Monday, October 24, 2016

Choices. We've All Got Them.

                              (I hope Autumn glows outside your windows, also.)


My oh my. I'm feeling a million percent better than I was two weeks ago. 

Well, my left knee is bugging me, but still, our faithful God healed my heart, so what's a swollen knee? Life feels glowy-beautiful again. And it's Autumn.

Give God time. He does all things well and can be depended upon. He's far more reliable than people (there's little comparison, really), never makes a mistake and is always close so to listen, heal and enfold us.

No, really. He is.


I hung three Cherry Jeffe Huldah paintings in our bathroom and one in my bedroom where it glows and cheers me no end (though I could not get it to glow in a photo.)--

And today I'll hobble to our bathroom and hang up something else from Ebay:

... so we'll have an official (and hidden) place to dry damp dishtowels and washcloths. 

Sheesh, I've had to figure out at least 50 solutions for problems here at Hobbit Cottage, some weeks feeling as though I'm doing algebra(!) You know, like I'm using those same neurons/muscles/whatever up there as we used to in high school a lifetime ago.

Spinning. Some days my head spins in solution-finding(but oh, the sweet satisfaction from solving annoyances). And s-l-o-w-l-y, it's becoming less inconvenient to live here. 

I just wish solution-finding came quicker like it used to when I was young. Oh well.


You won't believe this, but I'm rereading Susan Branch's Martha's Vineyard book for the 4th time. And yes, it's that good and always like receiving an infusion of creativity and gumption. And don't we all need those sometimes?

Highly, highly recommended.

"First Corinthians 15:58 says, “Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.” 

This is a choice we have to make: to not be moved by our circumstances, to not let anything steal our joy. You have a destiny to fulfill, so don’t live worried. Just do your part and trust God to do what you can’t do."

... Joel Osteen

It's Autumn! Glorious, sparkly Autumn. Please don't let all that horrible election news coverage spoil it for you, ok?


Free Kindle Books:

Second Chance Ranch

A Fresh Start

Salt Water Taffie



  1. I brought the Susan Branch book to Wisconsin with me this weekend and left it with my 87 year old aunt to read. She was almost done by the time we left! It will give us even more to talk about. But, it's still there. I've already read it THREE times, but not having it here means I'm re-read "A Fine Romance".
    Do you have her "Autumn" book? It is one of my most favorite!

  2. Susan Branch books are to savor and re-read, I agree. Happy autumn to you.

  3. Hey Judy! Another crazy Susan Branch reader like me. :) I'll be rereading A Fine Romance next. I think I've read that book one and a half times. Looking forward to reading it again and oh! I used to have the autumn book, but can you believe I sold it during one of our moves? What was I thinking, right? Insanity, surely. :) But I do want to reread her Heart of the Home cookbook after I finish Martha's Vineyard. I ordered that one after she spoke so lovingly and in detail about writing her first cookbook.

    Thanks for commenting and I'm so happy your aunt is enjoying the book! Blessings, Debra

  4. Terra--Oh wonderful! Another Susan B. fan. Thanks so much for your autumn wishes and the same to you! Blessings, Debra

  5. I think I"m the only person here who has never read Susan Branch. Glad your knee is doing better too. Have a lovely week my friend. Fall is definitely here.

  6. Now I know what to put on my Christmas list: Susan Branch's books. Several years ago, I set out to buy all her cookbooks and found them, one by one, on e-bay. Her recipes are good and the books are works of art. How can one person have that much talent?

    Debra, I appreciated the Joel Osteen quote. It reminded me of my dear mother. She always used to admonish us not to lose our joy--good advice!

  7. Hi Debra! Glad you are doing better. I read that book a couple weeks ago for the first time. It is so good! Susan is a wonderful writer. I am looking forward to her returning to her blog when she gets back from her trip. Autumn here is beautiful. Have a wonderful day!

  8. Oh Betsy! I think you'd love Susan Branch, especially her Martha's Vineyard book. If you want to start with a very inexpensive book, you could get her Girlfriends one. That's another favorite of mine, but all are good and double as cookbooks. Perhaps your library has them--sadly, mine doesn't (and it's things like that which have soured me on public libraries, preferring to create my own. But at least, I now have an awesome home library).

    Pam--oh! Ask for the Martha Vineyard book. :) I promise you'll love it. And if you like ship crossings and English things, A Fine Romance is terrific. Doi you have the girlfriends book? I love that one, too. So glad you liked the quote!

    Robin--so happy you read Susan's book! Isn't it wonderful? Glad you also follow her blog like I do and yes, Autumn is such a beautiful time.I'm extra glad this year that it's here!

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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