Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Life And Other Stuff

"Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep."   ... Romans 12:15


So yesterday morning while still feeling bummed about Tom's and my Sunday argument, I walked to the dentist's office. Not having visited for six whole months(!), the time had arrived for a cleaning.

Gee, that circus atmosphere over there really is something. I told you before it's a downright magical place--on the stroll back home I felt lighter, happier, closer to normal. Also, a change in place probably helped.

Anyway, Monday's remainder felt pleasant (well, not counting our crazy September heatwave), then oh! Look what Tom brought home for me --

Such lovely surprise flowers  which helped our home's atmosphere normalize to Peaceful. You go being married nearly 39 years and hopefully you've learned to forgive and release things. Well, if you don't want a consistently rough life, that is.

And actually? I no longer let these where-did-that-come-from? arguments send me spiraling for days. No, if I want to be blog-relevant, to avoid resorting to weak Christian platitudes and if I wish to remember how some of you often feel, well, I'll not resent difficult moments added to my story. For your sake.

I believe they call it ministry.


Oh, look what a special art-filled book I ordered --

It's full of more than art--substance, also. Lots of hints so to make our homes feel more comfortable, relaxing and luxurious. 

What a wonderful addition to my Winter reading.


Speaking of which---some may have a cow, but I'm actually anticipating Winter this year. No, really, for Summer was too hot, too long and brought lots of annoying baggage with it.

Phooey on it, anyway.

So already I'm making plans. I'll cozily hibernate this Winter with books, newly-washed afghans, old movies and hot chocolate. In fact, I'm trying now to stock-up on groceries so I won't need to order as many (and so to give the delivery guys a break during snowy afternoons).

I'll respect the season which, imo, was created so to slow us down.

Basically, I'm giving myself permission to take Winter off--no guilt allowed. Those months will be about hibernation, rest and renewal.

Really, God and I are thinking I neeeed this.


Oh and since Tom's still leaving early for work each morning to exercise and since he's still serious about eating right-- I've been looking for new recipes. Here's one he loves --

Quinoa Chicken Recipe

Really, it's pretty great, even with my tweaks, as in, I use two small cans of chicken, instead of 1 1/2 lbs. ground chicken. And 1 cup chicken broth, 1 cup water, rather than 2 cups of broth. And a few green onion shoots from the garden instead of half an onion. And I add half a can of diced green chilies to the Rotel.   

Other than that, it's practically the same recipe. 😉


Lastly, (there's more I'd like to share, but let's not go crazy)-- I saw this at Facebook and was so inspired by it --



  1. I love that Chesterton quote and have it written down, planning to use it one day. Winter for rest and renewal, I need that. Those flowers are a good make up gift, aren't they?

  2. I'm with you on 2 things for SURE: Winter and the distaste for weak Christian platitudes.

    And the Chesterton quote? How well said (and better practiced)!

  3. Glad things are on a more even keel at your house today Debra. It is important after 39 years to learn to let things go. I have discovered the same. And I've also decided, like you, to try to hibernate as much as possible this winter. I'm going to make my home cozy sanctuary and try to avoid the snow. However, I'm in no hurry for it to arrive. Last winter lasted way too long for me.
    Blessings, Betsy

  4. Terra--a resounding yes to all your comments today! Bless you much.

    Rebecca--thank-you and I'm glad you liked the Chesterton quote!

    Betsy--sounds like we'll both be hibernating and trying to make it a cozy time of renewal!

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.