Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Where You'll Find Me

When you live in snow country, oh my, your heart spills over with gladness when Springtime arrives. There's no 'oh-hum it's Spring again'. Rather, it's like a weeks' long celebratory party that you survived another Winter gone.

And wow, the anticipation of many snow-free weeks ahead!

What a delight to putter amongst the forget-me-nots, clean out flower beds and spread blood meal to keep the squirrels from ruining these efforts. Yet because I'm so out-of-shape, there's tons of sit-down-gardening going on and a nearly-constant repeating of the mantras which nudge me when the soft red couch tempts me, instead--

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" ...and...

"Inch by inch, anything's a cinch."

These become my Springtime song and slowly, my yard--rather than looking like a brown dead-leaf graveyard--begins to resemble something invitingly sweet. How glorious to aid this little suburb plot in returning to life another Spring. 

And may I not resent the hassle of Winter past, but rather, forgive and let it go. And now allow a greater appreciation to seep through my Springtime-ready veins and heart. 

(Really, the older I become, the more I realize how heavy the Past can get when I carry it upon my shoulders. And I go nowhere of value with the extra load.)


And in honor of Springtime, here's something fun. (I always intend to do a ton of these types of ideas each year, but usually consider myself blessed if I do two) --

15 Vegetables You Didn't Know You Could Eat and Grow Again


But while waiting for these incredible yard days, I watched a few shows you may like.

For those who enjoy my quirky Netflix documentary recommendations--

Harry and Snowman. Oh my goodness. I watched it twice on Saturday, once alone and then with Tom, and both times with a great big sentimental lump in my throat. Loved, loved this.  (Be sure to click on 'trailer' after clicking on that link.)

Another one? The Great Alone. Fascinating stuff, especially if you, like me, never tire of watching shows regarding Alaska and/or the Iditarod. Tom and I super-enjoyed this one, also.

Don't have Netflix? You can watch a ton of free Cesar 911 episodes here. What a joy for even this kinda-not-a-dog-person to watch someone doing exactly what God created him to do! I never tire of watching any of Cesar's shows. Oh, all that wisdom and common sense.



  1. I'm so happy you're getting spring time where you are now. Our weather is crazy. Truly I think it's bipolar! One day snow, the next day 60°, the next day snow and hail, the next day 50°! Today is a rainy day and tomorrow is supposed to be 64. That will be the warmest day yet. I'm so excited! We did get to spend one night in our camper last Friday night and plan to go back this Friday night. I'm hoping that spring has truly actually sprung now! Have a lovely day my friend and enjoy puttering in your garden.
    Blessings always, Betsy

  2. I've truly enjoyed the transition from winter to spring. Last year I wasn't able to do much outdoors, so I'm making up for it this year. I used to have big beds of different flowers, but now I'm satisfied with smaller beds and several big pots. So much easier to take care of. If it weren't for those pesky weeds, I'd have kept those big beds. The leaves on our trees are gradually forming their canopy, which is welcome with these warm temperatures. We have a nest-full of baby robins in a big shrub, right outside a bedroom window. Every time I peek, mama robin gives me a dirty look and wriggles atop her babies. I love it all!!!


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.