Tuesday, October 04, 2016

My Redecorating Saga Continues

And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”  Luke 12:15


So today we return to Debra's mean-ol'-Tom-won't-get-her-a-new-house-so-she's-spending-money-on-this-old-thing saga.


Did you notice the new sconces in the above photo? The good news is that, to me, they look just right when not switched on. The bad news is that each shines their light a tad differently. One has a soft white light (nice), the other shows 5 little golden light balls (not so nice).

Of course, these types of problems majorly bug us perfectionists.

So, back I went to Ebay, asking other sellers if the light they're offering is soft or if it's tiny-ball-like and am waiting for an answer. If I do find another just-right light, I'll move the not-right light, perhaps beside the front door.

Oh, and speaking of that... 

The black frames and postcard idea is on hold. As often happens in a small house, when I added something new (the sconces), the whole room got thrown off-kilter, like lop-sided Clutter City. (A major reason I'd like to move. We can, from yard sales, no longer bring home anything larger than a tomato. Well, it feels that way.)

So anyway, 'the twins', couldn't stay beside Tom's table any longer (notice the now-empty space)--

 --so they got moved beside the door--

And you know? The green wall behind them makes them look even more terrific, reminding me that, yes. Change can be good for us all.

Oh, and something else. It only took me 5 years to realize that room for coat hooks does exist in our ridiculously-tiny back porch area--

Tom and I both agreed that they look like they've always been there. Like they belong.

(It's important to have fun when you decorate. Others can tell if you did--or did not.)

Do I still long for a coat closet? Yes, I do. But in the meantime, I'll choose to be content with the three sets of coat hooks I've bought for Hobbit Cottage.

Contentment can be chosen, you know.


Another cool thing about the sconces? In an emergency, end-of-the-world scenario, they'll still light our rooms.  :)


"Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment..."   ... 1 Timothy 6:6

There's a balance in contentment. An acceptance of the way things are--and--an anticipation of new places where God will take you.


Free Kindle Books:

Edith Wharton: The Complete Collection

The Color of Heaven

Anna's Courage


The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles. -William Penn



  1. I really like everything you've done. I especially like the coat hooks. They're really cute and practical too. I bought myself two little ceramic pumpkins this morning for 50% off at Michaels. So I got two little cuties for just $4.00 plus tax. Not too bad. Contentment is a good thing. :-)

  2. Debra, I love those sconces, and I'll bet they'll give a warm, cozy glow. Perfect for those cold, wintry days and nights. Hopefully, you'll be able to order another one so you can have a matching pair. Your home is so inviting!

  3. Thank-you, Ladies, for your kind words about my latest decorating endeavors! I appreciate your taking the time to comment and to also share your own ideas. Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.