Monday, January 29, 2018

Where She Recommends Something

                "You have not because you ask not."   ... James 4:2


The main thing is to remember complaining is not the same as asking for what you need. Just ask Moses' crazy Israelite friends. Er hem.

Really, there's a huge difference between, "Lord, this house is a big, fat mess. Why should I be the one to clean it?" and "Lord, please put within me the desire to keep my home organized."

So this January I've been asking God to help me stay sanely-happily-busy (as opposed to insane-and-unhappy-busy). And inspired, especially during these gee-I'm-inside-the-house-a-lot months.

Well, this was an answer to prayer --

Wow. Now, here's $2.99 well-spent. Author Christina Scalise gives us a daily task to keep us organized and isn't it wonderful when someone else does this type of thinking for you? (Yes!)

You can peek inside this book here. I bought it last Thursday so it's been fun (no, seriously) trying to catch-up on all the previous January tasks. (Only my fellow list-loving friends understand that statement.) 

Christina inspired me so much that I even tackled my scary greeting-cards-to-send file.

Oh my. For decades, anytime I needed to mail a card I'd shuffle, dig, somehow find the right card amongst many (or not), then (in some cases) delve deeper to discover an envelope to match. Sometimes I even chose not to send a card rather than face that dreaded box. (Shaking my sorry head here.)

But now finding a card will be a cinch.

After this organizational feat, I searched online for old-fashioned assorted greeting card collections to fill-in my greeting card gaps. Do they even make those anymore? Turns out, they do. I bought mine at Ebay for just pennies each card.

Thanks to Christina, I've organized my desk top and some desk and dresser drawers. Went through my closet, tested old pens, carried some bags down to the Salvation Army bin and tossed a couple objects. I cleaned out a kitchen cupboard and deleted old emails and contacts. As I complete each task, I yellow-highlight it in the kindle book so I know to move on to others.

Yeah, you probably need a certain personality type to get excited about stuff like this. 

But the main idea? Sometimes we all need a little push out of our deep ruts and back up onto the highway where we move forward, freely, without a bunch of annoying, noisy things trailing us rather like metal cans and shoes tied to a honeymooning couples' car.

God is awesome at sending us the perfect inspiration at just the right time! But we must remember to ask and believe for help, rather than complain and believe for worse.

So what are you asking for today?

P.S.  To make the dividers for my greeting card file, I first cut strips of light-weight cardboard. Then I cut business-size envelopes in half, added a self-stick label to each, then slipped them over the cardboard.


And for anyone feeling sluggish, weighed-down by your past, well, I hope this will set you free to fly again---


Oh! Tom and I watched Good-bye Christopher Robin this weekend On Demand and we both enjoyed it much. 

I'd looked forward to this film for months and wasn't disappointed, though it was very bittersweet. Still, it offered an excellent lesson regarding how we view things--and the huge difference it makes. 

Highly recommended, especially for my most quirky friends.  😉


Just one more thing, I promise! Yesterday I felt so blessed to get this kindle book, free. I'd been searching for such a book the previous day, for I'm still working on a new wardrobe. It's short, but helpful--

As of this moment, it's still free, but be sure to check before you click to buy.



  1. Now that looks like an interesting book. We're thinking of moving in about 3 years and just the thought gives me the heebie jeebies. We're planning on downsizing big time. If health allows to an RV. At the very least to a condo or very, very small home either here or in Nebraska. I have GOT to get busy and purge things. I have a big problem with sentimental things. Thanks for the kick in the pants. Maybe I'll actually get something done today.

  2. Oh boy is that ever something that "I" need. I have tons of cards and they are scattered and I've no idea where what cards are and honestly don't want to deal with it. Think it's time that I get some organizing done as well [and maybe a few cards out too!] : )

    Have a nice day, Debra!



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