Sunday, January 01, 2017

Still Anticipating Great Things for 2017. Yes, Even So.

" ... even so we also should walk in newness of life."  ... Romans 6:4


A new year!

I chide myself about feeling more hopeful for our Country on this January 1st than the last. "God was the same back then as He is today," I tell myself. And I grow.

Our sunshine today is blinding and I'm so grateful because, on this first day of a new year, we've already experienced a tragedy at Hobbit Cottage. 


Minutes ago, Tom and Naomi returned from the animal hospital where One Mean Kitty Ginger had to be put down. She was nearly 16 and she suddenly began to decline. No one else except Naomi, all these years, could touch her, well, these past months Ginger let me stroke her back once, occasionally twice if I'd feed her. We came to certain terms, I think. Finally.

Ginger and her sister, Farrah, were Naomi's first cats of sole responsibility. Tom's and my earliest cats? Oh dear, none fared nearly as well. Farrah's still here, the golden girl, sweet-natured enough for three cats and I'm proud of Naomi for taking such wonderful care of both her girls. Oh, their adventures!

An era ends for us and 2017 begins on a sad note, but you know? It's a note, not an entire song for all the year. We'll attach no childish bad omen nonsense to it. No, real life doesn't respect certain dates and instead, we'll remind ourselves of the long Ginger Years and the thousands of days she made Naomi smile. 

But of course, prayers for Naomi would be greatly appreciated while her heart heals.

And now on this quiet Sunday morning of change, I'll sit here and wish each of you all peace, joy and anticipation as you splash around within the new days ahead. With God.

Blessed be God ... the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort--"   ...  2 Corinthians 1:3


A drum student of Naomi's gave her this beautiful mug and when she saw how enamored I was by it, she presented it to me. Sweet girl, my daughter.


                                  New year, new morning sunlight.

Oh, and in case you missed it from my last post, here's a song that'll fix you right up if you're struggling.   (For best results, turn it way up. ) :)

Still need one more?  Here you go.



  1. I'm sorry to read about losing kitty Ginger. But of course you're right, one sour note doesn't ruin an entire song. I will be praying for Naomi's heart and her grieving over losing her companion. 16 years is a long time. Dennis and I were watching old family videos today. (He's transferring all of our old videos from VHS to DVD). I saw our kitty George that we lost almost 8 years ago. How I still miss him. He was more dog than cat. He played tag with our kids when they were small and even came when he was called. Very uncatlike! Watching those videos makes me want another cat, but I'm afraid that no other cat could be as affectionate and loving as he was and it spoiled us all very much.

    I hope your new year is a wonderful one, full of God's blessings and guidance throughout the year ahead.

  2. Losing a pet of 16 years has to be rough. We lost our sweet kitty last year, and still miss him very much. I'll pray for Naomi.

    BTW, loved the song--need my dry bones to "Come Alive!" Hope that song stays in my mind and heart as we start 2017.

    Best wishes to you, Tom, and Naomi for a wonderful New Year!

  3. So sorry about Naomi's cat. Prayers for comfort and peace.

  4. Praying for Naomi and for you as well. Having to put an animal down is so, so hard but I can tell you that I fully admire anyone who will do it when it's what's best for the animal [rather than letting them suffer.] (Hugs)

  5. We really appreciate your condolences regarding Ginger! A special thanks to each of you who took the time to let us know you care. Seriously. May God bless you much for your thoughtfulness! ... Debra


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