Thursday, June 01, 2017

For The Stuck Amongst Us


"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."   ... Isaiah 43:19


So for a year I'd near our house during my walks, glance at the rhododendron bush in my Herb & Etc. Garden and think, "Yuck. That weak, spindly-looking thing is bringin' down the whole flower bed. Maybe the whole house(!) Sigh."

Finally I concentrated, focused on finding a different place for the rhododendron (not an easy task here).

Then this morning I added two feet to my Farm Garden Bed, dug a hole for ol' Rhodie, dumped in homemade compost then plop! Sat her down, sprinkled her with more compost then replaced the bricks, spread newspapers over the remaining area, then covered them with more compost.

Then I stood back--and gasped.

Ol' Rhodie looked healthy, green and beautiful there against the shepherd's staff and fence! A miracle. An instantaneous, before-my-eyes transformation. Finally, she was no longer a disappointment.

After four years, Rhodie landed in the place which suited her, specifically, made her useful to my yard and brought out her best features. And made her shine. 

Yes, there's a lesson in that. 

Sometimes our vague restlessness comes not from being weak or deficient or not-good-enough. Rather, we just stayed planted when God said, "Pull up your roots! I've created something new for you and Me together." 

But instead, we remained mired down in the trappings of --

...the safe, traditional, I've-got-it-memorized way.

... the blame-my-boring-life-on-someone-else way.

... the God-doesn't-even-have-to-show-up-cuz-I-can-do-anything-this-way, way.

But oh, how much better to, like Rhodie, brave a new place, a different way, where one shines. Not even by changing who she is, exactly, but instead, switching where she placed her roots, her obedience, her trust...

... and starting a whole new bright season with God on the same ol' dark planet.


"Are you waiting on God or is God waiting on you?"   ... copied

"If we're not where we need to be its because we took a wrong turn somewhere, or we're sitting still when we should be moving. Its not God's fault."   ... Patrick Spydell


Here's a cool house not redecorated since the 1960's(!) My, my, my... Loved it.


Did you enjoy The Carol Burnett Show? If so, here are lots of hilarious clips to watch.


Oh! And this absolutely amazed me yesterday. Made my day, my week, my whole month. What a sweet, talented cutie-pie and frankly? I feel God purposely places such big talent into these little ones so to encourage our hearts, especially during these dark, divisive days.

Go Darci!



  1. How good your Rhodie has a new spot where it can flourish; a lesson for all of us. Carol Burnett is a hoot isn't she? I read a memoir of hers a year or two ago, it was funny.

  2. Great post today! I'm glad you found a new home for your rhodie. And I love the pictures of that house. It's funny you posted this today. I went and looked and a manufactured home in a senior community this morning. I'm only 57 and barely the age where I'll be allowed to live there! But the bedroom had those same built-ins as the bedroom in the house on your post. :-) Even down to the little dressing table on the end! It needs so, so, so much work though. Hubby is going to look at it tonight and we'll see what he thinks. The thought of going from my relatively new home to a tiny, single wide manufactured home, strikes most people as odd. I think it would be cozy once it was decorated up. Bloom where you're planted at all!
    Blessings, Betsy

  3. I'm afraid I had to be transplanted twice to find my best place!

    I loved looking at the house, had to share it to my FB to save. The lady of the house had to have had supreme self-confidence in her taste, I think. And obviously took very good care of everything. I'd love to have that stove!

  4. Terra--yes! I love Carol Burnett. I even got to see her show in-person while in college--one of my favorite memories. I'll have to look up that book--sounds interesting!

    Betsy--oh! I hope you'll keep us updated about your new, smaller home plans. I'd love to follow you in this next adventure!

    Dewena--oh! I think God often keeps transplanting us, if not in a different home, then in different situations so that we'll keep leaning on Him rather than ourselves. Wasn't that house so much fun to visit? I've gone there lots lately. Oh, and if you see this .......I think your blog's comment box doesn't like me. :) I often try to comment there, but my comments never show up, even days later--oh my! I've been meaning to let you know I often read your blog and love your decorating ideas, etc. I'm enjoying your own Life adventure!

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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