Monday, March 20, 2017

Meanwhile, Back At The Dentist's ...

"And surely I am with you always (even at the dentist's office), to the very end of the age."   ... Matthew 28:20 (tweaked a little)


Part Two of my special tooth-cleaning was today, so in and out amongst the little snowbanks I walked to the dentist's office in my old faithful long black wool coat this grey morning. 

Toward the end of the cleaning, the young 'dental woman' (as I call her to keep things simple) said, "Don't you have a couple fillings scheduled today, too?"

I told her, "Not that I remember--and it seems like I would recall that."

Turns out, they had planned to fill those teeth as well. 

Oh, the temptation to go all six-years-old and start whining, "I don't wanna have my teeth filled today! Not gonna, not gonna." I mean, a person must brace herself weeks ahead for fillings, right? Too, the waiting room time had been long, the cleaning was painful at points (unlike last time) and I just wanted to go home where all good introverts should be.

But then she had me at, "If you get the fillings done today, you won't have to come back for six months."

Well, ok then.

Fortunately, I love my dentist and his staff. As I told you before, it's a little like going to the circus. A little. And I do carry around my Happy Place with me inside my head and Jesus inside my heart, thank-goodness. 

And oh, the possibility of no dental work for six whole months! Practically the only places I got out to this winter were a variety of dentist's offices for tooth-pullings. Yes, that's about it.

Buddy, I've paid my dues.

And now, oh my. Springtime's officially here and I'll get to go other places, instead.  Wow, the possibilities!   

It's Springtime! Doesn't even matter that there's still snow on the ground. What matters is that Winter is weaker and soon we'll be warm and able to putter and be creative in our yards. And we'll have a whole, lovely string of beautiful months and weeks and picnics and estate sales and --- to anticipate. And imagine and dream about. 

Now, there's something else to celebrate!

"Neither will they say, 'Here it is' or 'There it is' for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you."   ... Luke 17:21


Now, I loved I Love Lucy (who didn't?). In fact, I own two dvd seasons so to satisfy my occasional I Love Lucy cravings.

But The Lucy Show? Hmm. Didn't like that one so much. Seemed a bit hit and miss to me.

Yet Here's Lucy, oh, I find that one hilarious, the episodes with Lucie and Desi Jr., that is. (I just do, ok? It's a mom thing, maybe.) Check it out if you need cheering-up or a better sense of humor if you have teenagers.

Anyway, did you know that you can watch Here's Lucy online for free? Just go here

In fact, the episode that will pop up first is probably my favorite. Oh my, with all my heart I wished I could go to Jack Benny's house for a Palm Spring's vacation. I wished that life really was like that here. 

Maybe in Heaven someday? Yes. Something even better than that, of course--and how cool will that be?


Thanks so much for your birthday wishes! Both here and at Facebook--each wish meant so much to me. I had a marvelous day soaking in all the sunshine pouring through our windows the day after our 16-inch-snowstorm. 

I felt especially blessed and loved all day long. It was awesome. And Tom brought home dinner for us, too. Yay!



  1. How good to have the cleaning and fillings done at once and thanks for the tip about how to watch the Lucy show. I just love that gal.

  2. I'm glad you have everything done and don't have to go back to the dentist for six months. I, too, love our dentist and his staff. Never in one iota of pain no matter what they do. I've even had a root canal and several crowns with no pain. In fact, Dennis just had to go tonight to get a crown replaced. He was in and out of there in about half an hour. Of course they had done all the prep work when they made the mold for the crown last week. The bonus is, they're only about 2 miles from our house. Have a lovely day and I hope your snow is gone soon. Blessings, Betsy

  3. I'm so happy that you don't have to go back to the dentist for 6 months and I can totally identify with what you were saying about just having to know ahead if any serious work was gonna be done. [I so love the way you word things, it's such fun to read your blog and with your sense of humor, I can tell that in "real life", we could be great friends!]

    Have a wonderful day!

    P.S. Just found this quote this morning and loved it so thought I'd share it ...

    "Brighten the world for one individual and you brighten the world!"

  4. Happy Belated Birthday Debra ! I have been off the internet due to dropping and breaking my tablet. 6 months without a dental appointment is good! Mine are every 3 months. If cleaning is painful just ask for numbing gel, that's what I do.


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