'm already spending this one preparing my brain for it. ha! And really, you are about the most photogenic person, ever, and you always look much younger than 60, imo. You must be doing something right--keep it up! :)

    Dewena--you made a great point! And I even changed how I worded that part. Reading during a meal you'd eat anyway is fine--it's the unconscious snaking while reading which gets us in trouble. :) Thanks for mentioning that!

    Aww, I'm sure I'd like to know you, also, Angela! And this 'diet' is working great so far. I've made some different choices and I'm encouraged just by that. Haven't even needed to wait around for physical changes this way--I'm just feeling very thankful that I can, indeed, do some things differently when I make up my mind.

    Pam--thanks so much and yes! Just taking these simple steps in the right direction has been such an encouragement. I'm looking forward to taking more steps as time goes on--and just relaxing with this, staying far from stress.

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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