Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A Winter Day Amongst Thousands

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."   ... Colossians 3:17


The best thing about winter? I never must mow the lawn. No, it sleeps beneath the snow, so my energy and time now go to more productive things, although yes! Mowing the lawn matters.

Everything we do, matters. God watches us, examines our hearts, too, you know.

Winter slows things down--at my house, anyway. After my hot chocolate and snack on these quiet, dark mornings I wipe down the glass table and counter tops with vinegar and water. Of course, I've already lighted the four votives in the fireplace. 

Wintertime was, partly, created for candle glow so I cooperate.

After the sun rises and I've put on my make-up and dressed, I step down to the basement for birdseed, then climb back up and outside so to feed the shivering sparrows crouched upon our hedges. These icy mornings, they wait close to me while I fill the feeders. They appreciate what I give them and so do Daniel and Sammy the Cats, watching from the windows. Their favorite show, this fluttering bird one.

I might run the dishwasher or set the ironing board up across from the tv. Maybe I'll dust, vacuum, set out salmon to defrost for dinner with Tom.

Or perhaps, like I'm planning this morning, I'll gather my book bag, my coat, gloves and change purse, blow out the candles, then carefully step over snow until I reach the coffee shop where I walk so to encourage the young owners. These days only the brave go into business for themselves and I like to bless them, if just by showing up, ordering coffee, dessert and hanging out awhile.

It's important for everyone to feel they're needed, that they've made this world, better. 

Back home? Perhaps I'll shovel a bit of snow or begin gathering a Walmart order online. Maybe I'll send emails to friends, post something on Facebook or just read there what my friends are doing. Or perhaps I'll gaze at my latest photo book online, the New York years book, the one I felt so much Grace putting together (perhaps Grace plus streaks of obsession? Oh my!).

But whatever that was, recalling these past 25 years did me much good. Truly, it reminded me that yes! I really have had a wonderful life and--thankfully--continue to do so, even on these icy, quiet Winter days spent mostly alone-but-not-alone. And even though this present life--and myself--look quite different. Even so.

And with all my heart, I thank God for this gift of Life.

"How could you have had such a wonderful life as me if there wasn't a God directing?"   ... Maureen O'Hara

Did you notice my header? It's one of many pictures I unearthed for that new photo book. Another day I recall with such fondness. (That was our church's tea party group on our favorite gathering of them all.)


Yes! Always, God makes a way where there seems to be none. Some days it's harder to find ours, but keep looking! It's there.


Now here's something quite rare, indeed. 

A photo from my early New York years. Dated, yes, but it makes me smile to remember those days ...

                                        Taken in 1997, I believe.



  1. Beautiful Debra, like you ! We are 38 this morning, dropping all day, tomorrow our coldest day so far this winter!

  2. I really like this post. Your days are much like mine, except I usually get out for an hour or so in the mornings to run an errand or two. Like tomorrow morning. I’ll go to weight watchers and then come right back home. I love being home in the winter time. Just reading this post today brought calmness to my soul. My hubby is sick with a bad cold and I’m trying not to catch it. I’m diffusing essential oil’s and trying to keep my distance. Blessings always my friend,

  3. Debra, thank you for such an uplifting post!! You remind us of the beauty of daily living. Even the most ordinary routines can bring fullness and joy. It all boils down to our perspective...when we look for good, we will find it. In our area, winter has been more severe than in years past, but hubby and I have enjoyed watching Mother Nature wrap us in snow and ice. We're fortunate to be able to stay inside most days, drinking coffee and tea, and trying new soup recipes. In just a few days, our temps are supposed to rise to the 40s and that will be good, too.

  4. I too loved this post and the look into one of your winter days. It was 9 degrees here this morning and don't the it got out of the teens all day but it's to warm up and be in the mid 50's on Monday (I can't wait!!) After that, it's back down again but it's a break I'll for sure enjoy. 😺

  5. Out here in the country, where no one can see me, I feed the birds in my jammies and a fleece vest! haha

  6. Yes we need to encourage others.
    Sometimes, the best moments of my day are the encounters out in the community with people
    I don't know. Maybe talking to someone at random is the only contact they have that day. We do
    not know who our Creator has put in our path on any given day. For His thoughts and ways are greater than
    Then we return home to a peaceful day.


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