Saturday, May 13, 2017

A Tour While I'm On a Contemplation Vacation

"I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways." ...Psalm 119:15

"But godliness with contentment is great gain."   ... 1 Timothy 6:6


Still here! Just been living in, shall we say, Contemplation City, with much time alone, listening. Thinking, avoiding the computer/news/negative-headed folks. And considering to choose contentment with the fact that perhaps I'll live in Hobbit Cottage till I'm old and very, very grey (and never get to sit beside a community pool outside my front door).

I'm not quite ready to decide that (stubborn ol' thing), but I'm much closer.  (It's like God reminded me I must choose contentment rather than waiting for it to mysteriously fall on me.)

Yet rather than rehash all that here again, I'll share these photos, below, with you. Probably a hundred times I've described certain estate sales to you held in vintage 1940's or 50's houses and well, this morning I found photos at one local website of a sale near us.

This place is classic. Oh, the hundreds of times we've wandered through such houses during our 24 New York years! So--especially for those of you who live in places without estate sales--here's one for you to walk through online.

Enjoy. (And click any photo to enlarge.)

Classic green walls in the living room and check out the shelves on the stairway, plus the ancient carpeting.

                                   Birch cabinets in the kitchen.

Love the turquoise inside the cabinet (and look at all that stuff!).

The obligatory blue bedroom. There's always one or more. Most likely oil-based paints were used in the 40's and 50's--they held up so well and that's why we still see them. Notice the birch door and wooden window valence.

                                   Here's a cool sewing corner in a gable.

Notice the old lamp, suitcases and the green of the next room. There's always a green bedroom, too.

Isn't that dressing table adorable?

Classic old curtains, furniture and floor tile.

Ha! Old bathing suits, even.

And the pink bedroom. There's always one of those, too.

Peeking in closets is always fun. Nearly all are painted in a contrasting color from another bedroom.

Knotty pine paneling in the basement isn't too common, though. I love the blue dresser and mirror, above.

Pegboard! Every basement must have pegboard.

Love the tiny blue-drawer thing.

So there you go. Of course, when you actually walk through homes where people spent the last 60 years of their lives, all the nostalgia kind of overwhelms you. My favorite houses are not the fancy, expensive ones, but rather, the simple, much-loved homes which hold a million family memories.

Here, they're everywhere and are a major reason I love living in this area.


Happiest of Mother's Day wishes to you! I'd not have missed being a mom for anything. My, my, my--- how motherhood changes and humbles us into someone we'd not have become otherwise.


Doesn't Life feel a lot like this lately? Oh my! (And more reason to make each day special in a memorable way.)



  1. My husband's grandmother had three guest bedrooms. They were blue, green, and pink!! I would love to go to that estate sale. Are you going to check it out? Happy Mother's day!

  2. I posted a nice long comment through Facebook and it disappeared somewhere into the nether regions! I have no idea what I said! I think I'm getting old. Ha! But I do know I very much enjoyed the tour through the pictures that you posted today. I'm trying to get rid of a lot of things right now. We don't want our children to have to go through everything once we're gone. Thank you for taking me for a walk down memory lane. Several of these homes look like the houses that I grew up in.
    Blessings, Betsy

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed looking through the pictures of the old home! We don't have tag sales in my community, so seeing all those belongings displayed for everyone to see is amazing. I'd love to know the story of the family that lived there.

    I've been trying to stay in Contentment City, too. With retirement looming near, I'm dreaming of changes--a different home, maybe in a new location. However, hub is not on the same page. Living in CC is not always easy, but I'm trying. It helps me to know I'm not the only one there.

    Happy Mother's Day, Debra! I always love reading your posts!


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.