Monday, February 12, 2018

Lucy P. And Grace And Me

"I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."  ... Isaiah 41:10


My buddy, Ann, shared at Facebook a photo she snapped and oh! Read the part in italics--

Wow, that's haunted me--in a good way. "She hath done what she could." 

Now personally, I'm planning to be cremated (deal with it. heh.), but if I wasn't? I'd choose that wonderful phrase for my own tombstone, but tweaked a bit--

She loved Jesus--
And she hath done what she could.

Why do I so appreciate the phrase given to Lucy P.? Perhaps because to me it says --

Lucy did her best, even on crazy days, then trusted God to do what she couldn't.

Lucy didn't waste hours moaning, nagging, complaining. She kept busy with good things.

On her sick days, Lucy did what she could, then leaned back upon her pillow and gave herself permission to rest without guilt.

Lucy did what God called her to do rather than make herself insane attempting to do what others could. (This realization helped her not resent anyone.)

Yep, Lucy's tombstone reminds me to reach out for Grace in all my tasks. To be faithful, yet not frenzied. Steady, but able to take breaks. And calm, reminding myself that God 'knows my frame and remembers I am dust'.

And how sweet to know that God and Grace daily help this 'bit of dust' so that--by her life's end--she'll know 'she hath done what she could'. 

With joy.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."  ... Romans 15:13

Always choose to heal, not to hurt, to forgive not to despise, to persevere not to quit, to smile not to frown, and to love not to hate! At the end of life, what really matters is not what we bought, but what we built, not what we got, but what we shared, not our competence but our character, and not our success but our significance. Live a life that matters. Live a life that cares...

 Ritu Ghatourey quotes  




  1. I love that. She did what she could. I hope that's what people can say about me. Well, I also want them to know of my faith in the Lord most of all.

    Dennis and I are being cremated too. In fact, we've already paid for it through the Neptune Society. We do have a headstone at Forest Lawn in Omaha too though. The kids can just call them and have the date put on after the fact. Trying to make it as easy on the ones left behind as possible. When we're in Omaha we usually take Dennis' Mom to the cemetery to his Dad's burial spot. Ours is just up a hill from theirs and my parents too. Our headstone is already in place and it's a strange sight to see your names and dates of birth on a headstone! :-) Doesn't bother us though. We're planners and it's a fact of life. We're going to die sometime unless Jesus returns first and that would be wonderful wouldn't it?

  2. What a great quote to be on a tombstone and also your insight on it.

    Also I loved the quote here you wrote about living a life that matters and I do believe that I'll copy that in my binder.

    Have a nice day, friend!


  3. Betsy--my, my -- you sound very organized, indeed. :) Glad you also liked what was printed on Lucy's headstone!

    Thanks, Debi! Your binder sounds like a great idea and a super encouragement to look through, especially during trying times.

    A very happy Valentine's Day to you both! Blessings, Debra


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