Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Moving On

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."   ... Jeremiah 29:11


So ol' Debra's been psychoanalyzing herself lately and uh-oh. Turns out she's not as 'dead to self' as she'd supposed. 

All my recent pouting certainly was a major clue, but as you know, while in the middle of a shake-you-up storm one seldom notices details. 

Anyway. Regarding the new car, Tom and I have agreed to disagree. Once a person tastes peace, she'll do whatever it takes to keep it, so although I feel guilty about owning such a car (and think it, frankly, resembles an angry hornet) I've decided to throw the whole matter into God's lap and leave it there.

And then just do my best, forgive some ugly arguments and accept this all as a new challenge to use the skills and brain God's given me.

Part of me enjoys that. The other part rolls her eyes and says, "I'd thought we'd moved past these financial shenanigans long ago. Shouldn't life at this age look differently?" 

Bottom line: I know God will take care of me if I try to obey Him, trust Him and not hold a grudge. (Boy, have I remembered lately how anger sucks the serotonin right outta your head. Yikes.)

I had to process and work through some issues. Needed to spend extra quiet time thinking, praying, letting go, accepting challenges, tweaking dreams and asking to view obstacles in a new, doable light. 

I grew a lot, I'm thinking. (Gotta appreciate that.)

And all is--mostly--well. The leftover storm is only slightly rippling across the sea. It's certainly nothing to get all worried about.


"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."m  Galations 2:20


Re: The Sconce Saga:

The new sconce arrived and it's the one I wanted! It shines just a soft light rather than 5 little yellow bulbs. So I placed the new sconce above the fireplace and moved the bulby-one here:

And in my quest to give our office a more western theme, I bought two of these hooks (Ebay):

And one of these switch plates (Ebay):

Long ago I noticed I've got a thing for cast iron.  Oh, and these all were purchased BTBB--before the big blow--(just in case my fellow penny pinchers wondered. heh.)  :)



  1. I'm so proud of you. Yes, this is what we're called to do, forgive others. But sometimes it can be very hard especially in circumstances like yours. I think I would feel the same and so I have learned a lesson from you today. You have my prayers that you can continue in this more positive attitude.
    Blessings my friend,

  2. Atta girl!! I have to remember that God is in charge and He knows what my husband decides to do. Since my husband is also a Christian, God has an open line to deal with him one on one. That sure is easier than me trying to argue with him, change him, etc. etc. And God DOES take care of me and my hubby. It is so much easier to leave my husband in God's hands both in good times and bad. Sometimes it takes us a few hours/days - whatever - you are at peace and God is on His throne.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.