Wednesday, December 28, 2016

My, My, My.

"And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."   ...   Philippians 4:7


Good gracious. You take a few days off from blogging and the whole world changes!

But fortunately, God hasn't changed at all. Whew.

Anyway, Tom returned to work this morning after what felt like Too Much Vacation. We'd both meandered past Reasonable Rest Acres over to Pathetic Laziness Valley. You know, the place you mire down, then spend days pulling your way out to Blessed Normal (where your kitchen radio stops the Christmas tunes and returns to oldies--hooray!).

Tsk. Tsk. You should see our zombie eyes after days and days of tv, popcorn, chocolate, turkey, stuffing and rolls.

Christmas Day here? Wonderful. A morning spent with Naomi, then for awhile, her polite and sweet boyfriend, Justin. Then they drove away to visit the homes of Justin's relatives and Tom and I remained, happy, even holding hands sometimes since I've moved the couch so much closer to the ol' recliner from which Tom seldom budged. 

And can you believe all the actors and singers who've died lately?

I think it's this hour-by-hour reporting within our Internet Life that makes us feel like, "Good grief! Who's next? Everybody's dying lately."

But no. Always, Life's held this ebb and flow. But only (relatively) recently have our fingertips taken us all around a previously enormous, hidden world, one which tells us what we'd rather not know, one which hurts us the moments it, too, hurts.

Living and dying cannot be pulled apart, separated. To everything there is a season, no season is meant to be permanent: Life, death, grieving, healing. And after each season, there's a moving forward in a godly peace which makes no sense, except to those who've learned to receive it.

And I hope you've become one of those receivers, for only they can then, in turn, become givers of help in this crazy Last Days world in which we presently find ourselves.

"But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty."   ... 2 Timothy 3:1

 "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written:
“For your sake we face death all day long;
    we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”[j]
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."  ...   Romans 8:35-37


And to what was I referring in my second sentence? 



And this.

As I've stated before, mine is not a news blog, but this story's so world-changing-huge. My conscience won't let me not share it.

Let's just say this subject has renewed my focus toward prepping for anything, in all waysphysically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.  And actually? Focusing feels fantastic, far better than being a little here, a little there, a little nowhere.  :)


Over our long weekend we watched--and enjoyed--two Tom Hanks movies--- Sully and Captain Phillips. Wow, what a gifted actor. 

Both movies were suspenseful, harrowing and terrific. Our favorite kind.



  1. Great post today Debra. I feel the same as you do about those news stories. To my limited recollection the U.S. has never before turned it's back completely on Israel as it did yesterday. And those of us who are Christians know that they are God's chosen people. Always. I fear what may be about to happen for the world, but, I also know my ultimate destination and I am not afraid of that.

  2. Add me to the list of those who feel the same as you do about the news stories. Just when you think this administration can't push things farther and then ... they do.

    Just wanted to say "hi" and to let you know how much I enjoy your blog and also to wish you and yours a safe, happy & healthy New Year! (Hugs)

  3. Thank-you Betsy and Deb! I'm glad you, also, saw the vital importance of what has taken place regarding our country and Israel. Tom and I agreed that, unfortunately, Obama has been like a foreclosed-upon homeowner who then leaves his house in shambles in retaliation for the next family. Oh, how we must keep praying, right?

    Thanks for pausing to comment here! Blessings, Debra


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