Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Of Mental Health and Fix-My-Foot Days

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."  ... James 1:17


No blog posts in 8 days? Probably because I'm taking 'mental health days' (avoiding much of the world) and the most exciting thing I've done is sit upon the red couch and aim my camera at Autumn light while it glides through our windows and circles my room.

My poor ol' foot is healing since I determined to keep it inside a shoe ("Help me! I'm claustrophobic!" it cries, but I must ignore it), so we rest and read, my foot and I, and watch dearly appreciated Castle dvd's and Autumn's shadows.

Like Emily said, there's just something about that 'autumn slant of light.'

'Round here, Autumn finally feels right. This year she broke heat records (since the 1880's!) and wow, that certainly felt wrong. But now? She's back to normal--cold, windy and sunny.

And when I'm not on the red couch, I'm at this computer ordering food and supplies not already upon our shelves. I'm hoping to give the delivery guys a Winter break so they'll not so often climb our snowy steps.

Oh, and after one full year of mentally swirling this around (and skipping 20 blog posts about it), I've nearly accepted that our small, meant-to-be-temporary house just may turn into a rest-of-our-lives one. Yep, almost there contentment-wise and oh dear. It's not been a picnic, certainly. Yet God and Grace have majorly encouraged this never-ending-decorator-at-heart that all will be well.

So I'm choosing to believe that. Choosing contentment rather than wishing, also.

 Anyway, that's where I've been. Soaking in contentment and that golden, mysterious Autumn light sent down from the Father of the best Light of all.


A very, very cool thing? For months I'd wanted a pen and ink drawing just the size of the one above and guess what? This one appeared--surprise!--as a bookmark in a book I ordered. Wow, gave me goosebumps. Can you say, "God loves to make us smile?"

Oh, and see these?

Sally and Sue from across the street said I could take whatever cookbooks I wanted from boxes they were giving away. Of course, I snatched the older cookbooks, those being my favorites.

More presents! 


Oh! Nearly forgot to share this old timey photo in remembrance of Halloween --

Can't you just imagine the smiles behind the masks?



  1. Well hello there Debra! I was wondering where you were. I’m glad to see you’ve just been taking it easy and enjoying the fall weather. We had the record breaking heat this year also and this week is cold, and so far beautiful sunshine. That is all supposed to change Thursday when our first snow showers of the year arrive. There has already been snow on Mt. Spokane but we haven’t had any here in town yet. I’m glad you’re learning to be content. I’m searching for that feeling. We’re still trying to decide where we’are going after retirement. Do we stay here where we have no family or do we move back to the Midwest where we have family but no place to live as yet? So many questions. Have a lovely afternoon my friend. Oh, I love all your surprise gifts. Isn’t God good?
    Blessings, Betsy

  2. I've been wondering how you're doing, Debra, and glad to know that you're resting. That should help your foot. Thank you for sharing your journey to contentment. I'm on that path, too. Sometimes I wander off it, but most days I try to relax and give my concerns to the Lord. It's always such a pleasure to see pics of your charming home. You've created a very sweet, comfy nest. May God bless you and Tom, and continue to heal you from head to toe!

  3. Hi Betsy! Oh, I certainly know about those questions--we've had them, too! But lately I've been reminding myself that if I obey God today, I'll be led the right way tomorrow (the future). So mostly I just try to live in today and do my best--and it's brought more peace because today is easier to handle. :)

    Hey Pam! I've been meaning to thank you for suggesting wearing shoes. I've done that and almost immediately it began making a difference. My foot is healing much faster now. Whew! Thanks again and I'm glad you liked the photos of our home!

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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