Friday, December 09, 2016

It's a This and That Kind of Friday

Gee, someone create a Slow Down Time Device already, ok? Wasn't it just Monday?

Anyway, can you believe it's sunny and snowing outside my windows?

                                        (In Real Life, it's brighter.)

Happens occasionally and of course, makes me wish snow always brought sunny skies rather than sad grey ones. If only! Oh well, I'll just appreciate sunny snowy days within their scarcity.


What did I do this week? Besides replacing our cheapo white switch plates with light-catching brass ones (via Ebay), I created my own Daisy Cottage House Tour. Finally! I'd never found one at Kim's blog, so I created a 'tour' by Googling "daisy cottage images" then spending an hour copying and pasting only Kim's photos from hundreds of other folks' pic's.

After placing all the photos in an email, poof! Suddenly there's no need to search through Kim's blog for her best photos illustrating her incredible attention to detail.

If you'd like that email, please ask me at and I'll happily send it to you. 

Oh! Update:  I found a perfect Daisy Cottage page at Pinterest. I'd looked before, but hadn't placed the word 'dear' in front. So here you go!

Hooray! Here's another.

And okay, okay. Just one more.


Oh, and this book arrived!

See, during our first winter in Buffalo, I'd sit at a little lamp-lit table in our kitchen on dark nights when Tom worked, rain slapping the old, wind-rattling windows, reading Great Lakes shipwreck books from the library. I'd place my stocking-feet upon the low, warm radiant heater and let the books take me away to stormy seas with long ago ships heaving up and down and passengers, sailors, in a panic.

We'd recently moved near two of those Great Lakes, so I felt closer to those long ago tragedies. And all these 23 years later, in my mind, I return to that warm kitchen with the table, lamp-glow and shipwrecks within the pages of library books--and feel gratitude for my own adventures hence, ones within my various dear homes and those across country. Safe, all.

We make our own adventures, each of us. You know that, right?


"The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore."   ... Psalm 121:8

"For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways."   ... Psalm 91:11


Aren't these ladies cute?

Made me wonder if many 1960's teens now dress this way.  :) Myself, I'm still waiting for that type of Dress Anyway You Wish confidence. Someday it'll come. Probably. Maybe.


Ever since the Gilmore Girls revival films, I've had this beautiful song swirling around my head. When I listen, I like to think how we reflect The Light when we come away from times spent with Jesus.

(If you do listen, close your eyes and the waltz-y beauty will relax any stray stressed-out muscles you may own.)

Did you watch This Is Us and The Middle this week? Oh my--the surprise endings! And Chicago Fire--special, special show. As always.


            (Though I'd prefer if it said 'imaginers' rather than thinkers.)   :)


Oh, and if you have extra time, here are some lovely lines from an obituary from my old home town in CA:

From the moment Dewayne Phelps spotted Peggy Horton during sixth grade, he knew that she was the one for him and recognized how remarkable she was. In 1960, she married Dewayne and, for 47 years, they shared life while taking pride in their two sons. During those years, Dewayne was her constant source of love, support and strength. On Sunday, Nov. 27, 2016, while surrounded by her loved ones, Peggy peacefully passed away into the loving arms of her Savior, and reunited with her beloved Dewayne, who passed in 2007.
Education was important to Peggy. She earned an Associate of Arts Degree from Fullerton Community College, and then a BA from CSU Long Beach. For the next 50 years she would use elements of that education to serve thousands of people ---------
Perhaps the value that marked her work, and her life, was the preservation of dignity. As a teacher she taught there is dignity in being a homemaker or in pursuing a career; as an employer she emphasized the dignity in doing a job well, whether it was working as a line cook, waiting tables or catering an event; and as a social worker she found great value in sustaining the dignity of older adults, especially those suffering from dementia and other age-related health issues. Finally, through her service at Woodland Christian Church (where she was a member), Peggy spearheaded a dignified solution in housing the homeless, who had a special place in her heart.


Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Tom and I have big plans to make it a super lazy couple of days, indeed.  Heh.



  1. I'm going to send you an email because I would love to see those photos! That obituary actually made me cry. What a beautiful tribute to what had to be a very, very special and giving lady. I hope a few people see me in that light when my time comes. I haven't accomplished any great things, like housing for people, etc., but I do try to do what I can.
    I'm sitting her listening to Andy Williams sing "Let it Snow" while the snow flies outside. I'm ready for spring, how about you?
    Blessings my friend,

  2. Ohhh, I can't wait to see what you've done with Daisy Cottage!!
    Your neighborhood is so lovely with the sun filtering through snowflakes. Maybe winter will be easier for all of us this year...I hope. Hope you and Tom have a great weekend.

  3. Oh Betsy! You made me laugh when you mentioned being ready for Spring.... Thanks! :)

    Pam--yes! I'm believing for an easy winter for all of us this year. :) We've had a couple easy ones here at Hobbit Cottage and they've made me pretty happy, indeed!

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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