Monday, April 10, 2017

Where's Ol' Debra Been?

"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you."   ... Isaiah 26:3


Anyway. I so needed a Daily Thoughts Make-Over. Really, all the political negativity and bad behavior of regular folks, especially, began to form daily grey clouds inside my head.

I didn't like that.

So I did as Joyce Meyer says, "If you don't want to think about something, choose to think about something else." Imagine!

And well, here are a few of my "something else's":

Listening more often to good teaching, meditating on the right stuff, spending more quiet time with God.
Watching old tv shows like Perry Mason and Leave It To Beaver.
Reading vintage kids' mystery novels (and other books having nothing to do with people behaving badly).
More faithfully taking walks.
Studying ways to make a clothes and body make-over for this she-ain't-what-she-used-to-be body of mine.
Leaving 'The News' alone, just skimming headlines (then praying), instead. Then moving on.
Contributing to discussions not related to politics.

It was a process and required time and focus, but wow. Talk about a sunnier, more cheerful head space! Now I can view political shenanigans more dispassionately, without personally latching onto the divisiveness of it all. And now I'm, once again, in charge of where my brain will go and where it will not.

We don't have to follow those bunny trails, you know.

It's like getting ones power back. No longer do I feel dragged along to where I do not want to go. Whew. Freedom.

I hope that makes sense and also, may it remind us all not to let anything steal the joy which Jesus died to give us. Nothing is greater, more powerful, than His sacrifice for us.


So Tom's in San Francisco! 

He's there for a business trip till Friday and for awhile, we wondered if he'd make it at all, for Delta's flights where incredibly backed-up due to recent storms. It was so bad, that, while Tom waited at the airport on Friday, they brought out the comfort dog to soothe the murmuring, restless natives. Seriously.


But hours and hours later, Tom took the taxi back home from our airport, saying he'd try again on Sunday.

A test! But at least this enabled us to spend another wonderful Saturday together. We do love our Saturdays.


Oh! Whenever my kitchen radio plays this song, suddenly it's the 1960's and I'm ten again, listening to my parents' tv and radio console in our living room with the green shag carpet.  :)

Funny how this song kinda goes along with today's post, especially with lines like these---

How was I caught in this game?
Gotta get off this merry-go-round,
Need to get on to where I'm bound.



  1. Amen, Amen and Amen. I also refuse to get caught up in it all. I went 2 weeks without watching any news and even now just do as you are and skim the headlines. We need to get along in this world and must learn forgiveness and love for one another.
    I really enjoyed the song too. It made me go back in time too. Thanks for visiting've been missed. I had made up my mind to send you an email if there was nothing this morning. Whew! You just made it! Ha!

  2. Yes, we must take action to hold onto our Joy! It's not always easy, but it's the only way to spiritual sanity. Thanks for the, love, love Dionne Warwick!


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