Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Yesterday Around Here

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  ... Jeremiah 29:11


Last night I climbed our stairs to the rooms above and felt, as I have for a year, that two cats sat up there waiting, blinking in the dark.

But I shook myself from that, for now, no cats live exclusively upstairs. We (as I told you) lost Naomi's Ginger on Sunday and then, yesterday, Naomi packed up her sweet little Farrah for the trip to Justin's home where they'll now all live together.

Alas. Now we're back to just Sammy and Daniel cat-wise.

We knew this was coming and all is well, though, yes, we're aware of what the Bible says about co-habitation outside of marriage (so please, no nagging emails, ok? We know, we know.). But Naomi's an adult and this is what she wants.

Oh, these mother's hearts of ours, right? While Naomi packed with that happy sense of anticipation, my kitchen radio played all the Sad Good-bye songs (thanks, guys) and tears pricked my eyes. Then I'd remind myself of the cupboards, drawers and shelves I'd be getting back--and that helped. 

I do like me some good storage solutions.  :)  

Naomi originally meant only to stay here eight weeks, but they turned into 14 peaceful, happy-to-have-her-back-from-Georgia months, instead. We made adjustments and our little Hobbit Cottage fitted us all just fine and oh, all those mornings of "G'morning, Naomi," and the cookie surprises from her workplace, the way she'd ask if we needed anything from the store and those wonderful weekend cups of coffee she made us!

And the enjoying of the sweet woman our little girl has become. Some things, like this, words can't adequately express, but I'm thinking many of you understand what I cannot say.

Another season, ended. 

And you know? I believe it's wisdom to respect and fully accept each new season, to learn its necessary lessons which ready us for roads ahead. And then, when it's ended, to move on to the new one with great anticipation of what God will do next. 

He is, after all, full of awesome surprises.

                     "My son, do not forget my teaching,
                 but let your heart keep my commandments,
                 for length of days and years of life
                and peace they will add to you.
                    Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you;
               bind them around your neck;
              write them on the tablet of your heart.
               So you will find favor and good success
              in the sight of God and man."

                                                            ---- From Proverbs 3


Here's a lovely place for a new year --- Stories of Kindness.

And here's another retro thermometer, this one from Niagara Falls, Canada. Another fun Ebay find now hanging in my kitchen--- 

Oh, and technically, Naomi did say she wants to come visit us once a week to still make coffee for us. She's so thoughtful that way.


Free Kindle Books---

A Life of Balance

Pink Flamingoed



  1. It's hard to watch our little birds move out. Our daughter moved back home a few years ago and stayed until this past summer. My hubby and I truly enjoyed those years. It was wonderful getting to know her as an adult. I still find myself missing her, but knowing she's happy with this new phase of her life, and she still calls home all the time. Although your home might feel a bit empty, what with the kitties and Naomi gone, that reclaimed storage and space will be fabulous!! So glad Naomi will be close enough to visit you and Tom.

  2. I do know how you feel and I'm missing my grown children too. And you're correct, we raise our children and then they do what they want...and we still love them. Our youngest lives with his girlfriend in Tokyo and although he knows how we feel, we do still love him fiercely. We also really, really like his girlfriend.
    Congrats on more storage! That's always a nice surprise. :-). Have a lovely day my friend.

  3.'s wonderful that you got to spend some time with your daughter as an adult. I miss my grown up kiddos and love it when they come to visit. We had our recently married daughter home for Christmas and our oldest son and his wife here for New Years. I always cry when they leave.

    Hugs for your, Debra.

  4. How sweet Naomi offers to come over and make coffee for you once a week.


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