Friday, December 16, 2016

Christmas Decor and A Sad Loss

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."... Romans 12:12


Regarding Christmas decorating? I went down to the basement, whipped the white trash bag off our little Christmas tree, brought it upstairs to our table, plugged it in and called it done --

Er hem. But isn't it wonderful that we have freedom to do Christmas-lite if we so choose? (Technically our little Charlie Brown tree isn't all. I do spread around Christmas cards and sometimes, glittery ball ornaments to disguise what a Scrooge I've become regarding Christmas-gone-insane.)

Want to see Christmas decor done beautifully? I'll send you back over to Clarice's house for new photos of her dreamy Copper Christmas. Always, I come away from Clarice's enchanted, eyes full of wonder.

And doesn't our sad, divided world need more wonder, fascination and awe? I'm thinking, yes. Yes, it does. It's become way too serious out there---oh dear! Lighten up, People.  Please.


My vintage thermometer arrived and I'm thinking it looks rather nifty between the plates--

Just right. Right?  :)


I didn't tell you on Wednesday that I was feeling sad. About what? The death of Alan Thicke

No, seriously. 

I spent many Autumn Cottage hours painting rooms while listening to our worn-thin video tapes of Growing Pains. I'd finish, clean up, then return to the painted room feeling like the Seavers had just vanished, poof! after having squeezed together within those walls to keep me company.

Tom and I had watched Mr. Thicke on This Is Us just days ago, it seemed, but it had been weeks. T'was delightful to see him again. And now, at only 69, he is gone. I prayed for his family, that they'd all come to know the God of all comfort, and later, watched his very recent appearance on Fuller House. He still had impeccable comedic timing and I burst out laughing, but later, wiped away tears--not just because of Alan's family's loss--but ours, as well.

Oh, these lives we lead and all the lives they touch! They sail by so fast and Heaven help us from wasting a single precious day, complaining. About anything.

"The most foolish way to spend a day is by not enjoying each moment."    --- Melody Minagar


"Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, "  ... Ephesians 5:16



  1. Our Christmas decorating is rather sparse this year and no tree at all. I just don't have the energy to put it up. I, too was saddened to hear of Alan Thicke's passsing. Another life gone too soon. Although, with the state the world is in and all of the anger and hatred out there, I sometimes wish for Heaven now. Come Lord Jesus, Come, is my new mantra.

    I think your thermometer looks wonderful right where you've put it.

    Blessings always my friend,

  2. What? Alan Thicke has passed? At only 69? Goodness where have I been not to have heard this news? I tell ya, I learn most of the news in blogs. Thank you for mentioning it.

    I like your cheery yellow paper very much and each person does what she feels up to for Christmas. My daughter never decorates for Christmas. I wish that she would, but she seems perfectly content as things are.

  3. I think my lack of decorating comes with age. As well as not having a lot of family around to make it worth the effort. My daughter however, who is now recently working full time with her husband in their new family business, has done a beautiful job of decorating their tiny house. They share their house full time with her three daughters, two dogs, numerous cats and mostly outdoor chickens, as well as two ducks. Oh and his three children part time. Yet I never hear any complaint of the overcrowded conditions!
    Her decorating is not fancy, and she certainly didn't have money to invest. Yet it is simple and beautiful. She set up her nativity figures in two old fruit crates and added little lights. So neat looking! Wish I could share the picture!

  4. You're so sweet, Debra. :)

    I so enjoy coming here and reading about your quiet little corner of the world.

    I was shocked to hear that Alan had passed. So tragic.

    Keep the faith!


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