Thursday, June 15, 2017

When I Saw Heaven In Her Smile

A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.... he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."  Proverbs 18:16 and 11:25


Before I explain my title, here's a little story ---

Three weeks ago, Erin from Joyce Meyer's new Partner Care Team emailed me, saying she'd be in our town and would Tom and I like to meet her for coffee and prayer about any problems/concerns?

I wrote back, saying, aww, that was a lovely idea, but we were fine, greatly due to Joyce's excellent teachings these 20+ years. And that we're happy homebodies who'd rather free-up her time to meet with other Buffalonians with more urgent prayer requests.

Erin said that was sweet of us, and instead, would it be ok if she left a free gift at our door? Of course, I couldn't pass that up.  😉

Well. Last Sunday evening came and no free gift lay at our door. But I totally understood and all was well! No problemo. I know things happen.

So Monday morning there I was in our yard, taking pictures, after having mowed the lawn and trimmed the hedges in my black shorts, grey shirt and the ugliest oh-so-comfortable black shoes on Planet Earth. I'd done my make-up, but my nose was red since the lawn mower had set-off annoying allergies and my hair was mussed after recuperating upon the couch.

And that's when, like a vision, Erin stepped into my Prayer Garden. 

Oh my goodness. She had gorgeous, long blond hair, a trim figure, a sweet smile and an adorable black summer dress.


At first I wanted to sink into the lawn. Disappear. But then God told me to cut it out, I was home, working, so forget about myself, smile and receive (then give) His graciousness. So I went with that--or tried, anyway, and Erin and I had a pleasant chat. I quietly marveled at her kindness, then she handed me a gift bag, we said good-bye and she stepped back through our hedges.

A lovely Monday morning surprise, really, but being human (and a woman) I couldn't help but think this --

Sigh. Won't it be marvelous in Heaven when we'll consistently be dressed-up and looking our best for everything?   😃


And speaking of Heaven --

Remember when I sent you over to watch Darci Lynne, the amazing young ventriloquist?  --

Well, next day, I noticed Darci's smile immediately upon finishing her performance and a 'scene' came to me. It's like I imagined a young girl in Heaven (not Darci, but someone like her) performing with a puppet on a stage before huge crowds who, afterward, heartily cheered and smiled and praised God. 

And it's as though through her smile, I heard this girl say, "Wasn't that an enjoyable thing? Our Father gave me this wonderful gift with puppets! Isn't He a good God? Isn't He so creative and marvelous with the gifts He gives us to share?"

It's like the puppet gift/calling was a separate part of her, not belonging to her, but to the audience for their enjoyment and uplifting.

You know, as our gifts are meant to be spread here, creating avenues so God can share His endless creative facets with us before Heaven, even. So although we're 'seeing through a glass, darkly,' we can begin to understand the glorious days awaiting us, above.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."   ... James 1:17 

However, as it is written:
“What no eye has seen,
    what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”[a]
    --the things God has prepared for those who love him—  ... 1 Corinthians 2:9


Have you shared your Father-given gifts lately? They matter here (especially during these Divisive Days) and will matter in Heaven, too. I just feel it.

All gifts matter, all are important since all are from God's heart and His big-planet plan.


And the free gift from Erin? A so pretty leather-like-bound copy of this--

Tons of Bible verses inside. Love it.



  1. Such a lovely and thoughtful thing to do. And I'm sure you Looked just lovely as you chatted with Erin. Sometimes we have to search to find our gifts. I try to share the gift of knitting and crochet that He has gave me with others. It's probably not an important gift to some, but for others, it gives them a feeling that someone loves and cares for them and that's all I could wish for. Have a lovely day my friend.
    Blessings, Betsy

  2. Yes, heaven is going to be glorious!Last night, I called a dear aunt (she's in her eighties). We exchanged news, then as we wrapped up our conversation, she told me how excited she is for her heavenly home. It made me realize that I often allow myself to be overly concerned about stuff that doesn't really matter. The days pass quickly and we're heading toward our "forever home." Wow!

  3. Betsy--your knitting and crocheting gifts always blow me away! I love when you share photos and every time I wear the socks you made for me, I feel especially loved. Every gift is important--they're all God-given! That's what I like to remember. :)

    Pam--exactly! That's just what I hoped people would get from this post--that we should be thinking of things above, not earthly things. Your aunt sounds special!

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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