Friday, November 11, 2016

Quick! Before It's Too Late.

"The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied."   ... Proverbs 13:4


Yesterday roaring winds blew our glorious autumn away. Well, much of it, but whew, I have photos of how our Fall was. Of the way it colored my windows like natural stained glass.

You go procrastinating certain things in Life and oh no! It's just too late. It's over. You can't change it back and for years regret tap-taps on your head.

Something reminded me of that this week.

Our two picture windows seem rather like big-screen tv's through which we watch our neighbors neighborhood's shenanigans and comings and goings:

 Well, for two days I could only watch, horrified, as a city-appointed crew whacked off all the branches of 3 huge, in-their-autumn-glory-prime trees, leaving them just ugly, naked-looking stubs:

Grrrrr and &^%$#@.

Man, and here lately I'd felt like I've so little control over things in this life. And then this. 

I should've taken more photos. Two of the trees glowed more intensely-yellow than ever and the other was only beginning to sizzle with color on top.

Oh well. Life goes on, I remind myself, even if I hang back and mope. Why not move on in acceptance instead?

And, actually, at times like these, I recall the immortal words of Ma Ingalls--- "There's no great loss without some gain." And you know? Now our windows shine even save-your-eyes! brighter with all-day light. And I am newly smitten.

Anyway, today I would say take those photos before your opportunity vanishes. And extend that apology. Visit that elderly neighbor or introduce yourself to that young one. Slip that note into your husband's lunch. Make that phone call, mail that cute card you bought months ago, wave to anyone who just might be having a horrible week.

Time is absolutely flying and alongside it, lots of opportunities for kindness which only sail past, once. Then whisk! Are gone forever.

"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. "   ... Ephesians 5:15


A special thanks to all our Veterans!


Feeling nostalgic lately? You can watch free episodes of The Patty Duke Show here.   

Oh, and The Mary Tyler Moore Show here.   :)


Love, love my sunny reading place. (But will Debra ever paint that last chair? Stay tuned.)

Free Kindle Books:



  1. So sorry to hear about your rees but glad that you see a bright spot, get it?, bright spot in the situation! You're right time is fleeting by quickly and there's never enough kindness in the world. I'm believing that even more after this week we've had.
    Blessings, Betsy

  2. Oh my, I would have had a hard time watching those trees being whacked, too, but we all know that pruning produces more life. Let's hope for that!

    Your picture of the heron (I think?) reminded me of a walk I took a few days ago. We have a pond that attracts all sorts of wildlife, and while walking by it, suddenly, I was overshadowed by a large heron flying right above me. It was a hair-standing-up-on-the-back-of-your-neck moment. He was so close that I felt the wind of his wings. Awesome!


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